I'm joining in Tuesday's Show & Tail with Angela today - please visit her blog called West Virginia Treasures, to read the rules and join in the party!
This is my first time participating, but to me it's business as usual, because I talk about my boy so much anyway that it won't seem any different to you guys!
I'll start out by talking about his stats:
Name(s): Gizmo, Gizzy, Gizzyfur, the Giz, the boy, momma's peekaboo and more
Born on Nov. 1. 1997 to Sire Mighty Alex and Dam Mart's Babydoll Patches he is a Pedigreed Pekingese in white/biscuit parti color.
He was named Zeus by his first human parents, but when I adopted him (at the age of three) I could see that he is not a Zeus, but a Gizmo. He's not even a dog. He doesn't know what a dog does and how a dog lives....he's just a little Gizmo that thinks life's a bed of roses consisting of walks, ducks, treats, toys and long naps in soft, pink beds...and me, of course - after all every Gizmo needs a slave mommy who loves him and spoils him rotten.
Strange thing, that years later, I discovered that his previous owners were actually tossing names around for him and one of them was Gizmo, so this name bounced back to him through me.
I have never owned a male dog before Gizzy and never a pug nosed dog - all my previous dogs where females with long noses, you know, proper dogs (LOL) - just kidding! Gizzy behaves exactly the way he is supposed to based on his breed.
PEKINGESE, aka Lion dog, Foo Dog or Pelchie dog
The Peke, despite his petiteness, is courageous and bold. His independence and confidence should imply combativeness rather than delicacy. The dog is accustomed to being unchallenged and foremost in his master's eyes. His coat requires extensive grooming. (from the Mini-Atlas of Dog Breeds by A. De Prisco and J.B. Johnson) --- and that's my boy to the T!
Gizzy is a very entertaining and versatile dog. He lets me do anything to him, but he is quirky with strangers to the point of being down-right rude sometimes - very un-Southern, you might say!
Here are a few photos of his various personalities:
Babushka Gizzy
Looking like a Sheik after his bath
Being mommy's bumble boy
This outfit has brought him two trophies at the Honey Bee Festival
My trophy boy's wall
Looking cool in his Clifford sunglasses
Being a lazy boy on the La-Z-Boy snuggling with his ducky
Christmas Gizzy
Pleading Gizzy "let me outaheeeeeere!"
Banks Lake Gizzy
Napping Gizzy (almost)
Upside down Gizzy
Gizzy's "planter" pose
Done swinging
Riding on momma's walker around the lake
Gizzy, the explorer - hitting the nature trails!
Life must be wonderful if you're a Gizzy...I sure hope he thinks so, because I want him to enjoy this ride for as long as we can - we're a team!