Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What a year it has been! I am not going
to say it was the best of years, but it wasn't
the worst either. The good part is nobody
close to me has gone over to the other side,
and for that I am so grateful! My health
has been rather good, except for the occasional
toothache, but if that's all I have to gripe about,
then I consider myself one lucky person!
One thing I did great this year was start this
blog, it utterly amazes me how kind people
can be, ya know, I stood in a huge line at the
grocery store today and just watched peoples
faces, nobody was ya had to stand
in a long line, whoopiedodah....
I was thinking, just be grateful you
can stand and then I started chuckling to myself...
see, life is what you make it. I had a blast standing
in line, and I even let this little old lady go in front
of me. ( My good deed for the day is done) LOL
If I had one digi-wish (is that a new word?) LOL
It would be that I could personally meet you all,
I do see the smiles in your writing and what a feeling
that is to see. To try and explain this to someone
who is not in the digiscrappin world is so hard,
they just don't understand how one can be so
involved with people they never met, but even
though we will never see each other face to face,
I can feel the true friendships I have formed and
WOW I am sooo LUCKY! So, to my old and new
friends... I wish you all the best in the year 2009!
May it be a year of good health and lots of laughter!
I would raise my glass of champagne to you all, but
I don't drink anymore....someone get me a glass
of sparkling cider please...LOL
CHEERS to you all!!!
Ok, I am done being won't see too
much mushy stuff from me....only a few times a
year... and New Year's Eve is one of them! lol
All my shopping is done, got the appetizers for
tonight and the pork and sauerkraut for tomorrow
all that is left is my warm jammies and hubby
to get out of work. So until then, I will work on
my new kit, ohhhh, this one is gonna be fantastic!!!!
Wait till ya see this keep an eye out for it.
Think fantasy and
So until next year peeps, have a great night and
if you are drinking DON'T DRIVE!!! and if you
are driving DON'T DRINK!!!! Stay safe, ok!!!
Chow for Now!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Xmas Photos and Challenge is Done!
This is Xmas Morning...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
I sure hope ya'll are ready for Santa!
I know I am! I do have to venture out today for some
fresh strawberries, well as fresh I can get at this time
of year anyway. They are must for the Chocolate
Fountain. I like to say it's for the kids, but I would
be just fooling myself, chocolate is at the top of the
list of my favorite things, lol and there is nothing
I love to see besides presents under the tree all for me
and a fountain of chocolate screaming at me to
But before the fun begins, I still have a few things
to get done, so before I get busy with all festivities
I just wanted to quickly wish all my friends out
there a Wonderful Christmas... may it be everything
you wished for and more!!
The other night I got my camera out and just started
taking pictures of the tree and all the other
decorations I have, I tried the picture
of the Christmas ball, but I still got some
experimenting to do with that... I have to figure
out how to take the close up picture and not see
me in the ball...LOL oh well, maybe next year...LOL
But anyway... I think I did capture the essence of
my tree this year, so I made it into a card for everyone...
Well, time for me to run!
Have a Very Merry Christmas Everyone!
Take Care and Stay Safe!!!
Chow for Now!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Work's Done and "Anew Freebie"
everywhere I go....Come on peeps sing
with me....LOL Today was my last day
of work til next year and I am sooo happy!
I swear this was the longest day, it just
seemed to stand still at times and I swear
that clock was broke. I shook it a few times
to try and get the hands to move faster! LOL
I was only suppose to work 1 day this week
but my boss, Linda, decided she needed
a vacation before vacation....LOL The nerve
of her....lmao....Honestly, out of everyone
that works there she certainly deserves it!
That girl takes so much crap from our sweet
doctor, I sure hope when she gets back he shows
a bit more appreciation!!! I did miss her,
so much stuff broke this week, and she has
to come back and fix it all. We love to bust on
her, like when the fax machine is out of paper,
she will be busy and we will be sitting there
talking about something, right next to the fax,
the beeping begins and we look at Linda and start
laughing... "Linda, it's out of paper again".....
ohhhh, she stops what she is doing, loads
the paper and we continue with what we where talking
about....So, that is a running joke we have with her,
the paper, but we still laugh everytime that fax
starts beeping)...
so when she was away, of course we had
to call her, the fax needed paper, so did the
copier, plus what a time for toner to go too...
3 printers ran out paper also. To top it all off
the kitchen sink is full of water and someone broke
the toilet seat!
