Monday, June 29, 2009
Hormone Crazy
I have been extra hormonal these last couple of days and it is driving me crazy. I couldn't remember when this started with Reese so I went back in my blog to look. And it was right around this time!! I feel a little better knowing that it might be normal for me to feel this way. Thank goodness for this blog's memory.
Three Days
We have made it three days with out pacies and it looks like no damage has been done...so far.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
One Night Down!!
We made it through the first night paci free. Reese went to bed a little late last night because she was playing outside. So when it was time for bed we read some books and during those books she said, "where paci go?" We told her they were gone now and if she remembered where they were. She said "Baby Cah-er" and I continued to read...trying to take her mind off of it. We made it through the books, said our good nights, and I went to lay her down. She asked for them again and I reminded her that Baby Connor now has them. She cried for a few minutes and then stopped. She would cry out a couple of times and one time she cried "Paaaaci go?" in the saddest little voice. She fell asleep pretty fast and made it through the night!! Whoohoo!! Hopefully it will continue to be this easy!
I remember when Reese was a newborn I was talking to my mom about pacifiers v. thumb sucking. At that point I didn't really care what she chose because I just wanted her to be able to soothe herself to and back to sleep at night. I said I will deal with it when the time comes to get rid of it. First of all. I am glad she chose the paci because I have no idea what I would do to get rid of the thumb. Second of all. I NEVER thought the day would come to actually get rid of the pacifier. It came way too fast!
I remember when Reese was a newborn I was talking to my mom about pacifiers v. thumb sucking. At that point I didn't really care what she chose because I just wanted her to be able to soothe herself to and back to sleep at night. I said I will deal with it when the time comes to get rid of it. First of all. I am glad she chose the paci because I have no idea what I would do to get rid of the thumb. Second of all. I NEVER thought the day would come to actually get rid of the pacifier. It came way too fast!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Trauma or Drama
Only time will tell. Today was the dreaded day. We gave Reese's beloved pacies to Baby Connor. Reese and I have been talking about this day all week. I told her big girls don't need pacies but babies can have them. Then she said, "Baby Cah-er?". "Exactly, Reese, like Baby Connor." It worked out perfectly. We watched Connor today while her mommy went to a funeral. When it was time for her to leave we put all of Reese's pacies in a sandwich bag to give to Connor.
Here is Reese with the bag...this is like a goldmine to her!!

I had Reese hand Connor the bag of pacies...but then she went back in to take them away. I told her they were Connor's pacies now and she cried. It was heartbreaking but I knew this would not be easy for any of us. I actually ended up taking one of the pacies back out of the bag (without Reese seeing) and kept it in case this is just a disaster.

Here is Reese with the bag...this is like a goldmine to her!!
I had Reese hand Connor the bag of pacies...but then she went back in to take them away. I told her they were Connor's pacies now and she cried. It was heartbreaking but I knew this would not be easy for any of us. I actually ended up taking one of the pacies back out of the bag (without Reese seeing) and kept it in case this is just a disaster.
Reese is in bed for her first nap without her paci! When I layed her down she asked for it and I simply said, "Baby Connor has the pacies now." She cried for a few minutes but now is just chatting in bed with her babies as usual. She will occasionally whimper just a little. Hopefully she will get in a good nap today (since she played through her whole nap time yesterday). We will see how tonight goes. It might be a little rough but she will survive...and hopefully we will too!!!
Michael Jackson is dead? At 50? Yikes! That is sad. I wrote a post before Reese was born about Dave FM (are they even still a station?) playing all MJ at night. Michael Jackson had some great music...music that would make anyone get out on the floor and dance (right, Claire?). It is sad to think that his later years of his life overshadowed the fame, success, and talent that he had when he was younger. His music was definitely a part of my childhood. The MJ we knew then has been gone a long time ago. It will be interesting to see what the radio is playing today, who makes the first TV tribute, and see all the CRAZY fans overseas reacting to his death.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The other night Reese was "reading" one of her nursery rhymes books while playing. After a while of her "reading" them I realized she was saying the nursery rhymes from the pictures. She obviously doesn't remember the whole rhyme but did pretty good with "Pat-A-Cake". The quality of the video is terrible...it was getting dark in the playroom and our digital camera is on it's last leg. I also started the video just after she started so the first thing you hear is "baker's man". But you can check it out below...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
First Zoo Visit
Today I took Reese to the zoo for the first time with our friends Meredith and Robert. It was HOT but we had a great time. I think Reese's favorite part was getting out of her stroller and walking around on her own.
Here are the two munchkins checking out the flamingos.

