"Kids love to pick their favorite color or animal. It wasn't the easiest choice for Suzanna, but she finally picked a zebra. It has been her favorite for a while now.
During the summer, we got a chance to visit a zoo at Lake Tobias. We were glad they had zebras and I wanted to take a picture of Suzanna with her favorite animal. I asked her to stand closer and smile for me. She did, but I just didn't see that "happy Suzanna" smile on her face.
On our way back home she said: "I don't think Zebras are my favorite animals anymore. I asked her why? Suzanna replied: "It didn't smell good. And, I didn't really like zebras. I just liked its stripes." Didn't smell good? That's the way to choose an animal! Well, dear, if you start smelling them, I don't think you'll ever pick a favorite one. But that is so totally Suzanna."
Thanks for stopping by.
Another page that I love. Everything connects together and that "accidental" addition of the sun works very nice :)
ОтветитьУдалитьSo, does this mean we are one post away from the 100th?
Thank you! and - Yes, there will be one more regular post before the celebration! :)))
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya that was so nice to include your story on the post so I can actually read it. It is so funny! Love the page and the story. Oh, I think I was there too, maybe I should copy your page and put my family there :-)
ОтветитьУдалитьI m back girls. Did u miss me? U don't have to answer. Of course u r not gonna say no. I've been pretty busy. When u try to spend more time with friends u don't have time left for internet.
ОтветитьУдалитьAnya, I don't like ur pages........ because they look too good compared to mine :)lol Well, i thought to write something different for a change. I m sure it gets boring when everybody keeps saying how they love ur pages.
Oh I forgot to write my name on previous comment.
ОтветитьУдалитьOh yes, it must get very boring, not hehe :)
ОтветитьУдалитьDuska, at least you're trying to change it up for a bit ;)
Ale"nochka is back:-)
ОтветитьУдалитьYa soglasna s tem kto skazal chto page ne poluchilas', the only thing I like on that page- my kids:) Oni kak ukrashenie!
Anya, mne nuzhna kopiya v moy albom,ya tochno tak ne zdelayu- ya ne mogu strochit' bumagu...
a "Maruska" oboydetsa!
ya i sama ne ponyala chto napisala...
oy! Lora,you sooo sweet,thank you:)
I have papers, I have to take picture of my "craft corner" some day to show you....
Comment number 7... it had to be from "Алёночка"... I guess I'll go do my next post now...Have been inspired, should say.
ОтветитьУдалитьAle"nochka, I know you have papers :) but mine are just special, a touch ;) and I was talking with Anya actually about coming to your house and stealing some of your supplies hehe
ОтветитьУдалитьThis is too weird Anya....we posted the comment at the exact same time....
ОтветитьУдалитьThat is weird... I didn't see your comment until today.
ОтветитьУдалитьДевочки магазин Times to Remember has Anniversary sale - 30% off entire purchase. Это бывает очень редко. В четверг последний день.