Showing posts with label fundraising shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fundraising shop. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2014

More Awesome Handmade Goodies

Handmade Jewellery by Orange Sherbet Designs

When I started my little fundraising shop for the Tour de Transplant, I'd only planned on selling my own handmade goodies...

Newborn Cardi in Organic Cotton by Bloma 

But then all of these amazing crafty friends started asking whether they could donate handmade items...

Toddler Dress by Cath Roberts Handmade

And now there's an absolutely stunning range of items on offer!

 Giclee Art Prints by Tinniegirl

So a huge thankyou to everyone far and wide

Wooden Geo Necklace by Mad Stitches

The crafty community rocks!

Cap Sleeve Wendy Dress by Polly Pratt 

Check them all out!!!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

New goodies in the fundraising shop!

I know I've said it a million times before, but the crafting community are the most generous people you will ever meet!

I've had so many wonderfully generous donations for my Tour de Transplant fundraising shop.

I hit the $700 mark thismorning which is very exciting! You can check out all the donations received on my offical Tour de Transplant fundraising page.

The photo above is just a small selection of what is available right now, and there is still more to come.

Thanks so much to everyone who has made a donation or a purchase so far. You guys rock!!! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

New Fundraising Shop for the Tour de Transplant!

Very exciting news today....

In March this year (22nd to the 30th) the Heart and Lung Transplant Trust Vic (HLTTV) is running the Tour de Transplant.  In conjunction with the bike ride, there will also be the Tour de Chat to encourage everyone to discuss organ donation with their families.

The tour is an 1100 km bike ride around Victoria - 1 km for every heart and lung recipient whose life has been saved at the Alfred Hospital.

Although I can't ride in the tour (Oh how I wish I could though), I'll still be supporting on the sidelines and doing a little fundraising.

 To kick it all off, I've opened up a little CurlyPops Fundraising Shop. 100% of the sale price (excluding postage and paypal fees) will be donated to my fundraising page for the tour.

I'll be adding more goodies once I've had a little stocktake and worked out what I have!

But for now, if you're looking for a rainbow brooch, head on over!!!