The Clueless Programmers' JFS Translator ---------------------------------------- This is the initial release of a JFS translator for the GNU Hurd. As of now, the translator is only capable of reading from jfs stores, you can't do any writing. Huge number of bugs surely exist. Both of us aren't great programmers yet, and what we've done with the code is naturally sloppy - even though much of it is copied from other existing Hurd translators and jfsutils package - xpeek, mostly. This translator has been our academic project. Naturally, poor newbie code sense shows through all the way. Besides, we were trying just to make it work somehow. Thanks to our senior and local GNU hippy Anoop M S for suggesting JFS instead of ReiserFS, which could have lead us to disaster. Thanks to Emacs for everything :) Thanks to Marcus and Neal and many people at #hurd for answering those silly questions. The Hurd is GNU project's microkernel-based multiserver environment. More info on the Hurd can be found at its homepage: and at other sources in the web. (Since you're reading this, I must be dumb to give this link...) JFS (Jornaled File System - confusing name, since other jouraled filesystems such as ReiserFS and XFS do exist) is a journaled filesystem developed by IBM, which have made into to 2.4.x series of the Linux kernel. JFS has already been in use in some other IBM operating systems - OS/2 and AIX. As a journaled filesystem, JFS is much more feature-rich and reliable than traditional UNIX filesystems. The webpage of the JFS's Linux port is at: