Showing posts with label 2x4 crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2x4 crafts. Show all posts

Saturday, June 5, 2010

SpInNiNg 2x4 craft!

My favorite....2x4 craft! I love how this turned out! I always have tall vertical spaces I need to fill. What a better way than with some wood, paper and pictures!

These 2x4 blocks actually all turn 360 degrees, so you can mix and match and turn as you please!

This would be great for Father's day too...It would fit nicely on Daddy's desk!

What you need:
3 2x4x4 blocks
2 2x4x2.5 (for top and bottom)
1 dowel
Drill pit slightly larger than dowel
Mod Podge/Spray adhesive
6 Clips

After all your blocks are cut and sanded drill a hole down the very center of you 2x4 as shown here. Make sure your holes are straight and centered!
Once your center blocks are drilled, drill a hole on the top and bottom blocks (do not go all the way through, only about half way)
Cut your dowel down to size. Glue your dowel into you block but not your top.
I stained my blocks and then added my paper with spray adhesive and mod podge. Once your blocks are all decorated glue the top on and now you have a cute picture display that spins!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

SpRiNg TiMe

I have Spring Fever!!! I love 2x4 crafts, they are so fast and fun to create! The sky is the limit

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Luck of the Irish Blocks

These blocks are so fun!


Sand paper

Cut your 2x4 into 2 10 inch strips.
Then cut each 10 inch 2x4 3 inches in, this will give you the little white block.
I routed mine but you don't have to it looks fine either way!
Sand edges, paint, sand edges again to add some character.
Apply your letters, stack and wrap ribbon around!



Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby Stackers

I have been making these stackers and giving them to my friends when they have their babies! They are so much fun to make and so fast.

Cut your 2 x 4 in to 8, 7, and 6 inch blocks. Then cut your blocks in half length wise so now you have 6 blocks stain them, mod podge on your paper, apply letters and you are set with an original and fun gift for a new will baby!! What is even better is you have 2 sets!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2 x 4 blocks

I saw this Idea on How Does She? and had to make it. Here is my version! Click on her link for instructions!


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