One of my favorite activities is sneaking into the book sale room of our local library to dig through the children's section. I always find something admirable and lovely. I recently found this Finders Keepers book and loved the 2-3 color schemes on each page. Books like this inspire me to keep up with my block prints.
Tonight I served one of my favorite meals to my family: pot roast, mashed potatoes, lima beans and pear halves. I don't know if the lima beans and pear halve combination is southern or just a family tradition, but they are an odd mix non-the-less. My husband always cringes when I served whole kernel corn with spaghetti. I keep an unusually vivid picture in my mind from age five of my mom, dad, and I sitting on ice chests in the new kitchen of our new home eating spaghetti sandwiches and corn. Strange, I know, but this memory still coaxes me to serve corn with spaghetti on a regular basis. What strange food combinations do you and your family enjoy?
Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches!