Well summer came to an end super fast this year! I really can't believe how fast the summer went. I know we were busy most of the summer and it wasn't any shorter than last summer but man it seemed to fly.
When we got home from vacation, the kids checked the mail every day to see if their teacher postcards had come yet. Each year the school allows you to request types of teachers for your kids or if you have had family experience with a teacher you can request her specifically but they don't guarantee any requests. I did not fill out that form because I knew the teachers know my kids best when it comes to the classroom assignments and we cover those decisions by them in prayer.
Reese's postcard came on Tuesday and she was so excited with her teacher. Her teacher used to teach second grade so when Reese was going in to second grade she had hoped for this teacher. Well that year the teacher moved to fifth grade and Reese was bummed. Now was her chance to get this teacher and she was pumped. Fourth grade was a rocky road for us so we have super high hopes for this year and I don't think it is going to disappoint. We decided it was good news/bad news when it came to her class mates. She has some of her sweet girl friends in her class but some of the.most.talkative.boys in her class as well. Reese is a rule follower and doesn't love it when others are not. However, she seems to be handling it really well and even just laughs off the boys silly antics.

Sam's card didn't come until Wednesday. We had heard Reese's third grade teacher was moving down to second grade. I happened to run in to her in the hallway at the end of the school year last year and told her we would love for Sam to have her. His first grade teacher was so sweet and he did so well with her. We felt like both of these teachers were very similar and thought Sam would thrive with her. When his card came we were all so excited to see her name on his card...we may have done a happy dance knowing both kids were with teachers they wanted. Sam's class doesn't have any of his guy friends from last year but a bunch of sweet girl friends he has made the last two years. It also has several of the high school teacher's kids in his class and that is always a good sign to me.
Being silly...
I think this is the first year that we have all been completely happy and excited with teachers/classes. I can't wait to see how this school year goes. They are going to do great!
And of course, not to be out done...Hayes still has a couple of weeks until school starts but we are excited about his last year in preschool. Ok, excited might not be the word because I am so sad about him growing up so fast.
A comparison picture gets me every time! This was Reese's first day of Kindergarten and first day of Fifth Grade!! (and we did not plan the hand on the hip thing!)
Sam's first day of Kindergarten and first day of Second Grade. His sweet little Kindergarten face and those big nervous eyes. He did so well heading to school this year. He was much more confident and brave than he has been the past two years.
Seeing them grow up so fast breaks my heart but I saw this quote this morning: "Enjoy it because it is happening!" and that is what I want to do. I don't want to long for the past because man, oh man, is this age fun too! I just wish I could squish their little baby faces one more time.