WELCOME HOME Linda....hope you had a great
time!!!! LOL We were going to put a bunch of
charts all over her desk too, ohhh, to see the
look on her face when she walked in on Monday,
would of been PRICELESS!!
other stuff to deal with, we will let her slide.
Now that work is done, it's time to get ready for
the holiday, I still got more baking to do and do
all the wrapping. Then I must get a list going
of what kind of food we will be having.
I am thinking Grilled Cheese
are sounding better and better.....LOL
Today is my DD Heather's 20th birthday! Happy
Birthday Sweetie!!! When are you moving out?????
LMAO....Of course she is not here, she decided
to go away with her friends, so much for a
small party at McDonald's.... and they have that
playground there and everything...she just isnt
any fun any more!!!! LOL
And I was going to buy all her friends happy
So whatever you do Heather, don't make any
Are you all still with me, yeah I did some
rambling, I am almost done...
I want to tell ya about KimB's new kit... Time Anew.
This kit is FABULOUS!
get all the details.
And I made a few pages from her new kit.
This first one is Heather, this was taken at
Thanksgiving. I am just not sure if I like this
one, I don't know why, but it just needs something
or I need to get rid of something, but
either way I am keeping it the way it is! LOL
The next one I love! I have always wanted to go to
NYC to bring in the New Year, but all those
people there, crammed in on Time Square just
freaks me out, and where do these people go to
the bathroom??? They all have been standing
in one spot for a long period of time, drinking
champagne or their drink of choice, and they are
bound to have to go!!! Anywayyyy, I found this photo
and decided to pretend that I went....
Ohhh we had the time of our lives......hahahaha
You like???? lol If so I made it into a QP for you!!!
So even if you can't make it to NYC you can use any
picture, but it's got to be in 2009....LOL Hence
the frame....hahaha
Click the preview below, if you want to
snag it and keep up the great work with comments,
I am in complete awe at all the ones you all have
been leaving, my head is huge and so is my heart,
so I will continue to give my stuff away free.... LMAO
mwahhhhh to you all!!!!
and relax for the night! I got tons of baking
to do tomorrow. We are expecting a lot of snow
starting tonight some time, so maybe I will get
out and make me a real
Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe!!!
Chow for Now!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Alllll Aboardddddd!!!!
and enjoy the ride!!! There are 80 stops on this train,
you'll stop at places you've never been
to before! And see the most gorgeous stuff!
Everyone has been working
really hard to give you a HUGE MEGA gift
at Christmas, so don't forget
your manners!!! Now without further ado....
Here are the previews
for my part:
The embellishments:
The papers:
I made it into 3 parts, so that way all you peeps with dial-up can get it too!
Feel free to return to the station at anytime by clicking the logo below.
**whispers** I made that...hehehe
Make sure you bookmark it in case you can't ride the train all
the way through to the end today.We are all over the world, so if you get to someone
and their stuff is not upyet, don't fret,
just come back later, ok! Now go and enjoy the ride!!!
And here is a list of everyone that is participating and their blogs:
Stop 01 - BeaconScrap
Stop 02 - Carolyn Ritter
Stop 03 - Karrie Thomas of Kez Creates Designs
Stop 04 - Crafted by Gina
Stop 05 - DesignsByAmilyn
Stop 06 - Michelle Angeles
Stop 07 - Throwing Some Scraps Around
Stop 08 - Country Hollow Scraps
Stop 09 - ScrapinDaisy from Designs by Ruth
Stop 10 - Bits O’Scrap
Stop 11 - Wimpychompers Creations
Stop 12 - QueenBrat Designs
Stop 13 - Mumure
Stop 14 - Frosted Illusions
Stop 15 - Aussie Scraps
Stop 16 - HutchsBaby Faith in Christ Scraps
Stop 17 - MoveFearlessly Designs
Stop 18 - swordascrappin
Stop 19 - Kismet
Stop 20 - Missladyhawke
Stop 21 - The Queen and The Princess Designs
Stop 22 - Vanjo Designs
Stop 23 - Angi’s Place
Stop 24 - SotoCreations
Stop 25 - The Mathematician’ s Assistant
Stop 26 - Crops2Dawn Creations
Stop 27 - S.G.Rowe Designs
Stop 28 - Amy’s Scraps
Stop 29 - jaydensmama
Stop 30 - Crystal’s Creations By Design
Stop 31 - Digital Creations by Amber
Stop 32 - Kitten Scraps
Stop 33 - Grandma Pat
Stop 34 - Grunge and Glitter Scraps
Stop 35 - JIC Creations
Stop 36 - Butterfly Kisses
Stop 37 - Babyyaks
Stop 38 - Simply Beautiful Creations
Stop 39 - Pretty Scrappy
Stop 40 - TammyJo’s Creations
Stop 41 - CMB Designs
Stop 42 - Christy Skaggs
Stop 43 - SnapScrapCreate
Stop 44 - Believe Designs
Stop 45 - Linda’s Dream Designs
Stop 46 - MIP Scraps
Stop 47 - Miss Erin’s Scraps
Stop 48 - WillowRaven at Purple Dragonfly Creations
Stop 49 - Digital Keepsakes
Stop 50 - Blind Sight Designs
Stop 51 - Dreamland Designs
Stop 52 - Hummie’s World
Stop 53 - Northern Lights Designs
Stop 54 - DesignZ by DeDe
Stop 55 - twisted angel
Stop 56 - Desert Bloom Designs
Stop 57 - Rachelz_Expressionz
Stop 58 - Creations By Jessa
Stop 59 - Bits’N'Bobs
Stop 60 - Amanda’s Scrappy Creations
Stop 61 - Heartfelt Perfections
Stop 62 - Candie
Stop 63 - Just For You DigiScraps
Stop 64 - Cuddlebeez Scraps
Stop 65 - Prairie Sage
Stop 66 - Creekside Cottage Designs
Stop 67 - PinkuPixie Digital Designs
Stop 68 - Mariscrap
Stop 69 - Marbled Circle
Stop 70 - Panda Bear Designs
Stop 71 - Kolor’Scapez!
Stop 72 - Stellarfairie designs
Stop 73 -
Stop 74 - Danielle [DMK Designs]
Stop 75 - Katlen Kreations
Stop 76 - Babydoll’s Scrapz
Stop 77 - Angel Flower
Stop 78 - Designs by Teri
Stop 79 - SandEz Creationz
Stop 80 - Sistermoon Scraps
Have a great Monday everyone and stay safe!!!Chow for Now!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thursday Ramblings!
What a dreary day it is here.
dressed and actually doing something
besides sitting at this computer.
do a little is your day!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Snowgirl finds her Brother...
how to make someone feel good! The
responses I got on my snowgirl certainly
made my day!!! I thank you all!!! Now
that my ego has been adjusted,
for the better, I might
I went back to the drawing board.
Why, I never save my stuff in a psd file,
is beyond me! So yes, that snowgirl I just
saved as a jpeg. And since the response was
soooo good I did her brother! LOL
Maybe it's a good thing I
don't save them as psd's...since starting
from scratch again, I got to learn more
this time and I gotta tell ya, I am loving
this one....LOL I guess it's the vest on
him, I played with smudging, blurring, adding
shadows with a brush...not the shadow button
and I really like the way it looks....I wanted
the bulging out of the seams look.. then I
wanted the stitches...ohhh, that look a bit
of time, but well worth it, I think
But before I show you my snowboy you just gotta
see these layouts from my friends at SBM.
I was totally floored when I went into the
gallery this weekend and every time I went in
I saw someone using my stuffs.... That really
made my head swell....LOL So I wanted to share
them with all you peeps!
This first one was mailed to me from PkDoll...
I do love it! Thanks Paula
This one was done by one of my CHILLS friend...Sue
I just love how she used the candy cane for his name!
Thanks Sue!
And these 2 are from Omajo. They don't have
snow where she lives, but she used them anyway...
what a sweetie!!! Thanks Jo....
and this one she changed the color to green!
How COOL is that!!!!!
Ok, now onto your freebie....I loved reading
your comments, so don't stop
Here is the preview:
If you want to snag him just click the preview!
(Hopefully I did that right??) LOL
Okie Dokie, time for me to get something done in this
house, I am expecting my MIL and I had to get out
of my jams...dang it!!! LOL So have a great day everyone,
and stay safe!!!
Chow for Now!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Don't laugh...please!
minutes, if I don't get too chatty! LOL
I see I have been neglecting my blog, BAD ME!
But I got a good excuse, I swear! And I will
show you soon....
But first, I got some FANS out there,
who would of ever thought!!! LOL Certainly
NOT ME!!!! I can't tell ya how exciting it
is to make stuff and then actually see peeps
using it!!! It just floors me, and at the
same time, I get all oohie inside, I know,
oohie isn't a word, heck I just made it up,
I just can't think of the word I want to use
right now and I do like making up words...
makes life a bit more interesting and people
look at you weird too...but that's ok, it makes
people laugh! I swear try using OOHIE today
and people will think you totally lost it! LOL
I know, I'm a weirdo!!! LOL
Anywayyyy, I want to show you some layouts
that some peeps have been doing! I really
LOVE them all!
These are by MoonlightPearl (Elle) from SBM!
I just LOVE her ocean layouts and she even made
me a calendar, so now I have a lovely layout
that I can look at all next year! THANKS ELLE!!
These are from Eye (Irene) They are sooo
BEAUTIFUL!!! She is from Nova Scotia and
the snow they get there looks soo pretty!
These two are pictures of her new grand baby!
Here are the nature layouts:
And this one she used a combination of kits....
soooo clever Eyeball! LOL
Thanks again!! You both made my night when I saw them
in the SBM gallery! mwahhhhhhhh!
Now to the DON'T LAUGH part.....
I made something in PS all by myself, used
some shapes and normal brushes....LOL It started
out as a teddy bear, cause I always wanted to make
one of those, maybe one day, but now is not the
time...LOL I've been working on this all week...
Maybe I have been just looking at it too long and
it started to grow on me, I don't know, but I think
it came out rather here it goes, DON'T LAUGH Mom always had this phrase and it would
go like this..."If you don't have anything nice to say,
don't say ANYTHING at all".....well, that's how I am
going to take this....and don't just say it to make
me feel good either, I need to know! Is it CUTE
or do I need to start again...cause I will....I am
like that.....LMAO! ok, ok, ok, enough rambling!!!!
Here she first snowgirl....
I am trying to figure out how you can just
click the picture to download! Can anyone
help me with that. I highlighted the image code
and clicked the link button, but that doesnt
seem to work....can someone please share that
info with me....pleazzzzzzeeeee!
Click HERE if you would like
to have her...and please leave some love!
I really do love reading what you peeps
have to say!!!!
Ok, I think that's it for tonight! Have a
great weekend everyone and please be stay safe!
Chow for Now!!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Winter Wonderland
It sure looked pretty, but I am glad it
didn't stick around! Rain soon followed
and it was all washed away. I spent
all day Saturday in my jammies, I just love
days like that. I actually try to do that
once a week and wouldn't you know it, every time
I do that, that is the day my mother in law
decides stop by...I swear that lady must think
I live in my jammies, she never says anything,
but I can just see it in her eyes!! Ya know
the look... as she looks you up and down and then
glances over to the kitchen sink and still
see the dinner dishes stacked waiting to be
washed....yep, I will never make it as
Mother of the year....LOL Now if only she
would grab that vacuum cleaner and get the
dog hair off the stairs that has been there
since last time she was here and I was
in my jams, I'd sure be happy! LOL
Today was another card making day, I am 3/4
way through now, I think maybe another day
and they should all be done, I got to get to
the post office and get the out of states ones sent
so they get them before Christmas, so I guess
that's what I will be doing tomorrow, and of
course all the other running around that has
to be done, that's why I am posting tonight,
I won't have the time tomorrow! But I still
ain't running the vacuum down the stairs....
I soo look forward to seeing my MIL's face! LOL
As my kids would tell me...."NOBODY TOLD ME TO DO IT"
Can you image living life and not doing anything
until someone tells ya????? A saying keeps
poppin' in me head....and I am sure you all heard
this one before...."I can't wait till you have children
and I pray to God they are just like YOU!" I say
that more and more these days....LOL
Ok.... I better stop before I can't....LOL
Anyway.... I got a new kit for ya, I think it came
out pretty cool, don't forget I am still new at all be nice....LOL It's in the blues...
Yeah, I love the blues! And it goes perfect with snow!
Here is the previews:
It's rather large, so I have three downloads for ya...
Please leave a ty or something if you like it, cause if
nobody says anything, how I am going to know if I am improving
or not, KWIM??? LOL Good or Bad, I promise, I can take it!!! LOL
You can download them here:
Time for me to relax...have a good night/good day...
whichever applies to you and always Stay Safe!
Chow for Now!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Quick Post!
We had TURKEY and NO CLAMS!!!!
Freakin' wacky sisters are sooo lucky!
But they still want grilled cheese sandwiches
for NO WAY... I control the
The day went rather smooth! No fighting or
anything! I gave my family the BEHAVE TODAY
or ELSE talk and get this.... IT WORKED!!!!
I do believe in miracles after all!!! I have
got to say this was the first year there
was no screaming before we left the house.
Now that Heather is driving she drove her and
Amber to Lisa's, so there was no bickering in
the backseat either....pure joy it was!!!
I have some pictures to show....I took loads
again... I think like 300 this year, never know
how they are gonna look until they are on the computer,
ya know! I will show just a few and I did a layout
of our annual family picture... plus, I decided to
do something a little different with it'll
Black Friday:
We were out the door at 5:00 am this morning and I got
home around 4:30 pm, I am dead tired but I did get almost
all my Christmas shopping done, just have to get Lisa, cause
she was with me, and it wouldn't be a surprise if she saw
Plus a few odds and ends, but the gist of it is done! Amen!
Now that Black Friday is done and all my funds are low...its
time to sit back a relax for a few days...aaahhhh, that's going
to be nice...just to relax!!!
I sure hope everyone had a wonderful day and shopped til they
dropped today, cause that's what I am about to do...DROP!
Gonna grab me self a turkey wrap and some pumpkin pie and veg the rest
of this evening!
Here are some photos of Thanksgiving....
This was on the inside of everyones placecard!
The STAR! of the day....hehehe
The 25lb of stuffed potatoes...I just stick this in the crockpot...and WALA!
they are all GONE!!!! lol
The 7 pies I made:
While the pies were baking, I went to my scraproom and whipped
out these little turkeys for everyone as a party favor...these are
peppermint patty
Wait till ya see what I do for Christmas....yeah, I get a tad carried
Here is the group layout.... my crazyyyy family!
This photo is of my hubbys family, which of course we had
to go there after Lisa's! Longgggg day!
and last but not least, a picture of all of us, where we wished
we could all be....I just had to do this
Yes, it was warm and sunny and everyone was wearing their
coats or jackets....hehehe but I still like it! lol
Pretty Cool huh??? LOL
Well that's it for me today.... gonna go rest this
weary body and pray hubby rubs my feet...hey, I can
still dream can't I???? LOL
Take Care Everyone!
Chow for Now!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll!!!
week we were taking down the tree, now at the end of
the week it will go back up again. My dog isn't going
to be a happy camper that's for sure, we won't see her
for about 2 weeks. It takes her that long to start
coming around. Yes, she is afraid of all the decorations
and we just get a kick out of her when she has to go
outside....yep, we have the reindeer out there that are...
animated of course... but we don't have to worry about
KC chewing on them....she will never get that
close. LOL Heck that dog stays away from me when I come
home from grocery shopping. She doesn't like the
bags.....go figure!!! I told ya she was a nut! lol
But I wouldn't trade her for anything!
I have so much stuff that has to been done, and yet
I sit here and type to you fine folks! LOL I have 25
lbs of twice baked potatoes to make, 2 pumpkin pies
and 2 apple crumb pies. Plus I went out and got a turkey,
just in case my sister is serious about those clams.
I figured I would make that Wednesday night, that way
I don't have to get up early Thursday, I did mention I
am NOT a morning
Except for black Friday...yes, I am one of those crazy
people pushing and shoving at 5 o'clock in the morning.
It's tradition, Lisa and I have been doing it for years!
Actually I don't push and shove anyone,
cause I still got sleep in my eyes and peeps are usually
pushing me out of the way. There is NEVER nothing I
need that day, but we do get some good deals, and of course
I always see something for me, that I just gotta have.
Yes, every year I buy myself a few gifts, just in case
I don't like anything hubby gets me, I got my back ups....LOL
I wrap them too, sign them from Santa. When I open them I
act sooo surprised, my family thinks I'm nuts, but I don't
really care, I LOVE Christmas!
But before all the talk about Christmas we gotta celebrate
Thanksgiving. My second best holiday! LOL The family is
together and I have the 'please be nice just for one day talk'
with my girls and off to Lisa's we go.
We eat and eat and then eat more.....gotta love it! LOL
The sad part is my Mom is no longer with us, there is always
that empty place in me, that wishes we could all be together,
just once more! But I guess that isn't going to happen, here on earth.
