Showing posts with label waiting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waiting. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My creative space

More with the hexies...

I knew I had an appointment thismorning where there would be a bit of waiting, so lastnight I very dutifully made up a nice little batch of hexies to take with me.

Unfortunately I forgot to factor in that the appointment was with the Eye Specialist. So in the first waiting room, I was squeezed in shoulder to shoulder with no room to get out my little hexie kit.

Half an hour of waiting went by (past my scheduled appointment time I might add - and three people who arrived after me had already been called)! Finally, I was called in to do the testing and have those horrible pupil dilating drops put in.

On to the second waiting room.
Get out my hexie kit and decide on placement of each hexie.
Happy with co-ordination of hexies.

Cannot see well enough to thread the bloody needle. Aaaagggghhhh!

So I sat there, and sat there, and played with my phone and stared into space for another hour and a half.

Oh my goodness, I think it sucked the life force out of me. I'm so O.V.E.R sitting in waiting rooms.

So, two and a quarter hours later, having missed a work meeting that I was supposed to attend at 11.30, and $120 poorer, my eyes are still fine even after more than 15 years of taking a medication that can damage them.

After that nightmare, I did what every good crafter does, I went shopping for fabric, cappucino and lemon tart.... and everything was alright in the world again.


More creative spaces

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I wait..........
I wait quite often.......
I sometimes wait for a looooooong time.......
I think I wait a lot more than the average person.......
Now I have a portable craft to keep me company while I'm waiting......
I could tell that all the mummas and nonnas were jealous because I was knitting while they were just waiting........
Todays wait = 40 minutes ..... I'm not a very fast knitter.....
Why does blogger keep removing my spacing....grrrrr