I was lucky enough to come home with some gorgeous Flickettysplits creations from the Made'n'Thornbury market, while Troischats went home with an IOU a Burnt Pumpkin Orange Corduroy Handbag from me.
We've been on the lookout for the perfect shade of burnt pumpkin orange corduroy ever since, but with no luck...... until she found this burnt pumpkin orange fuzzy fabric instead.
It arrived in the mail yesterday, and as today is Troischat's birthday, I went straight to work to whip up the handbag so that we could meet up at the Sisters Market thisafternoon.The strap folds wouldn't even fit under the presser foot of my poor old Janome, so it was the trusty Vintage Singer to the rescue (after I printed out the instructions to try to work out how to change the bobbin, and then broke three needles).
Look..... no floppy bottom on this one!
I finished in the nick of time, and took a few quick snapshots in the morning light before I headed out to meet up with the ladies who lunch for a long relaxing brunch (I really didn't mean for that to rhyme)!
Then it was off to the market to check out all the gorgeous crafty wares on offer. It was crafty blog central with Bec, Fi, Justine, and Jay.
Such a perfect day....