I haven't felt much like blogging today. I spent the day packing linen and kitchen items, with Sky News on in the background, updating the Victorian Bushfire crisis minute by minute. It's now 9.20 PM, and the latest news is that 76 people have lost their lives, and there are still more missing.
Apparently, the best way to help is to send a donation of money, or to donate blood (as there are many burns victims who will desperately need it over the next few weeks). The Red Cross Bushfire Appeal information can be found here, and you can find out how to donate blood here.
As I was packing boxes in the afternoon, there was a woosh of wind in the tree outside the kitchen door and then a big thump. This poor little Mama possum had fallen out of the tree and landed on my concrete patio. She was still alive and had a little baby in her pouch who was sucking away trying to get some milk.
I tried calling all of the wildlife rescue services, but I'm sure that they have been inundated with the bushfires, so I called the local Vet hospital instead. I packed her up in a box and took her along to the hospital. The vet was going to have a look at her and then call someone who looks after native wildlife.
Apparently, she was the fourth possum taken to their hospital today.....