In memory of Gizzy, my little boy with the fly-away ears. He was my inspiration, my muse and my best friend on four legs.
Gizzy in Heaven!
I love you forever and ever, Amen!
Showing posts with label pet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet. Show all posts
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Strawberry Fields Forever!
Every year I look forward to strawberry season, so "Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields. Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about. Strawberry Fields forever."
I don't think I ever fully appreciated the songs of the Beatles until I got older because it wasn't till then when I started to pay attention to the lyrics. "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see. It's getting hard to be someone, but it all works out. It doesn't matter much to me.
Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.
Strawberry Fields forever."
Southern Grace Farms operates this strawberry field every year from the beginning of April till the end of May. People can come and pick their own berries or purchase them ready picked by the gallon or flat. As soon as you drive up, you can smell the strawberries. What a lovely scent!
Here's Gizzy peeking out of the passenger window where the car is parked at the entrance.
You can see rows upon rows of strawberry plants and in the very back are some people picking strawberries. (It helps to double click on the photo to enlarge it.)
I don't know why I felt compelled to look down to take a picture of this lonely little strawberry that fell to the ground - never to be eaten (poor little berry!)
I asked the young lady to take a picture of me for my blog after I purchased the strawberries. Simple things in life make me very happy!
Here I'm beaming some more in the sunshine. I decided to purchase two one-gallon containers full; one for me and one to give away to a friend.
Here are my sweet, red jewels in the back seat of my car, awaiting their final destination...Yummmmmmm, I can't wait!
Hope you'll be eating fresh strawberries very soon too (if you're not doing so already) and, thank you little honey bee, you did a fantastic job! The strawberries are delicious!
...and may you be around for another 30 million years so that we might enjoy "Strawberry Fields forever!"
bank's lake,
mother's day,
mothers' day,
Friday, May 1, 2009
It's a Great Day in May!
banks lake,
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Just can't get enough of all that Green stuff!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Cutter Skinsations works!
Just to let you know that there is life after mosquitoes, providing you can handle being covered by a thick layer of insect repellent. I sprayed myself, my clothes and the dog with insect repellent before our daily morning walk and guess what? I did not get bit! I carried the bottle with me and kept reapplying so that I used quite a bit. I don't like doing this to myself, but it's either that or stay inside all the time.
However, it's important to not stand still and keep on moving. Waiving your arms around helps too. Therefore, Gizzy's walk was a bit quicker than usual, but at least he got to be out there sniffing around and doing his doggy duty.
Then, after we got back home, we both got in the shower to remove the repellent and now our day has started out right. It really was torture for both of us yesterday having to stay inside on such a lovely day.
Revelling in Contentedness!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Talking Gizzy and our new floor!
Just a little movie clip of me and my Gizzy being silly together and our new floor that's vinyl, but looks like wood. I'm so glad to be rid of that old, dirty wall-to-wall carpeting that was in the apartment before. Now we can just mop and go! (or go and mop, as the case may be!)
Monday, March 23, 2009
My cat, Middi!
Since I talk so much about my dog, it's only fair to mention my cat, Middi, also, because she's a smart and brave cat who has earned her way into this house...and I secretly think she's partly responsible in keeping the bugs away that are ever so abundant in humid climates like Southern Georgia and Florida.
She adopted me in spite of the dog, who absolutely hates cats. Thankfully, she's smart, streetwise and good natured, so that she can always find a way to avoid him. I also have the apartment rigged so that she has plenty of high spaces to sit on. Occasionally, he gets her cornered, but then I go over and pick him up so that she can make her getaway. She feels secure in knowing that I'm a team player. She loves to sleep on top of me and since Gizzy's not a lap dog, he doesn't seem to mind...unless when it's thundering and lightning outside and then he cries to sit on me.
I named Middi for midnight, but I also call her Miss Middi Prickly-Claws because she has the sharpest, thorny needle claws that I have ever felt on a cat before. I take her to the Vet's for a trim every month or so because she won't let me do it. She turns into an absolute and perfect daemon that seems to grow ten legs equipped with sharp, scratchy claws. She scratches and bites with a vengeance and I'm just not in the mood for that. She is otherwise a sweet and loving cat and since I let her in, about eight months ago, this cat has morphed into a healthy, shiny coated, full-bodied beauty because when I first saw her, she was nothing but skin and bones, a total mess, but nothing that a couple of hundred dollars at the Vet's couldn't fix.
(Here she looks disturbed over having to be my model and wear the cat collar that I crocheted. I like it, only she was NOT impressed.)
After having been starved, Middi now has a healthy appetite (to the point of gluttony) and a strange fascination with danger because occasionally I see her sneaking into Gizzy's bed to take a nap (usually when he's asleep somewhere else or on top of the windowsill.) I have bought her a pretty pink bed, but she doesn't use it, so Gizzy took it over and now he has two. So what if it's pink? He's male enough to pull it off!
Handsome boy - even in pink!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Mein Haeuschen (mit Kurzfilm)
(BITTE MERKEN: Dass wenn man an den Bildern zweimal darauf drueckt, dann werden sie gross und sind besser zu sehen.)
Da, an der Ecke wo die schoenen, rosa Azela Straeucher bluehen und die bluehenden Baeume stehen, bin ich zu Hause. Da hat gerade die Sonne so schoen hingescheint und ich wollte Euch die Bilder davon zeigen. Es ist halb 7 Uhr Abends und die Sonne geht ganz langsam unter.
Am Mittwoch bekomme ich neuen Boden. Die werden den alten Teppich herausreissen und ich kriege dafuer, wie gewuenscht, Linoleum Tile boden. Dann brauche ich nur schoen abwischen und bin damit fertig. Ich freue mich darauf und werde Euch dann Bilder von innerhalb der Wohnung schicken.
Noch ein kurzer Film von wenn ich heute Abend draussen um die Wohnung mit Gizzy herumgelaufen bin.
Mein erster Kurzfilm von zuhause:
Bank's Lake National Wildlife Refuge and Pear Blossoms
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