Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My exchange TO Katie

I put alot of efert into making it and my favourite bit on it is the bows and the stitching. I made a needle roll and put the lace on the ends myself with my own idea. I did it all on the sewing machine and it was good fun stuffing it like a hotdog then I rolled it like plasterscene. I surprised my Mum with what I did.

This is the back........

Did you guess it is a Mary Kirby?? I had 2 of France so I kept the one from Carols present and used my other for Katie. Thats why I chose this one from my stash to do. I want to do mine now to go with the pinkeep.

I sent Katie some presents to they are on her blog she liked this exchange as much as me so we are both happy :)

I have something else to show you which will be on my blog soon. Please leave a comment if you like our first exchange.

Look down from this and you will see Katies to ME :))

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Look At this !!!!!!!!!

This is the first of three posting today as we have time to get all my news on so we are doing it all at once now :))

This is the best one I love It DO YOU, It is special to me! I really am glad it turned out verry verry good! :-)
I finished my first Mary Kirby called 'Home' (number 1) I wanted a pinkeep like my mum Lena-lou. She helped me to do it by showing me but I did do it all and I used glue when it had dried my mum did stitch all round the edge for me as it was too hard for me. Otherwise I did it all myself and I picked all the colours to go together. This is on 16 count aida which I do think looks nicer than binca but it is easier for me than evenweave/linen that I did the SB sheep on. I am going to make that into a fob real soon!

This below is showing you the pins I choose and a close up of my ribbon

Here you can see what I chose for the back if you like it as much as me please leave me a comment because I worked very hard to do this and I am so PROUD of myself :))

Thank-you for looking and commenting have a nice week and please look at my other 2 posts below and leave me a comment if you would like because I love them ;-)

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Quick and Easy

Above you can see some pincushions I made the other weekend at my Grans, the one with the cross is my own design the other was from a book but I did my own colours. These were hand stitched together and I enjoyed putting the stuffing in. The one with the cross is for KarenV and the heart one is for Carol because they are very kind to me.

This one above now is what I did for my Mum , it was a surprise and I wanted it to be special for her. I am really chuffed with it I hope that you like it!!! ;-) She put more on her blog about it the other week.

This last one is my favourite, It is cute so I am keeping this one for my self. :)

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

First Machine Sewing in February

The pitcure at the top is the first thing I did on the sewing-machine it is a freindship belt. I made 3 one for me and 2 for my friends . I cut these out and did everything myself but my Gran helped me a bit. I have told you about this but see a close up.

The close up is showing you what charms I put on it as you can see there is a brown gingerbread man and a silver strawberry. What you can see next is what I did for my Mum, it is a tapemeasure cover that she had on her blog in February and she loves it.

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Friday, November 17, 2006

A small finish

Hello everyone,
I am just learning how to cross-stitch at the moment and I wanted a blog of my own !!

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I love my sheep it is a 'Shepherd's Bush' one and my first stitching on evenweave linen...I did this about a year ago and will make it into a fob or small pillow type pincushion.

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Please leave me a comment if you like it :))))

I am now stitching 'Mary Kirby Home' by Bright Needle but I am doing this on 14ct aida as I am trying to do it all by myself and it is easier. Here is the picture of what I was telling you about my Mary Kirby and Hoover. Each Mary Kirby comes with a real silver charm and a passport and a little chapter story.I hope I get this done soon and made into something with a bit of help for my new Blog called My Stitching.

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