Showing posts with label yarn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yarn. Show all posts

May 22, 2012

Bottle in Yarn


   I took this bottle from the basement of my house. I decided to create something different. It is really super easy and fast. This is the result of my creation.

All you need is:
-yarn (or hemp)

Smear the glue on the bottle, then wrap the yarn.

I found this silver lame thread in my sewing box and I decided to use it as a glamour.

CO 2 sts, using orange yarn. Make an I-cord long 21 inches. Make 7 peatls (one petal=3 inches). 

Glue the flower to the bottle. In the center I made golden stamen using transparent nail polish and glitter. Also, I spray throat and bottom of the bottle, using golden paint.

January 20, 2012

Did You Know?

Stress Relief and Knitting

Doctors have finally realized what knitters always knew - knitting helps us to relax, puts us to the meditative state, which is so important for stress relieve and the optimum health.
Knitting helps us feel fulfilled because we are able to create something beautiful in the process and relieve stress as well. Knitting is both creative and organized. In this way it occupies the left brain to maintain the structure needed to follow the pattern, but also stimulates the right brain as a creative activity. So a part of the soothing, meditative effect could be a result of this as a possibly balancing activity, along with occupying the left brain which often is a source of stressful mental activity.
Knit, Enjoy and Relax!