It's time for our annual Christmas swap and true to form,
the TDIPT ladies have outdone themselves.
As is the habit, we take and share photos of all our goods and I've been oooh'ing and aaaaah'ing everyone elses things, patiently waiting for my box to arrive. Well, tonight was the night! After a long and very cold day - I walked into the house to find the biggest box sitting on the counter, just waiting for me to tear into it.
As it beckoned to me, I felt it was my civic duty to oblige ♥

Inside, to the delight of my heart ... my sweet friend
Pea of Whimsical Endeavors packed so many awesome things that were stiched with love and purchased especially for me!
To name a few, there was a gorgeous Blue snowflake keyring, delicious Kona blend coffee, candies of dipped pretzels & marshmellows on a stick, the sweetest Gingerbread photo frame (that will hold a picture of my SullyBear very soon and even cat treats for Nip and Tuck. Pea didnt forget anyone in my house!

But the best was this beautiful wool Santa pillow that she stitched with love - for me! I found the perfect spot for it on an antique rocking chair. This chair was a wedding gift to Darrell and me over 30 years ago - it was built in the mid 1800's and I cherish it so, thinking of how many babies have been rocked to sleep in it. My Briar Rabbit snowman keeps company with my gorgeous Whimsical Endeavor's stitched pillow.

Not only was Tuck sweetly surprised to find kitty treats from Pea and her family, but he also claimed a new stowaway box to hide out in!

And when hubs found the container of Mocha Bars, he put the death grip on them and headed for his favorite recliner with a cup of freshly brewed Vanilla Macadamia Nut Kona blend!

Thank you Sweet Pea... you have made us all one very happy family tonight with your generous and loving heart!