The lost of my mother-in-law has shown me with love anyone can survive the toughest challenges face in life. She and her husband had a special bond that I’ve never seen before; they truly loved each other with all they had to give. I most remember the gentle natured woman as the back bone of a very strong family with a great sense of humor. She was all about family and gave so much of herself to all of us.
Each of us was asked to think of a special memory of her and write it down so we would always keeps it in mind and not forget. I thought I would share with you; my friends and family.
When Patricia Walters first moved to a very small town in North Carolina named Ahoskie, she found a group of ladies that painted. She was also a great artist and we connected as I also painted but paled in comparison. We both use to join this group of ladies every Tuesday in the morning. We would meet up downtown for a few hours. All we did was enjoy each other’s company, painted or worked on other craft projects. I believe this to be some of my most favorite times with her as laughed, shared stories and had a wonderful time. I learned so much from her and that group of friends. Eventually I dropped out of the group but those ladies became very close friends and some would say today she was their best friend. She showed that sharing yourself with others can make a lifetime of memories. We consider some of those ladies family now. This is only one of the many I have of our time together however this stood out for some reason today as I reflect on our loss. She will be missed and I loved her very much.