Showing posts with label peters liver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peters liver. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Happy Liverversary Peter... and welcome to Donormate!

Social media may get a bad rap sometimes, but it really can be a blessing. You just never know who you might meet online...

I'm don't quite remember just how Peter and I met up on twitter, but we had an organ transplant waiting list in common.

Peter lived like this for 15 months while waiting for transplant. The gut pipes were draining bile because his main bile duct was blocked due to an autoimmune condition. The chest port was 24/7 IV antibiotics to get rid of bugs.

While I was waiting for new lungs in Melbourne, Peter was waiting for a new liver in Perth. We both made a pact that we would private message each other when the call finally came.

In serendipitous timing, we both received our lifesaving phonecalls within two weeks of each other. I was still in hospital recovering when I received the wonderful news from his wife.

Peter 6 months after transplant - competing in a 40km off road mountainbike race

Peter has been a wonderful advocate for organ donation and has achieved some amazing feats in the last year.

75km off road overnight bike ride

Today is not only Peter's one year anniversary, but it's also the day that he is launching Donormate.

Donor Mate Inc is a registered Australian Health Promotion Charity.

''Donor Mate is trail blazing new, upbeat and fun way of raising awareness for organ donation amongst 16 to 35 year olds. Donor Mates, best mates.''

You can pop over and visit the Donormate website, and you can also follow along on Facebook and Twitter.

Happy Anniversary Peter, and cheers to many more!