We went in to a Parakeet exhibit where you could buy food on a stick and the birds would eat it out of your hand. I knew Reese wouldn't do that so we didn't buy the stick. Reese was a little timid by all of the birds flying around but I think she liked it. Here she is just taking it all in...and standing back a little from the fence.
Here are the two munchkins checking out the flamingos.
We went in to a Parakeet exhibit where you could buy food on a stick and the birds would eat it out of your hand. I knew Reese wouldn't do that so we didn't buy the stick. Reese was a little timid by all of the birds flying around but I think she liked it. Here she is just taking it all in...and standing back a little from the fence.
Patience...testing 1, 2, 3
Friday Reese really tested my patience...she is definitely testing her boundaries to see what she can get a way with. After her nap we headed out to run some errands. A new Hobby Lobby opened up so I wanted to go check it out. If you have ever been there, you know how small their buggies are. I put Reese in it and thought she would be fine. I was wrong. She did everything she could to be a stinker while in the store. She kept kicking her shoes off so I finally just threw them in the buggy. Then she decided it would be a great idea to try to stand up in the buggy...over and over and over. I repeatedly sat her back down and told her she could not do that. She just got more and more mad. After a while she started screaming...louder and louder. While I tried to ignore her I noticed that other people are looking at me. Hey people, I am only try to keep her safe...not abusing her...turn around...don't you have your own kids to tend to? Finally I just left. She screamed all the way to the car and cried most of the way home. I was done so I called Lance and told him that I would be leaving when he got home. I needed some mommy time. I made them dinner, got them set up at the table, and left. I got my own food and ate it in a parking lot...silence. Then I spent over an hour in JoAnn's just looking around...heaven. When I came back home I felt like my head was a little more clear. Lance and Reese were in the backyard laying sod and playing.
I finally found a great deal on a slide for Reese on Craigslist. It just so happened to be a couple of miles from my mom's school so she picked it up for us and brought it out to the house. Reese enjoyed playing on it while Daddy layed the sod.

She also enjoyed playing in the water and mud. Look how full that diaper is from the water.
I finally found a great deal on a slide for Reese on Craigslist. It just so happened to be a couple of miles from my mom's school so she picked it up for us and brought it out to the house. Reese enjoyed playing on it while Daddy layed the sod.
She also enjoyed playing in the water and mud. Look how full that diaper is from the water.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to a couple of wonderful Dad's out there...Reese's and mine!!
We had a fun father's day today. This morning we got up and Lance and Reese colored for a little while, we had one of our favorite breakfast foods...orange rolls, gave Lance his present and went to church. We got him photography classes at The Showcase School of Photography. Ever since we got our SLR he has wanted to take a photography class so we hooked him up! Hopefully he will enjoy the classes and I can benefit from them too. ; )

After church we went to lunch at a restaurant up on the lake. It was super casual...as in people dock their boats and come in to eat in their bathing suits...but we enjoyed it and it was a great place for kids.

We went with a couple of families from our small group. These two girls have to be Reese's two favorite people. Their big sister babysits for Reese while we are at small group and she has definitely taken to them. She follows them around everywhere.

