Showing posts with label Challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenges. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

April Case Files - Mid-Month Reveal | Deadline: May 4 (and Beyond)

Greetings, CSI Investigators! We're back with beautiful inspiration for our second April Case File. 

No worries if you haven't yet played with our first scrapbooking challenge. Both Case Files stay open through May 4 (and beyond--see below).


We'll be inviting some players whose work catches our eye to serve as Guest Detectives along the way. We'll investigate the albums on the 4th of the month, so if you're interested in serving as a Guest Detective, make sure you have your layout in the album by the 4th. (But feel free to use past Case Files as inspiration any time.)

And you never know, if your work really wows us, you might even be asked to join our talented design team.


This month, we're April Showers and Earth Day with our Case Files. Our first Case File image was selected by CSI Detective Cassie Wiscarson, and our second image was chosen by CSI Detective Lacey Robinson.

As always, you don't have to scrap these topics. Draw your own inspiration from The Scene on the Case File, or you can use the traditional clues, which can be found at the bottom of this blog post.

Image credit:  Live Laugh Rowe

Image credit: Kreafolk

The traditional CSI clues can be found on our Facebook page in the first entry under the album. Just click on the Case File images above. They are also posted at the bottom of this reveal.

To submit your layouts, click on the Case Files in our sidebar, which will bring you to the individual albums in our Facebook group.


And now, are you ready for some serious inspiration? 

A reminder of our first Case File...


Here's what our design team created with this month's second Case File. Please make sure you check out our Instagram page for close-ups and more details about these beautiful layouts.


Choose as many or as few as you are inspired to use! You don't have to use all of the categories of clues. Use what inspires you, or challenge yourself to use as many clues as you can. Or just use the image to inspire you as you wish!

Testimony Links: April prompts and Haiku

Testimony Links: April prompts and poetic forms

We trust we've provided enough clues for you to solve the Cases! You have until May 4, 2024 (and beyond--read about this in the Guest Detective section), to solve both cases. We can't wait to see what you'll create! Upload your creations in our Facebook Group (album links in sidebar).


Sunday, October 1, 2023

October Case Files - First Reveal | Deadline: November 4 (and Beyond)

Happy October, CSI Investigators!  We're excited to bring you a new month of fun and inspiring scrapbooking challenges and lots of beautiful inspiration. 

For this first reveal, we'll be sharing inspiration for our first Case File. On the 15th, we'll be sharing inspiration for our second Case File. 


CSI has been running our challenges for 11 years, since 2012, and our savings have dwindled over the years, so we no longer have the ability to provide a monthly gift certificate, but we do have enough to give away a prize every 4 months this year, so we'll be awarding a $20 (U.S. dollars) gift certificate to your favorite online craft store (must take Paypal) to one lucky player according to the following schedule--so the more you play, the more chances you'll have.

January - April Case Files will be awarded on or after May 4
May - August Case Files will be awarded in on or after September 4
October - December Case Files will be awarded on or after next January 4

You will see the customary due date on the Case Files because I'll check those for guest designers, but feel free to go back and play with Case Files that have expired. As long as they're in the albums by the May, September, and January dates listed above, you'll be eligible for the prize.

We'll also be inviting some players whose work catches our eye to serve as Guest Detectives along the way.


We're enjoying the weather turning cooler, and there's a hint of color change in some of the trees. Pumpkin everything is showing up in the all the shops. So we're celebrating autumn with our Case Files this month. As always, you don't have to scrap these topics. Draw your own inspiration from The Scene on the Case File, or you can use the traditional clues, which can be found at the bottom of this blog post.

Image credit:  Anastasia Moreva

The traditional CSI clues can be found on our Facebook page in the first entry under the album. Just click on the Case File images above. They are also posted at the bottom of this reveal.

To submit your layouts, click on the Case Files in our sidebar, which will bring you to the individual albums in our Facebook group.


And now, are you ready for some serious inspiration? A reminder of our first Case File...


Here's what our design team created with this month's first Case File. We will share creations for our other Case File on the 15th of the month.


Choose as many or as few as you are inspired to use! You don't have to use all of the categories of clues. Use what inspires you, or challenge yourself to use as many clues as you can. Or just use the image to inspire you as you wish!

Testimony Link: October Prompts

Testimony Link: List Love

We trust we've provided enough clues for you to solve the Cases! You have until November 4, 2023 (and beyond--read about this in the Prizes section), to solve both cases. We can't wait to see what you'll create! Upload your creations in our Facebook Group (album links in sidebar).


Saturday, July 1, 2023

July Case Files - First Reveal | Deadline: August 4, 2023

Happy July, CSI Investigators!  Wow! We are officially halfway through 2023. We're excited to bring you a new month of fun and inspiring challenges and lots of beautiful inspiration. 

For this first reveal, we'll be sharing inspiration for our first Case File. On the 15th, we'll be sharing inspiration for our second Case File. 


CSI has been running our challenges for 11 years, since 2012, and our savings have dwindled over the years, so we no longer have the ability to provide a monthly gift certificate, but we do have enough to give away a prize every 4 months this year, so we'll be awarding a $20 (U.S. dollars) gift certificate to your favorite online craft store (must take Paypal) to one lucky player according to the following schedule--so the more you play, the more chances you'll have.

January - April Case Files will be awarded on or after May 4
May - August Case Files will be awarded in on or after September 4
October - December Case Files will be awarded on or after next January 4

You will see the customary due date on the Case Files because I'll check those for guest designers, but feel free to go back and play with Case Files that have expired. As long as they're in the albums by the May, September, and January dates listed above, you'll be eligible for the prize.

We'll also be inviting some players whose work catches our eye to serve as Guest Detectives along the way.


This month, we're excited to have Jenny Andersson as a guest designer. Her work caught our eye in the gallery. Here are a few words from Jenny. 

Hi! My name is Jenny Andersson and I live in the north of Sweden, Europe with my husband and three almost grown up boys! I study part time and I also work part time as a personal assistant. In my free time I love to be creative and spend a lot of my time with scrapbooking. I also love to spend time with friends and family, work in my garden and photograph life.
If you want to see more of my work as a scrapbooker you can find me on instagram:  @vitatulpanencreates and in the design team for the Swedish scrapbook store: Pyssloteket in Stockholm,

Here's how Jenny solved the first July Case File: Casefile 414 inspired me by the colours. I chose to document something about "your country" as the colours didn´t matched up with my country Sweden's colours (yellow and blue). A photo from our trip to New York in 2014 was perfect for me to create this layout.


This month, we're celebrating the 4th of July and summer with our Case Files. As always, you don't have to scrap these topics. Draw your own inspiration from The Scene on the Case File, or you can use the traditional clues, which can be found at the bottom of this blog post.

Image credit:  Rosabebe

Image credit: Emily Pitts

The traditional CSI clues can be found on our Facebook page in the first entry under the album. Just click on the Case File images above. They are also posted at the bottom of this reveal.

To submit your layouts, click on the Case Files in our sidebar, which will bring you to the individual albums in our Facebook group.


And now, are you ready for some serious inspiration? A reminder of our first Case File...


Here's what our design team created with this month's first Case File. We will share creations for our other Case File on the 15th of the month.


Choose as many or as few as you are inspired to use! You don't have to use all of the categories of clues. Use what inspires you, or challenge yourself to use as many clues as you can. Or just use the image to inspire you as you wish!

Testimony Link: July Prompts

Testimony Link: Photo Challenge

We trust we've provided enough clues for you to solve the Cases! You have until August 4, 2023, to solve both cases. We can't wait to see what you'll create! Upload your creations in our Facebook Group (album links in sidebar).