Short: Animated boot pictures Author: Alex Carmona Uploader: AmigaOne TheWorld net (Alex Carmona) Type: util/boot Version: 1.1 Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0, 68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0 Description: I was getting tired of staring at a black screen when my A1 is booting, and LoadWB would make the display flash with the light gray color of the screen background before switching to my black wbpattern image. So I decided to use a boot picture and have it close after LoadWB. I tried various methods, yet none worked as expected, the WB screen always got opened in front, but with Visage the result is as good as it gets, short of writing a native version of ShowAmiga96. I chose to use Visage because it can run from the Startup-Sequence before ENV:, datatypes, and monitors are available, it's stable, and most importantly it supports Color Cycling and Fades, opening the door for some interesting effects. Changes: The delay is no longer specified on the command line, the Visage screen is now closed by the script in WBStartup. This allows the boot