Showing posts with label Tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tools. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Hello World, meet our new experimental toolchain, Jack and Jill

Posted by Paul Rashidi, Developer Programs Engineer

We've been working on a new toolchain for Android that’s designed to improve build times and simplify development by reducing dependencies on other tools. Today, we’re introducing you to Jack (Java Android Compiler Kit) and Jill (Jack Intermediate Library Linker), the two tools at the core of the new toolchain.

We are making an early, experimental version of Jack and Jill available for testing with non-production versions of your apps. This post describes how the toolchain works, how to configure it, and how to let us know of your feature requests and any bugs you find.

So how does it work?

When the new tool chain is enabled, Jill will translate any libraries you are referencing to a new Jack library file (.jack). This prepares them to be quickly merged with other .jack files. The Android Gradle plugin and Jack collect any .jack library files, along with your source code, and compiles them into a set of dex files. During the process, Jack also handles any requested code minification. The output is then assembled into an APK file as normal. We also include support for multiple dex files, if you have enabled that support.

How do I use it?

Jack and Jill are already available in the 21.1.1+ Build Tools for Android Studio. Complementary Gradle support is also currently available in the Android 1.0.0+ Gradle plugin. To get started, all you need to do is make sure you're using these versions of the tooling and then add a single line in your build.gradle file. Perform a build of your application to receive a newly built APK.

android {
buildToolsRevision '21.1.1'
defaultConfig {
// Enable the experimental Jack build tools.
useJack = true

If you want to build your app with both toolchains, Product Flavors are a great way to do this. Your build.gradle file might look something like the snippet below.

android {
productFlavors {
dev {
experimental {
useJack = true
prod {

How do I configure my build?

We are making the transition to Jack as smooth as possible by supporting minification (shrinking and/or obfuscation), as well as repackaging (i.e. similar to tools like jarjar), while using the same input files as you are used to. Minification is available in the Gradle plugin immediately and repackaging will follow. You should continue to use the "minifyEnabled true" directive to reduce the size of your app among all other optimizations you would normally use. There are more details on our reference page (linked below) regarding the level of support for each type of optimization. We encourage you to provide feedback there if your current configuration isn't supported.

Give us your feedback

We are attempting to make the toolchain as easy to test out as possible and we're looking for your help to fine tune it. Use the reference page to find known issues, file feature requests, and report bugs. Happy building!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Android SDK Tools, Revision 21

Posted by Xavier Ducrohet, Android SDK Tech Lead, and Angana Ghosh, Product Manager in Android

Along with the Android 4.2 SDK, we also launched a brand new update of the Android SDK Tools (Revision 21). The update includes new tools and capabilities that can help you work more efficiently as you create applications. Tools such as a new multi-config editor, and new Lint rules will help you develop apps more quickly, while a new UI test framework will give you more ways automate testing and QA for your apps. For new developers, one-click SDK download and new app templates help you get started more quickly.

Multi-config editor

A new multi-configuration editor allows you to develop and prototype your UI across various orientations, screen sizes and locales. For example, while editing your layout in portrait mode, you can see if your edits aren't visible in the shorter landscape orientation. You can see previews for other screen sizes from small phones to large tablets, you can see previews for the layout using all the available language translations in your app, and so on. You can even see how the layout appears when it is included as a fragment in a different larger layout. Finally, Android allows you to create specialized layouts for any of these configurations, and the multi configuration editor shows you these overridden layouts.

Here is a screenshot of the layout editor showing one of the layouts from the Google I/O application, across a variety of screen sizes.

More app templates

Tools R21 brings three new app templates to help you to easily add new screens to your app. There’s a new full-screen activity for use as a photo or video viewer, a settings activity to handle basic user preferences and a login activity to capture username/password.

UI Automator Test Framework

One common approach to UI testing is to run tests manually and verify that the app is behaving as expected. UI Automator is a new software testing framework available in Tools R21 that provides you with tools to easily automate UI testing tasks. It provides a GUI tool to scan and analyze the UI components of an Android application (uiautomatorviewer), a library containing APIs to create customized functional UI tests, and an execution engine to automate and run the tests against multiple physical devices. UI Automator runs on Android 4.1 (API level 16) or higher. To learn more head over to the UI Testing documentation.

One-click SDK installer

New Android SDK developers now have a convenient way to download all the various SDK components like Tools, Platform Tools, Eclipse ADT, and the latest system image with a single click. Existing developers can continue to manage their SDK components and get updates through the SDK Manager.

Revamped AVD creation dialog

The new dialog makes it easier to create Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) matching real device profiles. The AVDs will also appear in the layout editor to show you how the layouts will look.

More Lint rules

And to wrap things up there are 25 new lint rules which catch several common sources of bugs, for example deviations from Android design guide for icons, checks for mismanaged wakelocks, common sources of locale-related bugs and so on. So make sure you upgrade and let Lint loose on your projects before your next app update!

A minor bug-fix to the Android NDK is also available. For a complete list of what’s new, see the release notes for SDK Tools R21, ADT 21.0.0 and Android NDK R8c.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Android Design V2: Now with stencils

[This post is by Android designer Alex Faaborg, on behalf of the entire User Experience team. —Tim Bray]

When we initially released Android Design, by far the number one request we received was for us to release stencils as well. The fine folks on the Android User Experience team are pleased today to release some official Android Design stencils for your mockup-creating pleasure.

With these stencils you can now drag and drop your way to beautifully designed Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) applications, with grace and ease. The stencils feature the rich typography, colors, interactive controls, and icons found throughout Ice Cream Sandwich, along with some phone and tablet outlines to frame your meticulously crafted creations.

Currently we have stencils available for those venerable interactive design powerhouses Adobe® Fireworks®, and Omni® OmniGraffle® and we may expand to other applications® in the future. The source files for the various icons and controls are also available, created in Adobe® Photoshop®, and Adobe® Illustrator®. Here are the downloads.

We’ll be updating these stencils over time so, as always, please send in your feedback!

Happy mockup making,

— Your friendly Android Design Droids

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Debugging Android JNI with CheckJNI

[This post is by Elliott Hughes, a Software Engineer on the Dalvik team — Tim Bray]

Although most Android apps run entirely on top of Dalvik, some use the Android NDK to include native code using JNI. Native code is harder to get right than Dalvik code, and when you have a bug, it’s often a lot harder to find and fix it. Using JNI is inherently tricky (there’s precious little help from the type system, for example), and JNI functions provide almost no run-time checking. Bear in mind also that the developer console’s crash reporting doesn’t include native crashes, so you don’t even necessarily know how often your native code is crashing.

What CheckJNI can do

To help, there’s CheckJNI. It can catch a number of common errors, and the list is continually increasing. In Gingerbread, for example, CheckJNI can catch all of the following kinds of error:

  • Arrays: attempting to allocate a negative-sized array.

  • Bad pointers: passing a bad jarray/jclass/jobject/jstring to a JNI call, or passing a NULL pointer to a JNI call with a non-nullable argument.

  • Class names: passing anything but the “java/lang/String” style of class name to a JNI call.

  • Critical calls: making a JNI call between a GetCritical and the corresponding ReleaseCritical.

  • Direct ByteBuffers: passing bad arguments to NewDirectByteBuffer.

  • Exceptions: making a JNI call while there’s an exception pending.

  • JNIEnv*s: using a JNIEnv* from the wrong thread.

  • jfieldIDs: using a NULL jfieldID, or using a jfieldID to set a field to a value of the wrong type (trying to assign a StringBuilder to a String field, say), or using a jfieldID for a static field to set an instance field or vice versa, or using a jfieldID from one class with instances of another class.

  • jmethodIDs: using the wrong kind of jmethodID when making a Call*Method JNI call: incorrect return type, static/non-static mismatch, wrong type for ‘this’ (for non-static calls) or wrong class (for static calls).

  • References: using DeleteGlobalRef/DeleteLocalRef on the wrong kind of reference.

  • Release modes: passing a bad release mode to a release call (something other than 0, JNI_ABORT, or JNI_COMMIT).

  • Type safety: returning an incompatible type from your native method (returning a StringBuilder from a method declared to return a String, say).

  • UTF-8: passing an invalid Modified UTF-8 byte sequence to a JNI call.

If you’ve written any amount of native code without CheckJNI, you’re probably already wishing you’d known about it. There’s a performance cost to using CheckJNI (which is why it isn’t on all the time for everybody), but it shouldn’t change the behavior in any other way.

Enabling CheckJNI

If you’re using the emulator, CheckJNI is on by default. If you’re working with an Android device, use the following adb command:

adb shell setprop debug.checkjni 1

This won’t affect already-running apps, but any app launched from that point on will have CheckJNI enabled. (Changing the property to any other value or simply rebooting will disable CheckJNI again.) In this case, you’ll see something like this in your logcat output the next time each app starts:

D Late-enabling CheckJNI

If you don’t see this, your app was probably already running; you just need to force stop it and start it again.


Here’s the output you get if you return a byte array from a native method declared to return a String:

W JNI WARNING: method declared to return 'Ljava/lang/String;' returned '[B'
W failed in LJniTest;.exampleJniBug
I "main" prio=5 tid=1 RUNNABLE
I | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x40246f60 self=0x10538
I | sysTid=15295 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=-2145061784
I | schedstat=( 398335000 1493000 253 ) utm=25 stm=14 core=0
I at JniTest.exampleJniBug(Native Method)
I at JniTest.main(
I at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
E VM aborting

Without CheckJNI, you’d just die via SIGSEGV, with none of this output to help you!

New JNI documentation

We’ve also recently added a page of JNI Tips that explains some of the finer points of JNI. If you write native methods, even if CheckJNI isn’t rejecting your code, you should still read that page. It covers everything from correct usage of the JavaVM and JNIEnv types, how to work with native threads, local and global references, dealing with Java exceptions in native code, and much more, including answers to frequently-asked JNI questions.

What CheckJNI can’t do

There are still classes of error that CheckJNI can’t find. Most important amongst these are misuses of local references. CheckJNI can spot if you stash a JNIEnv* somewhere and then reuse it on the wrong thread, but it can’t detect you stashing a local reference (rather than a global reference) and then reusing it in a later native method call. Doing so is invalid, but currently mostly works (at the cost of making life hard for the GC), and we’re still working on getting CheckJNI to spot these mistakes.

We’re hoping to have more checking, including for local reference misuse, in a future release of Android. Start using CheckJNI now, though, and you’ll be able to take advantage of our new checks as they’re added.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Memory Analysis for Android Applications

[This post is by Patrick Dubroy, an Android engineer who writes about programming, usability, and interaction on his personal blog. — Tim Bray]

The Dalvik runtime may be garbage-collected, but that doesn't mean you can ignore memory management. You should be especially mindful of memory usage on mobile devices, where memory is more constrained. In this article, we're going to take a look at some of the memory profiling tools in the Android SDK that can help you trim your application's memory usage.

Some memory usage problems are obvious. For example, if your app leaks memory every time the user touches the screen, it will probably trigger an OutOfMemoryError eventually and crash your app. Other problems are more subtle, and may just degrade the performance of both your app (as garbage collections are more frequent and take longer) and the entire system.

Tools of the trade

The Android SDK provides two main ways of profiling the memory usage of an app: the Allocation Tracker tab in DDMS, and heap dumps. The Allocation Tracker is useful when you want to get a sense of what kinds of allocation are happening over a given time period, but it doesn't give you any information about the overall state of your application's heap. For more information about the Allocation Tracker, see the article on Tracking Memory Allocations. The rest of this article will focus on heap dumps, which are a more powerful memory analysis tool.

A heap dump is a snapshot of an application's heap, which is stored in a binary format called HPROF. Dalvik uses a format that is similar, but not identical, to the HPROF tool in Java. There are a few ways to generate a heap dump of a running Android app. One way is to use the Dump HPROF file button in DDMS. If you need to be more precise about when the dump is created, you can also create a heap dump programmatically by using the android.os.Debug.dumpHprofData() function.

To analyze a heap dump, you can use a standard tool like jhat or the Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT). However, first you'll need to convert the .hprof file from the Dalvik format to the J2SE HPROF format. You can do this using the hprof-conv tool provided in the Android SDK. For example:

hprof-conv dump.hprof converted-dump.hprof

Example: Debugging a memory leak

In the Dalvik runtime, the programmer doesn't explicitly allocate and free memory, so you can't really leak memory like you can in languages like C and C++. A "memory leak" in your code is when you keep a reference to an object that is no longer needed. Sometimes a single reference can prevent a large set of objects from being garbage collected.

Let's walk through an example using the Honeycomb Gallery sample app from the Android SDK. It's a simple photo gallery application that demonstrates how to use some of the new Honeycomb APIs. (To build and download the sample code, see the instructions.) We're going to deliberately add a memory leak to this app in order to demonstrate how it could be debugged.

Imagine that we want to modify this app to pull images from the network. In order to make it more responsive, we might decide to implement a cache which holds recently-viewed images. We can do that by making a few small changes to At the top of the class, let's add a new static variable:

private static HashMap<String,Bitmap> sBitmapCache = new HashMap<String,Bitmap>();

This is where we'll cache the Bitmaps that we load. Now we can change the updateContentAndRecycleBitmap() method to check the cache before loading, and to add Bitmaps to the cache after they're loaded.

void updateContentAndRecycleBitmap(int category, int position) {
if (mCurrentActionMode != null) {

// Get the bitmap that needs to be drawn and update the ImageView.

// Check if the Bitmap is already in the cache
String bitmapId = "" + category + "." + position;
mBitmap = sBitmapCache.get(bitmapId);

if (mBitmap == null) {
// It's not in the cache, so load the Bitmap and add it to the cache.
// DANGER! We add items to this cache without ever removing any.
mBitmap = Directory.getCategory(category).getEntry(position)
sBitmapCache.put(bitmapId, mBitmap);
((ImageView) getView().findViewById(;

I've deliberately introduced a memory leak here: we add Bitmaps to the cache without ever removing them. In a real app, we'd probably want to limit the size of the cache in some way.

Examining heap usage in DDMS

The Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) is one of the primary Android debugging tools. DDMS is part of the ADT Eclipse plug-in, and a standalone version can also be found in the tools/ directory of the Android SDK. For more information on DDMS, see Using DDMS.

Let's use DDMS to examine the heap usage of this app. You can start up DDMS in one of two ways:

  • from Eclipse: click Window > Open Perspective > Other... > DDMS
  • or from the command line: run ddms (or ./ddms on Mac/Linux) in the tools/ directory

Select the process in the left pane, and then click the Show heap updates button in the toolbar. Then, switch to the VM Heap tab in DDMS. It shows some basic stats about our heap memory usage, updated after every GC. To see the first update, click the Cause GC button.

We can see that our live set (the Allocated column) is a little over 8MB. Now flip through the photos, and watch that number go up. Since there are only 13 photos in this app, the amount of memory we leak is bounded. In some ways, this is the worst kind of leak to have, because we never get an OutOfMemoryError indicating that we are leaking.

Creating a heap dump

Let's use a heap dump to track down the problem. Click the Dump HPROF file button in the DDMS toolbar, choose where you want to save the file, and then run hprof-conv on it. In this example, I'll be using the standalone version of MAT (version 1.0.1), available from the MAT download site.

