Showing posts with label Hair Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair Flowers. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rag Flowers

I LOVE how these cute fun Rag Flowers turned out!!!

My daughter is finally getting some I needed smaller flowers to go on her here they are.  They are so so simple too!

I used quilting Fabric it seems to fray the best.

I cut out 5 squares each a little smaller than the one before and then I rounded off the corners to create my circles.  I don't have a fancy anything to cut circles so I found that to be the easiest way for me.

I then just made slits every half inch in toward the center which created the petals. Don't go all the way to the center you want to leave about an 1 circle area in the center that is not cut so when you wash the layers they will stay together.

Next soak the layers in water and help to fray them with your hands just a little.

Throw them in the dryer until they are dry this will continue to fray them and create the rolling on the edges

Once they are dry stack the layers largest on the bottom smallest on the top.

You will have to decide on your center now.  On one of them I used a button and the other I didn't use anything.  The button flattens the flower slightly giving it a different look.  it all depends on what you like!

Next sew all the layers together...without the center.

Next as shown in this picture pinch the flower together on the bottom center and sew with your needle to hold the pinch together.  This will make your flower much more full.

If you are using a center item turn your flower over now and place in the top center and continue to sew it on.  Once it is all sewn on you can put and alligator clip on it or use a safety pin if you want to wear it on your clothes!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Oven Curled Ribbon

My daughter finally has enough hair to put one bow on top of her head...we call her PEBBLES! So I can't put a big flower up there, and I LOVED the curled ribbon at Gymboree but at $5.00 a set that gets really expensive if you want one to go with EVERY OUTFIT! So I figured out how to make it myself! You can curl just about any ribbon that has polyester in it!

Wrap the ribbon around a squewer, a knitting needle, a pencil...ETC. When wrapping it make sure there are not any creses or you will see them after they have baked. Put clothes pins at either end to hold the edges of the ribbon. MIST with water.

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees put aluminum foil over your cookie sheet and place in the oven once preheated for 10 minutes. Once they are done take them out and let them cool and finish drying on the stove. TA DA!! You have cute curled ribbon!


I just got 7 layers of ribbon lined them all up and wrapped a piece of ribbon around the center and hot glued it to the alligator clip and you have a cute curled hair BOW!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Vintage Ribbon/lace Flowers

I LOVE how these flowers turned out! I did the same thing to both with 2 different kinds of ribbon! So much fun and Easy!!

All you need is:
Ribbon or lace
Hot glue gun
Hot glue
Alligator clip

Cut out of your felt a circle. Keep in mind your flower will be a little bigger than your circle.
Add hot glue to the edge and begin gluing your ribbon all the way around the outside of your circle.
Once your edges meet DO NOT CUT your ribbon just continue on the inside of where you just glued and keep going around and around until you get the the very center.

Add a button to the middle and glue your alligator clip on the back and you have a cute FLOWER!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tiered Dress and Flower

I finished it in time for Easter! I am so excited I did it turned out so cute! I also got this pattern from Portabellapixie! I love her patterns, the instructions are colored!! For Easter the Easter bunny brought me a serger! I am so excited it will make sowing so much cleaner, no more stray strings!
I also made this flower to go with the dress.

All you need is synthetic fabric, something for the center(pearls etc), an alligator clip, a needle and tread.

Cut out your circles, I started at a 4 inch circle and went down a 1/2 inch for each layer!

The reason you wanted synthetic fabric is because it curls when you burn the edges.

First burn all your edges, then put your flame under the edges so it will curl even more. as shown in this picture.
You can burn tulle, and lace too to add some texture to your flower.

sow the center of your layers to hold them together add your center piece and alligator clip an you have a fun fabric flower!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Now Open

So I finally did it! My Etsy store is up and running. I put Hair flowers on there today! So check it out here. More items to come, I just have not decided what I want to put on there!

Thanks for Looking!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

{Pile Cleaner Bow}

I added them to this bow and I think it gave this bow the spunk it needed! I know you are going to ask me how I made it....I am not completely sure I just started wrapping ribbon, tool, pile cleaners and wire and this is what came if it! However I will try to create it again and post instructions if you are interested!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hair Bow

This bow is so easy and cute.

What you need

4 different kinds of ribbon
Alligator Clip
Hot Glue

The white bottom ribbon is 6 inches long. For the rest of the ribbon I cut them slightly smaller and trimmed once the bow was done

group all your ribbons and tool together, hold in the center and wrap your wire around several times. Make sure the wire is really tight! Hot glue your button to the top of your wire and hot glue your alligator clip to the bottom and you have a cute and EASY bow!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

More Flowers

I added Tool in between the flower layers, applied spray adhesive to the center and glittered over the spray adhesive. HINT: spray the Adhesive over top glitter again to minimize glitter flaking off!
I made this Head Band out of lingerie lace, you can purchase at most fabric stores. I made it 14 inches around

The center of this flower is actually just a big brad from your local scrapbook store
This is a fun crochet Head Band you can find them at most dollar stores!

I found this fun flower kit at my local scrapbook store
I made this Head Band out of OPEC tights. Just cut the toe off and the bum part off and serge together this one also measures 14 inches around.


I love having a baby girl.....She is so fun to dress. Here is a fun Flower. Click here for help layering your flower! Nothing is off limits with flowers, just throw it in there and see if you like it! I actually used a bead for the center of this flower! Check back all month for fun baby girl crafts!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Poinsettia Hair Flower

I put this on Crafts and Deals last week but thought I would share it again!

I made this fun Poinsettia Flower for my baby girl's hair and thought you would enjoy it too!

What you need:
4 Layers of a Poinsettia (any color you choose)
Bead (for center)
Alligator clip for the back
Hot glue gun
Spray adhesive

First Layer: Cut tool into squares and criss cross over center. Hot glue down
Second Layer: Add second flower hot glue down. Criss Cross ribbon on top and hot glue down

Third layer: Add third flower Cut tool into squares and criss cross over center. Hot glue down

Fourth Layer glue down top flower glue in bead for center. Trim tool and ribbon to desired length and....



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