Showing posts with label trashalou. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trashalou. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Behind and Belated


A little while ago, I played along in Trash's As You Like It swap.....
The premise of the swap was that you gave your partner six words, and they were to use those words for your swap.


My swap partner was the ever so talented and crafty Moogs Mum.....and lets just say that her parcel totally put mine to shame!

My words were: Popsicles, Spring, Sparkle, Technicolour, Magic and Sunshine

Popsicle & Technicolour - I totally cannot believe that she found me a fabric popsicle!

Each piece of the parcel was individually packed and labelled with one of my keywords.....

..... and attached with some pretty lace.

Sparkle (Yarn), Spring (Tulip Cards), and Magic (Chocolate)

Thankyou sooooo much Moogsmum (and sorry it's taken me so long to post the pics)! Now I think I might have some of that chocolate for brekkie.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sew It's All Over

What a busy little weekend!

The Sew-It-Together conference is all done and dusted 'til next year. Although I couldn't make it to all the events, I headed along to Nikki's Soiree Friday night, and to the Saturday Crafting Session.

It was lovely to catch up with everyone - there were lots of new people to meet (far too many to list here), and lots of people to catch up with that I haven't seen in such a long time. My camera didn't manage to make it out of my handbag, but I'm sure there'll be lots and lots of photos all over blogland very soon.

I even came home with a gift that Trash had brought for me all the way from the UK....  this beautiful floral fabric in my fave colour combo, and gorgeous glass beads.
I was completely flabbergasted and blown away with suprise! Thanks Trash.

....and in the lucky dip, I chose this wonderful Mini Polly Pratt dress which I just couldn't resist.

A huge thankyou must go to Sheridan for all her hard work in organising such a wonderful event. Everything ran so smoothly that it made it an absolute joy to attend, and of course another huge thankyou has to go to all the event sponsors and hosts who opened their doors to a huge group of crafty girls for the weekend!

Today was the perfect day to have a sleep in, a minor tidy up, some food shopping.... an afternoon of machine sewing, and then some hand-stitching on the couch... bliss

Friday, December 4, 2009

Trashs Rainbow Swap - part 2

My swap partner received their rainbow swap parcel a little while ago, so I can now do the big reveal.

I decided to take on the rainbow theme by going with a bit of colour overload - I included a pretty pink waist apron, a multicoloured doily brooch, and a very colourful mini tote bag with a couple of goodies inside.

That's the last of the swaps for the year.... now it's time to move on to a handmade Christmas. How many days to go again?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Trashs Rainbow Swap

A little while back I signed up for Trashs Rainbow Swap.... and then of course, promptly forgot about the entire thing until it was the last week (story of my life it seems).

I was a couple of days late sending mine, but as I was sending it to the UK, it only really made me one day late. I don't think it has arrived yet, and I'm not sure whether the recipient actually reads my blog, so I can't post any photos just in case. I wouldn't like to spoil the surprise.

Of course, I can show you what arrived in my mailbox on Friday. Even after sending my swap package, I then promptly forgot that I would also be receiving a package....deeeerrrrrr. So when opened the mailbox and found a parcel from the UK, I was a little perplexed. I was sure I hadn't been online shopping again, so what could it be?

Imagine my delight to find all of these lovely crafty goodies AND chocolate (Green and Blacks my favoturite)!
Kitty from Kitty's Bloggy Bits sent me all of these lovely craft supplies in all the colours of the rainbow, and if you read my blog, then you'll realise just how much I love colour.

Kitty also included seven sweet little handmade christmas stockings which are going to look so cute on my christmas tree. I think I might fill them up with lollies so my nephews can find them and eat them.
The two boxes of smarties disappeared Friday afternoon when my two eldest nephews came home from school and spotted them on the table.

Thanks so much Kitty!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Donkey wanted to get in on the SuperPops action too!

This caped crusader is the creation of Trashalou (mother of Destructoboy)..... and he's looking very swisho indeed. I hope I'm not going to cause a huge family ruckus in Trashcan land if one of these entries is the winner.

I think I'd be quite happy if donkey arrived on my doorstep and wanted to save me....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Destructoboy Vs Super Roller Derby Pops

Now this SuperPops Challenge entry has perfect timing because SuperPops is seriously considering taking up the very cool sport of Rollerderby..... or maybe she'll just go and eat a choctop and some maltesers and popcorn and watch the movie!

The very talented artist behind this picture is Destructoboy (Trashalou's little boy). I'm very glad to see that he's looking after the health of my kneecaps, and I'm sure there's a helmet under that SuperPops crown.

Thanks so much Destructoboy!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lucky Number 13

......And the random number generator says that 13 really is the luckiest number, and it belongs to Trashalou.

It was a very close call but between the hanging combinations of number 2 and number 5, but number 2 was the most popular by a whisker.

Trash, if you could send me an email and let me know where you would like me to send it (your mum might like some more heart palpitations), I should be able to pop it in the post tomorrow or Friday. Thankyou so much to everyone who entered...... only 2 Blogtoberfesting days to go!