Showing posts with label hoppo bumpo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hoppo bumpo. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Featured Hottie Number 36

Hot water bottle cover ("The nanna") with free motion embroidery

I'd like to introduce you to Nanna tonight...

I'm so happy that Liesl was able to get back into some craftiness in perfect timing for the Hottie Challenge.

I had to tell her that Nanna actually reminds me of my Grandma who had those exact same cheeks.

Nanna is totally rocking the free motion embroidery!

Hot water bottle cover

Hot water bottle cover  ("The nanna") with free motion embroidery

.... oh, and look - she even has her very own knee blankie and hottie! Very wise on a chilly Melbourne evening Nanna.

The homepage of The Hottie Challenge - lots more in the Hottie Flickr Group and the Hottie Exhibition Group

Monday, June 20, 2011

What's the opposite of belated?

I'm usually totally tardy when it comes to giving birthday pressies to friends.... so this is quite unbelievable but true (insert spooky music).

Beryl was ready an entire month early.

Beryl is a completely custom large size (115mm frame instead of 90mm frame) Sunnies Pouch

Perfect to fit a giant pair of sunnies (like all the cool kids wear).

PS - I'm guest blogging over at My Poppet today (how super exciting) while Miss Cinti is off in Japan shopping and having a lovely time.... wish I was there too!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Birthday Loot - Part 1

Gorgeous bundle of fabric from Ms Hoppo Bumpo (do you think she knows my favourite colours?)
Wonderful handmade Lavender Eye Pillow and Fragrant Lavender Sachet from the Wee Girl

I've been totally slack in showing off the lovely birthday pressies that I received last week.

I've been so busy every day that there hasn't been much time (or daylight) left for gathering things and taking photos.

I've been totally and completely spoiled yet again.

I've been coveting one of these ever since I first saw them on Christina's blog, but I thought that it was the sort of gift that deserved a special occassion.

So I waited a reeeeeeeeeeeally long time for my birthday to arrive, and my sister bought it for me.

It's beeeewdiful ....

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dream Sweetly

Dream Sweetly
Acrylics on canvas
78 x 60 inch

I'm completely lost for words at the moment.... which is quite unusual for me!

Actually, words cannot even explain how much I absolutely love this painting. It's just ME. It's exactly what I wanted. It's better than I'd ever dreamed of.

Quite a long time ago, Tinniegirl and I had a conversation about the big boring expanse of white wall above my bed.

I have quite high ceilings for a modern built house, so I needed something that was going to make a statement. My only wish was that it contained pink and orange and had some sort of floral motif.

In the meantime, I'd completely forgotten all about it, but Tinniegirl was secretly working on it for my birthday.

She'd even been blogging about the different layers of the painting, and posting a little sneaky peek. The entire time, I just thought she was busily working away on paintings for her upcoming exhibition!

It wasn't until my birthday on Friday that I spotted a gift wrapped surprise...

So when I arrived at Cathy's house yesterday, this is what was waiting for me.

.....and when I unwrapped it...

....and to get an idea of the huge size of it...

I drive an SUV, and it took up the entire length of the car from the glove box to the back hatch with all the seats laying down to get it home.

I cannot wait to actually get it hung on the wall (hint hint little brother if you're reading this)!

Liesl also came over for the afternoon with a lovely pressie of fabric in pink and orange tones, which will make beautiful new pillowcases for my bed. Thankyou so much Liesl.

Oh and course, there was birthday cake.... a delicious chocolate cake baked by Cathy and Ms L (from this months Delicious Magazine), filled with an extremely yummy chocolate cream cheese filling (which I desperately need to get the recipe for).

I had such a wonderful day, and I've had such an amazing birthday weekend, well actually, I started celebrating last Tuesday, so I actually made the celebration last for nearly a week.

It's times like this when I love the fact that I have such wonderful family and friends, who make such an effort to make my birthday special.

Until next year.....

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Who you gonna call???

The Stash Busters!

I sooooo wish that I'd taken a before photo - I was completely out of control (again).
Now it's all neatly sorted into waddings and stuffings / cotton plains / cotton prints / furnishings / corduroy / flannelette / fluffy softie fabrics / teatowels / tablecloths and placemats, and then sorted by colour.

The girls helped me to go through one by one, and decide which ones to keep and which ones to add to the piff* pile.... and Bec even vaccumed to make sure that it looked extra spic and span once we'd finished!

We took a little lunchtime break where we enjoyed Liesl's beautiful chocolate cake....

Sorry about the terrible photography by me

.....and surprised Mel by celebrating her birthday (well she would have been surprised if she hadn't heard us whispering behind her back in the kitchen while we were lighting the candles)!

Oh, and in case you were wondering.... yes, that cupboard in the laundry should have sliding doors.