After lunch we headed home for a much needed nap for all of us. It was fabulous to sit in the chair and go to sleep. I am pretty sure we slept for two hours. After Reese woke up we decided to make some sandwiches for dinner and head to the pool. We ate our dinner there, people watched and played in the pool for a little while. Over all I think we had a fun father's day...hopefully Daddy thinks so too!!
We had a fun father's day today. This morning we got up and Lance and Reese colored for a little while, we had one of our favorite breakfast foods...orange rolls, gave Lance his present and went to church. We got him photography classes at The Showcase School of Photography. Ever since we got our SLR he has wanted to take a photography class so we hooked him up! Hopefully he will enjoy the classes and I can benefit from them too. ; )
After church we went to lunch at a restaurant up on the lake. It was super casual...as in people dock their boats and come in to eat in their bathing suits...but we enjoyed it and it was a great place for kids.
We went with a couple of families from our small group. These two girls have to be Reese's two favorite people. Their big sister babysits for Reese while we are at small group and she has definitely taken to them. She follows them around everywhere.
After lunch we headed home for a much needed nap for all of us. It was fabulous to sit in the chair and go to sleep. I am pretty sure we slept for two hours. After Reese woke up we decided to make some sandwiches for dinner and head to the pool. We ate our dinner there, people watched and played in the pool for a little while. Over all I think we had a fun father's day...hopefully Daddy thinks so too!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
I forgot to mention
I am half way there...20 weeks today!
Reese is 23 months today! One month til she is 2!! Crazy!
Reese is 23 months today! One month til she is 2!! Crazy!
Baby Cupcake
Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound to see Baby Cupcake. He is still a HE 100%...he was showing off a little when we were looking. The technician ran all the test and would say "looks good" when she was done with each of them. I think I was more nervous this time around than I was with Reese. I felt like I was holding my breath each time she would do something. Especially if she said "I am going to measure that again"...I kept thinking "Why?? Is something not measuring right?" When she showed us his heart and you could see all four chambers beating I was so relieved!!! As she showed his profile I said immediately that his profile is different from Reese's. His chin is much different!

After she ran all of the tests she looked at me and said, "Do you want to see him in 3-D?" Lance said I didn't even hesitate. I immediately said, "Sure!!" So she switched it over to see him in 3-D. That was so cool. We didn't see Reese like this and I had just been online looking to see how much it cost to have the 3-D done. When you look at his face straight on he resembles Reese. I can't wait to see how much he looks like the picture below once he is free from my belly! He looks like he is waving in this picture.

After she ran all of the tests she looked at me and said, "Do you want to see him in 3-D?" Lance said I didn't even hesitate. I immediately said, "Sure!!" So she switched it over to see him in 3-D. That was so cool. We didn't see Reese like this and I had just been online looking to see how much it cost to have the 3-D done. When you look at his face straight on he resembles Reese. I can't wait to see how much he looks like the picture below once he is free from my belly! He looks like he is waving in this picture.
After seeing these pictures of him I am more excited about meeting this little man! I have been very nervous about having a boy because I don't know anything about them! Having grown up with all girls, boys are foreign to me!
And, honey, after seeing these pictures I think the name that I have chosen is the way to go...so why don't you go ahead and just give in?? Thanks!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Busy Busy Weekend
We have had a busy weekend! Friday after gymnastics we went to visit our old gymnastics buddy, Kay-Kay. Her mommy just had a baby recently so Kay-Kay got moved in to the big girl class for gymnastics. In this class she does not have Mommy there to tell her what to do...she has to listen to the teacher. So she is not in Reese's class for now. We will move Reese in to that class soon. Now she has a neighborhood friend in class with her for the summer. Back to Friday...we went to visit them. We, of course, wanted to see them but we also wanted to meet the new addition!! She was a precious little baby and so good. While the baby napped the girls played outside in the pool and the mommies got to catch up. Reese LOVED it (and so did Mommy)!

...now I am on the hunt for this pool...Reese loved it too much to pass up!
They also played with some toys. This picture cracks me up every time I look at it. First of all they look so grown up. Now look at this pictures, add about 15 years, and a boy in that car!! Haha!

After they played outside for a while it was time for naps so we stripped them down outside so they didn't drip the water from their bathing suits inside. Once inside they immediately took off naked to the playroom. While we were busy bringing some of their stuff inside I went to check on them...especially with Reese being naked...didn't want any accidents. When I peeked around the corner I saw them on the big slide jumping up and down and having the greatest time...naked!! It was hilarious! We both ran to get our cameras. I got a video that is just too funny but don't think it would be right to post it on here...believe me it is funny!! This picture will have to do...and it doesn't even do justice to the amount of fun these two were having.

Saturday we went to a first birthday party. Reese's friend, Robert, actually turned one in April but around his birthday was a crazy time so his mom decided to hold off on his birthday party. It was a super cute and fun party. Reese and Tucker took turns riding in the wagon...they both love the wagon!

