Please be sure to stop by tonight and check out all the amazing offerings that will be available :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
New upload on the TDIPT Mercantile
Please be sure to stop by tonight and check out all the amazing offerings that will be available :)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
RIDE FOR LIFE benefit run
It was an amazing benefit that started with a trip to my chiropractor's new office. He had recently moved into a new building they had built and as I was oooohing and aaaahing over the digs, he started sharing about the crisis pregnancy center called HANDS OF HOPE that was housed on the lower level. Once he got done cracking on me, I was treated to the grand tour and vision they have. To say I came home inspired is an understatement. I discussed everything that was on my heart with my hubs, asking what we could do to help these girls in trouble. I knew I wanted to come along side and promote in some small way. From that evening, the seed for Ride for Life was planted. We presented it to our motorcycle ministry and decided on a benefit run to be held in the fall.
There was much to be done, but one of the members stepped up to spearhead this event and for the last 9 months, has spent many waking moments with the whole concept on his heart and head. And the fruits of his labor paid off in a big way!
The day arrived last Saturday for the big event. Sadly for all his blood, sweat and worry working out every detail of this ride, Bill was not able to be there. His father was gravely ill, battling from complications of Alzheimer's and drove to Iowa to be with his dad during his last days. I just want to thank you, Bill - for all of your dedication and devotion to this project. Because of your efforts (and another lady who works at the Hands of Hope center), this was the smoothest and most enjoyable ride I've ever experienced.
This was most of the team ... morning of registration.
Dwayne and Pam, BFC family & dear friends that made the trip from Springfield to support us.
Love these guys - they have hearts of gold ♥
Some shots of the ride.... since I was lucky to be at the head of the caravan, I was able to get some good shots of the group. There were roughly 30 bikes that participated, which I thought was a pretty good turnout for our first year at this.
I just want to thank Bill and Teresa once again for your dedication and hard work to make this all come together with such success! It's all to the Glory of God - and we were able to raise up close to $1300 to help Hands of Hope.
What a Blessing ♥
Thursday, September 23, 2010
extra extra.... read all about it!
For the second day in a row, Facebook users reported problems logging into one of the world's most-popular social media websites.
Users reported problems logging onto the site around 2 p.m. central. Access to the site using a wireless device also did not work.
By 3 p.m., was not loading at all.
At 3:15 p.m., Facebook sent this message out on its Twitter account: "Facebook may be slow or unavailable for some people because of site issues. We're working to fix this quickly."
Users had problems accessing Facebook around 1 p.m. Wednesday. Google searches and "tweets" from Twitter accounts said users were unable to log onto from their computers or wireless devices. Some Facebook users said they were able to log onto the site, but service was slow.
Around 2:15 p.m. Wednesday Facebook posted: "We are experiencing an issue with a third-party networking provider that is making it difficult for some of you to connect to Facebook. We are in contact with this provider and working to fix the issue as soon as possible."
Facebook appeared to be working again by 3 p.m. Wednesday, though some people said the site was loading slowly. The company sent this message out on their Twitter account around 7 p.m. Wednesday night: "We've fixed the issue with a third-party networking provider, and anyone impacted should be able to access Facebook normally."
It's unknown what is causing Thursday's problems.
(I wonder how many folks are having a meltdown?) *giggle* Don't you find it strange that Facebook has a Twitter account) :)
Pari, a sweet Punkinhead
I just couldn't let the season get past me without making one punkinhead.
Pari will be coming to the TDIPT Merc soon ♥.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
It's a Giveaway ♥
I happened upon her blog today and realized this is the creme de la creme ... I'd surely advise you to make your way over and toss your name in the hat for this Honey Bun~
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
TDIPT Fall swap
Monday, September 13, 2010
Monday Smiles
But in honor of Sully's 6 month celebration, I'll just share a few of my favorite pictures. I hope they bring you a smile ♥
According to mom, this is the normal reaction she gets when she pulls him out of the tub....
I can't blame him though - I love having my hair washed too!
Love you, Sullivan Lynch!