* Now I'm a little worried - piff is an aussie slang word which means 'throw away'..... but it seems that piff may mean something else entirely.

**PS - Pop on over and visit Mel and wish her a very happy birthday
***PPS - If you see me anywhere in vicinity of a fabric shop, please send me home.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mon Cherie Francais

After trying on Liesl's wonderful beret at Sewjourn, I couldn't wait to make one of my very own!

My Beret Pattern arrived in the post Thursday morning, so I got to work Saturday afternoon, and whipped one up for myself.  It was super quick and easy - it only took me about an hour to cut out and sew (after I'd chosen the fabric from the stash). As with all Nikki's patterns, the step by step process in the instructions was a dream.

There are plenty of variations to choose from so that you can make it in a style that suits. I made mine up using the medium size, with a shallow crown.

I've got the puffy steroid face going on at the moment

I did consider making it in a bright vintage floral, but I thought it best to stick to a classic wool fabric in a classic Melbourne steel grey colour for the first one.

I wore it all day yesterday and it kept my head toasty and warm on such a cold winters day.

Of course, I couldn't possibly resist adding some colour via the lining fabric. I received this gorgeous pink and green floral from Tracey at Thrift Nest Sew..... and it just so happens, that it's the exact same floral the Bec used on her Panel Bag.

If you'd like to chuckle about what Liesl's beret got up to at Sewjourn, pop on over and visit Gypsy. It turns out that our Gypsy is quite a poet!

Friday, July 16, 2010

What's new pussycat?

After months and months and months, I've finally added some new stock to poor little neglected CurlyPops Shop.

You can find some Flower Brooches, Gadget Pouches and Sunnies/Specs Pouches. You'll have to get in quick to grab a bargain as the cost of the flex frames has increased,  necessitating a little price rise on the next batch.

If you're looking for something to do tonight, then why not pop along and visit the Made'n'Thornbury Market.
It's moved back into the hall, so there's plenty of room to see everything. Make sure you say hi to Cathie while you're there!

Last but most certainly not least - it's Liesl's birthday today. Make sure to pop on over to Hoppo Bumpo and wish her a very happy birthday - she's a very good egg! If only I could have found a way to send birthday cake through the post....

Whoops and one very last thing - don't forget to enter my giveaway for Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010 software.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Creative Space

I've finished off a couple of little projects this week, and the next things in my creative space are just in the planning stages.

First on the list is a custom camera bag for Michelle from Leni and Rose.

Michelle has sent through some lovely fabric, and detailed instructions of what she requires for her camera. So today, I get to play around and draw sketches and work out how to construct it.

While at Sewjourn on the weekend, Liesl was testing Nikki's brand new Beret Pattern. I absolutely adore beret's and after trying it on I was hooked..... so now I have grand plans to whip up my very own too.
There are beret's popping up everywhere it seems!

Don't forget to visit the hostess with the mostest to play along too!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Creative Space

Not much creatively happening at CurlyPops HQ this week.

There's been just a little bit of tidying up, and a little bit of re-arranging so that I can finally get back into the swing of things. It seems that no matter how long I spend cleaning up this little space, it still looks like a huge mess! I'm taking consolation in the fact that at least I can see the cutting boards.... which is a start.

In the meantime, I've been enjoying all of the lovely things that have arrived in the mail lately.

Pip has lent me series one and two of the original BBC version of Life on Mars to keep me entertained while I'm recuperating on the couch. Thanks so much Pip! Somedays I wish I could travel back to the 70's... I just love the fashions.

Oh, and if you haven't entered Pip's Super Duper Crafty Night Off giveaway, it's being drawn at 6.30 PM tonight AEST (or maybe don't enter because I really want to win).

Liesl sent a lovely package of goodies with this knitting book, lots of chocolate (some of which has disappeared already) and a bathroom pamper pack. The knitting book has some really lovely large diagrams which may actually help me to get over my fear of knitting something other than a scarf for once in my life!

Another suprise package was waiting on the kitchen bench when I came home - full of gorgeous colourful goodies from Cherrie. I can't wait to make something with the floral tea towel.... just waiting for the perfect inspirational project to hit.... and after having a little chat with Cathie yesterday, I think it may be destined to be a cushion cover.

Thanks so much for brightening up my week ladies!

Of course, if you'd like to see some actual creativity (rather than just planned creativity), make sure to pop on over and visit Kirsty's ginormous list!

Friday, July 2, 2010

An apple a day

Liesl will never believe me (come to think of it, anybody who knows me won't believe it) if I don't provide documentary evidence, but I actually took Kitty's advice.

Instead of buying myself a chocolate bar at the cafeteria...... I actually bought FRUIT.

Now of course, just buying the fruit is only the first piece of the puzzle. Liesl wouldn't believe it unless she could see documentary evidence that I would actually eat said pieces of FRUIT.