We had to leave the birthday party early because my mom's friends from her old school threw a surprise congratulations party for her. Well...it was supposed to be a surprise. We got there a little later than we were supposed to and she pulled in right behind us...and then parked right next to us as we were trying to hide from her. Sorry Mom for spoiling the surprise.

Today we went to a BBQ with some friends who have all had babies recently. Three babies born between January and March. Here is a picture of Reese holding "Baby Cah-er" (Baby Connor). She talks about her a lot and was so very excited to hold her. When I went to take Connor away Reese got very mad!! She was so sweet with her and loved holding her.
...now I am on the hunt for this pool...Reese loved it too much to pass up!
They also played with some toys. This picture cracks me up every time I look at it. First of all they look so grown up. Now look at this pictures, add about 15 years, and a boy in that car!! Haha!
After they played outside for a while it was time for naps so we stripped them down outside so they didn't drip the water from their bathing suits inside. Once inside they immediately took off naked to the playroom. While we were busy bringing some of their stuff inside I went to check on them...especially with Reese being naked...didn't want any accidents. When I peeked around the corner I saw them on the big slide jumping up and down and having the greatest time...naked!! It was hilarious! We both ran to get our cameras. I got a video that is just too funny but don't think it would be right to post it on here...believe me it is funny!! This picture will have to do...and it doesn't even do justice to the amount of fun these two were having.
Saturday we went to a first birthday party. Reese's friend, Robert, actually turned one in April but around his birthday was a crazy time so his mom decided to hold off on his birthday party. It was a super cute and fun party. Reese and Tucker took turns riding in the wagon...they both love the wagon!
We had to leave the birthday party early because my mom's friends from her old school threw a surprise congratulations party for her. Well...it was supposed to be a surprise. We got there a little later than we were supposed to and she pulled in right behind us...and then parked right next to us as we were trying to hide from her. Sorry Mom for spoiling the surprise.
Today we went to a BBQ with some friends who have all had babies recently. Three babies born between January and March. Here is a picture of Reese holding "Baby Cah-er" (Baby Connor). She talks about her a lot and was so very excited to hold her. When I went to take Connor away Reese got very mad!! She was so sweet with her and loved holding her.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Random Pictures and Thoughts
This is what it looks like when we are going to the pool. Seriously?!? Do we need that much stuff? I can't even imagine what it is going to be like with two kids!

Today Reese has been a stinker. She has been doing the exact opposite of everything that I have asked or told her to do. While we were at the pool she was able to get out of the gate (which should lock automatically) and run in to the parking lot before I could get to her. I was yelling at her to stop and she just smiled and kept running. I guess you can imagine that confrontation did not go well once I got to her.
I am pretty sure one of her favorite things to do is take out EVERY toy she has after I have put them all away. Here she is just being silly by standing in this car.

Daddy called on his way home from work so Reese got a turn to talk to him on speaker. (I have to put it on speaker so that I can be the interpreter most of the time.) She loves to talk on the phone though!!

Today Reese has been a stinker. She has been doing the exact opposite of everything that I have asked or told her to do. While we were at the pool she was able to get out of the gate (which should lock automatically) and run in to the parking lot before I could get to her. I was yelling at her to stop and she just smiled and kept running. I guess you can imagine that confrontation did not go well once I got to her.
I am pretty sure one of her favorite things to do is take out EVERY toy she has after I have put them all away. Here she is just being silly by standing in this car.
Daddy called on his way home from work so Reese got a turn to talk to him on speaker. (I have to put it on speaker so that I can be the interpreter most of the time.) She loves to talk on the phone though!!
These last few days since we have been home from Jax have been a challenge but I think we have turned a corner. Since Reese slept with me every night and nap for four days she thought she could sleep with me once we were home. The first night home I put her down around normal bed time and she went to be with out a fight. But about 1.5 hours later she woke up screaming and wanting to sleep in my bed. We didn't really fight it and let her. The next night when I put her down she screamed for a good 45 minutes non stop. So I just put her in my bed knowing we could eventually get this over with. That night she slept in our bed the whole night!! The next night I put her in bed and she went to sleep fine and again woke up a couple of hours later and wanted to get in our bed. I let her sleep there for a little while but then moved her back in to her bed because I didn't want her to wake up in our bed in the morning. She is unlike any other kid I know. Most kids will stay asleep if you are moving them around but not her. She wakes up immediately when being moved. She cried as I took her to bed but fell back to sleep pretty fast. Wednesday night I decided to try to make her crib more like our bed so I gave her a pillow to sleep on and a blanket to cover up with. She fell asleep pretty fast and slept the whole night on her pillow...in her bed! Victory!! Here's hoping for the same tonight!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
We Are Back...
...from probably the most beautiful wedding I have ever been too. I know it was the most beautiful church I have EVER been in!!
From the beginning...Wednesday we (the three of us and Becca [starring as the nanny]) drove down to Ponte Vedra Beach for Lance's cousin Claire's wedding. We got in around 4:00 that afternoon, checked-in to the hotel, got everything settled, and then headed out to dinner with the beautiful couple (as seen below), her dad, and some friends. We ate at a local place on the Intercoastal that if you drove by too fast you would miss it. It had amazing food...especially the crab cakes. While we were eating we looked out on the patio and saw Clark Howard and his wife...random!! We didn't want to be "those people" so we let him enjoy his time. The dinner and company was perfect!!
Claire and Bryan

