
Showing posts with label outdoor fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outdoor fun. Show all posts

Saturday, September 20, 2008

911, What's your emergency?

The last couple of days it has been chilly in the morning so I put this sweet outfit on Reese so she would be warm while it was still chilly. I just love the hoodie and the skirt combo on little girls. It is too cute.

After a busy day, Reese and I headed to the park for an afternoon stroll with Amy and Tucker. I let Reese play on the playground for about 30 minutes before they got there and she loved it. When we got home from the park Lance was home with his nephew, Brody. Reese adores Brody. She got the biggest smile on her face when she saw that he was there. After dinner we went outside to play and she just watched him the whole time. She would just laugh at anything he did.

Brody spent the night with us and then went to the Tech game with Lance. Here they are ready for game day with their jersey's on.

While Lance and Brody were at the game, Reese and I went out to my parents house because their neighborhood was having a community wide garage sale. We got some great deals!! I bought Reese a toddler bed (for later) for only $20. It looked brand new! They were asking $30, I offered him $20, and he took it...thanks Dave Ramsey! My mom bought us a beach tent for $5 and a couch (to go in the living room) for $50. I didn't negotiate the couch because all of their money was going to the breast cancer three day walk. At both of the last two places Reese found a toy that she just had to have and both of the people said since we bought something that she could just have it. She is a great negotiator!! Reese's favorite purchase of the day was this fabulous toy. The last time we were at Mitchell's, Reese could not get enough of this toy. She played and played with it. So while we were garage sale shopping we found it for $5 and couldn't pass it up! As soon as I pulled it out of the car at home she wanted to play with it...even before I could get it scrubed down. I cleaned it while she played.

This beautiful weather we are having is ruining our diet and our budget. We knew we could not stay inside tonight so we went to our favorite (or atleast most frequented) mexican restaurant tonight and sat on the patio to enjoy being outside. It was fabulous!!!

I almost forgot to add the most exciting part of the day!! At 7:30 this morning while I was doing the dishes and Lance and Brody were playing Wii, Reese was playing with our home phone. While she was holding it the phone rang so she took it to Lance but he didn't answer it. Lance just assumed the phone malfunctioned because Reese was playing with it. We just replaced our phone because it has been broken forever so no one ever calls our house. I told him he should have answered it because since she had been playing with it, Reese could have accidentally called 911 and they were calling back to make sure everything was ok. After finishing the dishes I headed up stairs to get ready to leave. About ten minutes later there was a knock at the door...the police! I knew she had called 911 and since we didn't answer their call they had to send someone out to make sure everything was ok. We apologized to the officer who was as nice as could be! What a way to start the day!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Since Thursday...

Since Thursday...we have been busy!!

Friday we were able to go to the pool and spend some time with some new friends. All of the mom's are yoga moms but did not take the same prenatal yoga class as I did. They were all about six plus months behind. My friend Amy who had a little boy in March met all of these moms in yoga and now has started hanging out and meeting with them about once a week...and has included me! So nice and I love spending time with other moms. So Friday they all came over to our pool since I think it is one of the only ones still open. Reese and I hung out there for almost three hours...in the shade of course...and visited. Once we got home Reese's nose was running so much and then she took a two hour nap. She ended up having caught a cold from Daddy and was sick all weekend. But she was a trooper with a yucky nose!!

Poor sick baby eyes!!

Saturday afternoon Reese and Daddy cheered on Tech. Then we headed to the pool again for a neighborhood pool party. Reese still had a runny nose but enjoyed running around the pool...literally. We got to visit with our neighborhood friends Emma, Jenny and Doug for a little while too. We don't get to see them much anymore because Jenny is a teacher so she is back in school now! We miss them!

Sunday Lance stayed home with Reese from church so we didn't infect any other kids with her yucky nose. Then I took Reese to the pool again that afternoon to kill some time and wear her out for Lissa. We finally finished our Dave Ramsay class. We really enjoyed it but are glad it is over!! We are now FPU graduates. Woohoo!

Yesterday we were still trying to dry up Reese's cold...and I think we are finally over it. Now if I can just keep it away! I took some medicine this morning. Stay away cold!!

Last night Reese was playing in between the ottoman and the chair and got tripped up. She ended up like this in the diaper basket I keep on the side of the chair. We were cracking up so she thought it was pretty funny and started laughing too. She is such a mess!

Friday, August 8, 2008

It's your lucky day!

Not only is it 08/08/08 today but I am going to share some cute pictures of Reese with you!! Wow! I told you you were lucky!!

Reese and Daddy outside eating their ice pops.

I don't think you can see it here but orange was running all down her belly.

The mosquitos were starting to bite and Reese dropped her ice pop on the ground so we went inside to the bath and started over.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fun Day

I had a fun a day today! I was supposed to meet up with my girlfriend Kristin today but she called yesterday and said she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get us sick...so she cancelled. Well this morning she called, feeling much better, and said her sister and niece were going to be coming to her house and invited us to join them. We went to lunch at Atlanta Bread Company...which was WAY too expensive but yummy. We had some great conversation catching up on each others lives. After lunch we went to the park. It was the typical inner city park built in the middle of asphalt. There were inmates cleaning up around there too...that was weird. We found out that they were not hard criminals but that still did not ease our worries any. I am not sure inmates cleaning a childrens playground is such a great idea. But Kendall and Reese loved playing on the playground so we enjoyed it. After a few minutes of playing we went for a walk on a connecting path to the Silver Comet Trail. This led to more fabulous conversation. It was great spending time with my friends...even though I fried in the sun...good thing Reese had sunscreen on.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sweet Baby

Today Reese and I met my friend Amy at the park. Amy just had a baby last Tuesday the 18th. Little Tucker was pretty much the exact same size as Reese when she was born...only one ounce less. When I saw him today I could not believe that Reese had ever been that size. It is amazing how much they grow and learn in such a short amount of time.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Itch, Itch

I am itching for summer time! Today was another absolutely beautiful day. Instead of the gym, Reese and I ventured to the park again. We got there around one and didn't leave until right before three. Reese fell asleep shortly after I started walking so I kept walking until she woke up. I think I read some where that the park has two miles of trails so I figured I got about six miles of walking in today! I wish we could do that every day. Reese's face is a little pink tonight. I feel bad about letting her get a little too much sun. Tomorrow, after the storm blows through, I am going to go buy her some sunscreen. I had a sun hat on her today but it was so windy that the hat kept blowing off. As we were leaving I ran in to a friend who is about to have a baby. She is due on the 17th...and said she is ready for the baby to come. She looked so cute though! I wish we could have walked together today. Once she has the baby we will meet up to walk through the beautiful park! I can't wait to go back there again.