So Liesl, I give you an empty banana skin.

I'm just wondering whether this makes up for the Honey Cakes, Honey Jumbles, Twisties, Fruit and Nut Chocolate, and Crunchy Caramel chocolate that Cathie treated me too???

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

On my wall

It's only taken me four months (which is pretty quick considering my procrastinating habits), but after picking up a cheap pine frame on my recent op shopping adventures....

.... and painting it a nice bold red, with some bright orange matting,...

.... my original Hoppo Bumpo SuperPops artwork has joined my art wall.

Isn't she a beauty?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Flea Market Finds

It's been a little while since I've had the chance to visit the oppy, but after my visit to Sparkle Heaven earlier in the week, I also managed to pop into the oppy in the same street.

There were four sweet nanas sitting around a table drinking cups of tea and chatting away. It was really lovely to be able to browse the store and listen to their conversation. One of the nanas even commented on my flower brooch (and noticed that it was handmade).... she has good taste obviously!

I was in a little bit of a hurry so after a quick browse, I came away with a brand new in packet vintage tablecloth, some embroidered napkins, and a photo frame so that I can finally hang Liesl's SuperPops on my wall.

I'm not sure whether to use the tablecloth on my table, or chop it up....but first, I'm off to transform that frame into something worthy of SuperPops!

PS - Visit Sophie at the home of Flea Market Finds to play along.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Seriously Spoiled

Not only did I arrive home from my weekend away with a mountain of LOOT, but there was also something else very special carefully flat packed in my suitcase for the journey.

Liesl and Liesl's Mum and Bargy came to visit the market on Saturday, and bought along Liesl's original SuperPops watercolour drawing for me to keep...... boob tassels and all!

Now I just need to find myself the perfect frame, and she's heading 'straight to the pool room' .... errrrr art wall.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We have a winner!

When I logged off and finally went to bed lasnight, Punky and Me and Hoppo Bumpo were equal leaders in the SuperPops Challenge....

The poll finally closed thisafternoon, and after a whopping 165 votes were cast....

The winner is Punky and Me!

I'm also going to award a runner-up prize as the votes were so close the entire way through.

Thanks so much once again to everyone who took the time to play along. I'm going to bunker down tonight and try my hand at a poem, as part of Melanie's blogtoberfest challenge over at Emmstarr.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A slight time extension

Hmmm... there's a bit of a hitch with the finishing time of the poll on my sidebar.

I have my blogger settings on Australian Eastern Daylight Savings time, but it seems that blogger has picked up US time for my blog poll, so I think it's actually going to end at about 3PM tomorrow afternoon.

More exciting than the Melbourne Cup, it's a neck and neck race between Punky and Me and Hoppo Bumpo!

I also need to apologise profusely to Tinniegirl, as I accidentally forgot to add her entry to the final mosaic and blog poll. I'm afraid that some days my brain resembles mush.....

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hoppo SuperPops Bumpo

She promised me boob tassels.... and she delivered!

Liesl is a very talented artist - as evidenced by these amazing drawings. I'm loving the flower closure on the cape and those very cool yellow boots..... if only I could live the life of my alter-ego superhero creation - what bliss!

This might just be the very last entry in the SuperPops Challenge.

I'll be back tomorrow (after Nico's birthday party) with the details on how to vote for your next top favourite fabulous SuperPops creation.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Place and Yours :: On The Shelf

Everybody else is playing along on this lazy weekend, so I thought I'd join in too.

I had a lovely little relaxing crafternoon (and cappucino) at Bec's house yesterday, so today I've been cleaning up and catching up on the massive pile of dirty washing in my laundry - I'm up to my fifth load for the day.....

This little set of shelves was in my bathroom at my old house, but now it lives in the corner of the kitchen right next to the sliding door. I haven't organised it at all, I've just plonked special little things in there bit by bit....

I still have many more special things packed in boxes that I haven't yet found, and I've been here for eight months now - all in good time I suppose.

From the top:

CurlyPops embroidery from Missie Krissie
Fabric covered tea light candle holder - housewarming pressie from Hoppo Bumpo
Scented Candle - Blueberry
Tea Cups and Coffee Cups collected from various oppies
Esther Bunny from Little Black Crow
More candles
Ugly clock that has sentimental value (21st birthday gift from my Nana)
Glass whale ornament - had it for years - I think my mum gave it to me

Well that's it - hope everyone is having a lovely weekend..... it's back to the washing for me!

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Birtskag

Liesl came up with the name Birtskag earlier this week..... and I haven't been able to get it out of my head ever since, just like those rascally robots that have been singing Stayin' Alive on high rotation inside my brain.

This was a longer skirt with a sheer embroidered overlay.....

I love the combination of purple and red together....

So I decided on red stitching on the purple strap.

More birtskags are on the horizon....