From the beginning...Wednesday we (the three of us and Becca [starring as the nanny]) drove down to Ponte Vedra Beach for Lance's cousin Claire's wedding. We got in around 4:00 that afternoon, checked-in to the hotel, got everything settled, and then headed out to dinner with the beautiful couple (as seen below), her dad, and some friends. We ate at a local place on the Intercoastal that if you drove by too fast you would miss it. It had amazing food...especially the crab cakes. While we were eating we looked out on the patio and saw Clark Howard and his wife...random!! We didn't want to be "those people" so we let him enjoy his time. The dinner and company was perfect!!
Claire and Bryan
Thursday was our only slow day so we decided to make the most of it out at the beach. Reese loved almost every minute of it. She loved playing in the sand but wasn't too sure about the waves crashing on her feet or her feet sinking in the sand while the waves were crashing on them. I can not wait to take her to the beach again later this summer!
Reese and Daddy playing in the sand.

The end result of playing in the sand...a dirty butt.

After our time at the beach we went back to the hotel to rest. Lance went out and played golf while I tried to get Reese down for a nap. The whole week she slept in my bed...she did not once sleep in the pack n play. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep this week due to the kicks, flops, and elbows to the nose.

Proud Daddy!!

Proud Mommy

And Proud Aunt Becky! This weekend would not have gone anywhere if it hadn't been for Becca. She was the perfect "nanny" for Reese. I am pretty sure we will need to pay her and take her with us everywhere. She kept up with Reese like a pro and Reese loved having her there. Aunt Becky, we owe you!!! You are the best!!!!

The reception was at the Tournament Players Club and was perfect. Everybody was having a ball. The dance floor wasn't empty all night and at one point we looked around and almost everyone was on the dance floor.
Reese and Daddy playing in the sand.
The end result of playing in the sand...a dirty butt.
After our time at the beach we went back to the hotel to rest. Lance went out and played golf while I tried to get Reese down for a nap. The whole week she slept in my bed...she did not once sleep in the pack n play. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep this week due to the kicks, flops, and elbows to the nose.
Reese woke up extra grumpy from her nap because she did not get a nap on Wednesday, did not sleep well Wednesday night, and then took a quick nap. That night we were invited to go to a welcome party. Because Reese was so grumpy we made a last minute decision to leave her at the hotel with Becca. We were able to see some of their family friends that we hadn't seen in a while, meet some of the people in town for the wedding we had not met before, and had a lot of fun. We left the party and went back to the hotel a little early to try to get a better nights sleep (for us and Reese).
Friday morning Lance left bright and early to play golf again while Reese and I got ready for the bridal luncheon...Reese was one of the flower girls. Some of Claire's moms friends put together a beautiful luncheon and the food was so yummy. Half way through lunch Reese started getting bored and wanted to explore. I was keeping a tight leash on her because the house was not baby proof and she could have easily broken a million things!! She was about two seconds away from sitting in time out when Claire gave her a bucket full of gifts. It was perfect timing!! It had everything Reese loves in it...coloring books, Elmo, stickers...everything!!

