We had a fun-filled, busy weekend. Friday afternoon Reese and I headed out to my parents house. We stopped at Chick-fil-A for lunch which was Reese's first time having lunch there. It was fun to see her experience this. I don't think she ate much because she was so busy looking at everyone else and pointing at the cows that were decorating the walls. That evening Lance and I had a short date-night. We left Reese with her Aunt Becky and Granddaddy. We ate at PF Chang's, walked around the mall to work off our yummy food, and then packed it back on with some Marble Slab. Yum!! Reese had a lot of fun with her Aunt Becky, Granddaddy, and Gigi. Yes, we have decided on a name for my mom. It took us a while to do this. Gigi was thrown around before Reese was born with many other grandmother names but my mom couldn't decide if that is what she wanted to be called. So we tried Nana for a little while but Reese decided to say Gigi this weekend so that is what we are going with now. Personally I liked it from the beginning and thought it fit my mom...but she had to try it on for size I think. We spent the night at their house that evening so we could get up early and head to Juliette's 1st birthday party. She is the daughter of a friend of mine going all the way back to middle school. They live about an hour north of my parents so it made our trip much easier! Saturday evening my grandparents had a party. There had to be over 100 people there to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary and my grandma Peggy's birthday. Reese started getting a little cranky from her full day so we wrapped it up early and headed home. Today was a normal Sunday for the most part...church and Dave. Reese was great for Lissa and I am so, so happy about that!!
Reese listening to her "iPod"

Juliette, the birthday girl, and Reese...doesn't she look thrilled??

Five generations...my dad, me, Reese, Evelyn, and Peggy


Reese wanted to wear her light up shoes today so I pulled some socks out of her drawer to put them on her...luckily we didn't leave the house looking so stylish.

Reese being silly for Lissa with a messy face. She is laughing pretty hard in this picture. She was so funny when I got home tonight. Usually she won't let me put her down once we get home but she was being her silly self tonight. Lissa was sitting on the floor laughing at something and as she laughed she slapped her hand on ground. Reese watched her and then did the exact same thing. So we kept doing different laughs and different things when we laughed and she copied each one. It was hilarious. I will have to see if I can catch her on tape being a copy cat.

This stage has been so much fun. It is great to watch her little personality shine through. She is learning new things daily. She is repeating tons of words and actions. She is going to be a chatterbox in no time!!
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