One of our traditions we have is to go around the table and say what
we are thankful for, the one year, Brooke sang for us and 2 years ago
Lisa had a list so long the turkey was getting Besides the
usual, being thankful for my family...and yes... I am thankful for I would like to say to all of you who read my antics
and such I am thankful for all of you. You give me the courage
to do something I love to do and I love sharing it will all of you!
May you all have a wonderful day with family and friends and be
thankful for all the little things we all take for granted.
Now enough of this mushy stuff.... I just can't handle to much
I got some layouts to show ya. The first one is of Ambry,
that little girl is sooo darn cute and I swear she just keeps
getting cuter and cuter.
The second one is my daughter Heather when she was 9 mths old,
Ambry's driving!!! She hasnt even got all her teeth yet and
she is taking over the car....LOL Look Ma...NO BRAKES!!! lol
Ambry and her family were heading back from Disney when
they stopped to take a break, Ambry got in the driver seat
and Daddy snapped the photo.
This is just priceless! And that look on her face....LOVE IT!
I just loved it when she was a baby! Little Baby, little problems,
Big Baby, big problems! LOL
The kits I used are from Moonbeam over at Scrapbook Max! She
makes some really gorgeous stuff. I have always loved her style!
The Ambry layout I used 2 kits together, Perfectly Pink and Basically
Beige. Heathers I just used the Basically Beige.
If you find some time stop on by her store and check out all
her wonderful goodies. I also used some of Jazz's wordart...this one is called Smiles. She has
loads of new kits in her store too, so what are you
waiting for? You got 2 stores to shop in and nobody is going
to be pushing and
Well its time for me to start working on my to-do list.
It's never gonna get done if I sit in front of this computer.
I must tell ya I got my blue kit all done for ya, so expect
it next week sometime, I have to get the previews done yet.
It turned out pretty cool, and I called it Winter Wonderland...
yeah, I know, how original...but it works for me....LOL
So until next time.... Have a Great Thanksgiving and stay safe!!!
Chow for now!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Brrr...It's Penguin Weather!
and it's nice and toasty in here!
Hello everyone!!!! Hope ya'll are doing good!
Me, I am still hanging in there. Things have been
rather quiet around here, which is a very good
thing!! And NO, I didn't kill the kids...YET! They are
still breathing at the moment. As for my sisters...
YES they are still EVIL, but I am ignoring them
at the moment. I refuse to talk to them until I see
a receipt for a I have oodles to talk about
so I am gonna get this ball rollin'!
KimB has a new grab bag up for Christmas and
OMG I LOVE it!!!!
She makes the cutest stuff! When she emailed me the
goodies, I fell in love instantly with it and have been
playing with it since. There is so much wonderful stuff
in this bag and it's all only $6.00!!! Now that is
cheap and its all CU stuff!!!
You just gotta get this for your Xmas layouts!!!
You won't be sorry! Have I steered you wrong yet?
Nawww, I don't think so!! lol
This Grab Bag has 4 element packs and 2 overlay
kits... That's $1.00 a kit!!!!!! I told you it's CHEAP!!!!
You can get it HERE. While it's on SALE!!!
I made this layout with Zander and his 1st Christmas,
which was last year, cause I don't have any pictures
this year...YET ..But ohhh am I gonna have fun with
my camera this year! is the layout...
Isn't he precious! And look at that penguin....awwww,
too cute! Told ya Kim makes cute stuff!! lol
And I didn't forget about you peeps!!!
If you want the QP just click HERE to get it!
And don't forget to leave some luv!
I also used Jazzy's wordart, which is a must for
all your Christmas layouts and she has got some
more in the store this morning! Ohhh, the Christmas
layouts this year are gonna ROCK!!!! So while you are
at DSO getting Kim's grab bag, stop on over to Jazz's store
and see all her wonderful word art and grab some
of those too!!!!! Here is her new wordart which at the moment
is 25% off!!!!
After your done getting these terrific deals head
on over to these sites... They all have great goodies
for ya and you can see some more stuff from Kim's grab bag.
Kim likes to play with the hiding game...hehehe and we as
her CT get to show ya little by little what's in them...So here
are 3 more places to head to:
Jenn has added this to her Whimsical Winter Goodies:
Pam has this CUTE QP page:
And last but not her post, that girl is NUTS! LOL
She made some alpha to go with the bag! Now don't forget your manners!
Well, that's about it today! Have a GREAT day everyone and stay safe!!
Chow for Now!!!