Friday night was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Reese was one of two flower girls. The other one was five so Reese was in heaven! She would hold her hand and follow any big kid anywhere. The dinner was at Maggiano's and was delicious...(I think that was the theme of my weekend...yummy food!!) Reese and her cousins went back to the hotel with Becca while we went to dinner. We had a great time knowing that Becca was taking care of Reese. Dinner and the company was great! Reese was still awake when we got back that night after 11!!!
Reese and the other flower girl...Reese didn't understand that she needed to move her basket to the other hand to hold hands so this is how they practiced.

Saturday we spent the morning at the pool but then it started storming on us just like it did every other day we were down there. So after lunch we decided to all take a nap. I really wanted Reese to get a great nap in before the wedding...she slept for 2.5 hours!!
Friday morning Lance left bright and early to play golf again while Reese and I got ready for the bridal luncheon...Reese was one of the flower girls. Some of Claire's moms friends put together a beautiful luncheon and the food was so yummy. Half way through lunch Reese started getting bored and wanted to explore. I was keeping a tight leash on her because the house was not baby proof and she could have easily broken a million things!! She was about two seconds away from sitting in time out when Claire gave her a bucket full of gifts. It was perfect timing!! It had everything Reese loves in it...coloring books, Elmo, stickers...everything!!
Friday night was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Reese was one of two flower girls. The other one was five so Reese was in heaven! She would hold her hand and follow any big kid anywhere. The dinner was at Maggiano's and was delicious...(I think that was the theme of my weekend...yummy food!!) Reese and her cousins went back to the hotel with Becca while we went to dinner. We had a great time knowing that Becca was taking care of Reese. Dinner and the company was great! Reese was still awake when we got back that night after 11!!!
Reese and the other flower girl...Reese didn't understand that she needed to move her basket to the other hand to hold hands so this is how they practiced.
Saturday we spent the morning at the pool but then it started storming on us just like it did every other day we were down there. So after lunch we decided to all take a nap. I really wanted Reese to get a great nap in before the wedding...she slept for 2.5 hours!!
We arrived at the church, I dressed Reese and we waited for the ceremony to start. I was so nervous! When I went to take my seat Reese started crying. But the fabulous Aunt Becky quickly straightened her up. Becca was in the back instructing Reese to hold hands and walk to mommy. The two flower girls did it perfect! Reese just walked down the aisle, holding hands and looking at everybody. When she got to me she yelled out, "Mommy Reese hold hands", and everyone around there cracked up. I slid her in to my lap, stuffed her pacy in her mouth to stay quiet, and told her what a great job she did. I did not have my camera to capture it but the other flower girls dad did so I am hoping to get those soon. After Claire came down the aisle and was given away, Becca snuck down to get Reese and take her out. It was a Catholic wedding with a full mass so I knew she would NEVER make it through that. Reese was upset to leave so Becca took her out to the car to watch a movie until the wedding was over. When the wedding was over Reese decided she did not want to take pictures with the bridal party but we were fine with that...she did her job perfectly!!
Our sweet little flower girl so happy to be done.
Our sweet little flower girl so happy to be done.
Proud Daddy!!
Proud Mommy
And Proud Aunt Becky! This weekend would not have gone anywhere if it hadn't been for Becca. She was the perfect "nanny" for Reese. I am pretty sure we will need to pay her and take her with us everywhere. She kept up with Reese like a pro and Reese loved having her there. Aunt Becky, we owe you!!! You are the best!!!!
The reception was at the Tournament Players Club and was perfect. Everybody was having a ball. The dance floor wasn't empty all night and at one point we looked around and almost everyone was on the dance floor.
Sunday morning we just woke up when Reese did...around 9:30!! We took our time getting things together and leaving. We had only been able to visit with Lance's grandmother for a few minutes at the wedding so we stopped by to see her on our way home.

The drive home always seems so long and we all were so ready to get home. Reese was so good this whole weekend and was perfect in the car ride home.

The drive home always seems so long and we all were so ready to get home. Reese was so good this whole weekend and was perfect in the car ride home.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My Little Man
I can officially feel my little man flipping and flopping around in my belly. This is much earlier (17 1/2 weeks) than with Reese (22 weeks) but with her I just might not have known what was going on. It feels like little gas bubbles when he moves around. I definitely think feeling my baby move around is my favorite part of being pregnant...it might be tied with hearing the heartbeat!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Where have we been?
It has been almost a week since I updated last...I am such a slacker!
Wednesday I finally bought Reese a sand and water table off of Craigslist. I found one that was new, in box and was a great price! She loves it! Right now we only have water in it because we have not made it out to buy the sand yet.

Wednesday night we went to dinner with a friend of Lance's from high school. They were in town for a couple of days and we wanted to meet their new little guy who is seven weeks old. I was so mad that I forgot my camera because Reese and their daughter, Savannah who is six months older than Reese, were so sweet together! After dinner we walked around the strip mall we were in to visit some more and let the kids get some energy out. The girls just walked down the sidewalk holding hands and "talking". It was so cute!!
Wednesday I finally bought Reese a sand and water table off of Craigslist. I found one that was new, in box and was a great price! She loves it! Right now we only have water in it because we have not made it out to buy the sand yet.
Wednesday night we went to dinner with a friend of Lance's from high school. They were in town for a couple of days and we wanted to meet their new little guy who is seven weeks old. I was so mad that I forgot my camera because Reese and their daughter, Savannah who is six months older than Reese, were so sweet together! After dinner we walked around the strip mall we were in to visit some more and let the kids get some energy out. The girls just walked down the sidewalk holding hands and "talking". It was so cute!!
Thursday...I don't think we did anything...
Friday we went out to Gwinnett for Leah's graduation from the Fire Academy. We went out right after gymnastics to Becca's apartment. We ate lunch and then went to the pool. Reese thought she was so funny with Becca's bathing suit on. The pool was freezing but we had a great time.

Reese was so good during the graduation. She colored most of the time and was so sweet cheering for everyone.

On Saturday we visited with our friends who had a baby in February. The last time we saw her she was 10 days old. She is almost four months old now and so precious. They have an awesome playset in their backyard oasis that Reese just loved. She would swing all day, everyday if we let her. We are seriously considering getting our own playset for our yard...with out going in to debt!!! The only picture I took the whole day was of their sweet baby. I wish I had taken more because there were so many cute moments.

Sunday morning we went to church and rushed home to get Reese down for a nap. While I was making lunch Reese thought it would be fun to go for a ride in her baby stroller. This face is her new "cheese" face. When ever we pull out the camera she says "cheese".

After Reese's nap we went to one of our babysitters high school graduation party. Reese was so excited to see her favorite girls! It was a pool party and I really didn't want to get in the pool but Reese was so excited to that I finally broke down. The water was cold in the shade but nice in the sun. One of her favorite girls (whom she calls "Bug" or "Buggy") let her borrow her goggles. Reese wanted to wear them but I didn't think she would actually let me put them on her. She did and she wore them for at least an hour!! She was so funny with them and would not let me take them off. Lance was able to snap this picture with his phone. It was the only picture we got of the party...seems like that was the theme of the week...no camera!
Reese was so good during the graduation. She colored most of the time and was so sweet cheering for everyone.
On Saturday we visited with our friends who had a baby in February. The last time we saw her she was 10 days old. She is almost four months old now and so precious. They have an awesome playset in their backyard oasis that Reese just loved. She would swing all day, everyday if we let her. We are seriously considering getting our own playset for our yard...with out going in to debt!!! The only picture I took the whole day was of their sweet baby. I wish I had taken more because there were so many cute moments.
Sunday morning we went to church and rushed home to get Reese down for a nap. While I was making lunch Reese thought it would be fun to go for a ride in her baby stroller. This face is her new "cheese" face. When ever we pull out the camera she says "cheese".
After Reese's nap we went to one of our babysitters high school graduation party. Reese was so excited to see her favorite girls! It was a pool party and I really didn't want to get in the pool but Reese was so excited to that I finally broke down. The water was cold in the shade but nice in the sun. One of her favorite girls (whom she calls "Bug" or "Buggy") let her borrow her goggles. Reese wanted to wear them but I didn't think she would actually let me put them on her. She did and she wore them for at least an hour!! She was so funny with them and would not let me take them off. Lance was able to snap this picture with his phone. It was the only picture we got of the party...seems like that was the theme of the week...no camera!
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