If you're running ADT (which includes a plug-in version of DDMS) and have MAT installed in Eclipse as well, clicking the “dump HPROF” button will automatically do the conversion (using hprof-conv) and open the converted hprof file into Eclipse (which will be opened by MAT).

Analyzing heap dumps using MAT

Start up MAT and load the converted HPROF file we just created. MAT is a powerful tool, and it's beyond the scope of this article to explain all it's features, so I'm just going to show you one way you can use it to detect a leak: the Histogram view. The Histogram view shows a list of classes sortable by the number of instances, the shallow heap (total amount of memory used by all instances), or the retained heap (total amount of memory kept alive by all instances, including other objects that they have references to).

If we sort by shallow heap, we can see that instances of byte[] are at the top. As of Android 3.0 (Honeycomb), the pixel data for Bitmap objects is stored in byte arrays (previously it was not stored in the Dalvik heap), and based on the size of these objects, it's a safe bet that they are the backing memory for our leaked bitmaps.

Right-click on the byte[] class and select List Objects > with incoming references. This produces a list of all byte arrays in the heap, which we can sort based on Shallow Heap usage.

Pick one of the big objects, and drill down on it. This will show you the path from the root set to the object -- the chain of references that keeps this object alive. Lo and behold, there's our bitmap cache!

MAT can't tell us for sure that this is a leak, because it doesn't know whether these objects are needed or not -- only the programmer can do that. In this case, the cache is using a large amount of memory relative to the rest of the application, so we might consider limiting the size of the cache.

Comparing heap dumps with MAT

When debugging memory leaks, sometimes it's useful to compare the heap state at two different points in time. To do this, you'll need to create two separate HPROF files (don't forget to convert them using hprof-conv).

Here's how you can compare two heap dumps in MAT (it's a little complicated):

  1. Open the first HPROF file (using File > Open Heap Dump).
  2. Open the Histogram view.
  3. In the Navigation History view (use Window > Navigation History if it's not visible), right click on histogram and select Add to Compare Basket.
  4. Open the second HPROF file and repeat steps 2 and 3.
  5. Switch to the Compare Basket view, and click Compare the Results (the red "!" icon in the top right corner of the view).


In this article, I've shown how the Allocation Tracker and heap dumps can give you get a better sense of your application's memory usage. I also showed how The Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) can help you track down memory leaks in your app. MAT is a powerful tool, and I've only scratched the surface of what you can do with it. If you'd like to learn more, I recommend reading some of these articles:

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Traceview War Story

I recently took my first serious look at Traceview, and it occurred to me, first, that there are probably a few other Android developers who haven’t used it and, second, that this is an opportunity to lecture sternly on one of my favorite subjects: performance improvement and profiling. This is perhaps a little bit Android-101; If you already know all about Traceview, you can stop here and go back to coding.

Making Apps Fast

Here’s a belief that I think I share with most experienced developers: For any app that is even moderately complex, you’re not smart enough to predict what the slow parts are going to be, because nobody is smart enough to predict where software bottlenecks will turn up.

So the smart way to write a fast app is to build it in the simplest way that could possibly work, avoiding egregiously-stupid thing like order-N-squared algorithms and doing I/O on the Android UI thread. Who knows, it might be fast enough, and then you’re done!

If it isn’t fast enough, don’t guess why. Measure it and find out, using a profiler. Actually I’ve been known to do this, when backed into a corner, using things like System.err.println("Entered at" + System.currentTimeMillis()); Fortunately, Android comes with a reasonably decent profiler, so you don’t have to get ugly like that.

Case Study: LifeSaver 2

I have this little utility in Android Market called LifeSaver 2, the details are on my personal blog. At one point, it reads the SMS and phone-call logs out of the system and persists them in a JSON text file on the SD card. Since this is kind of slow, it shows a nice dynamic progress bar. It occurred to me to wonder why it was kind of slow to write a few hundred records into a text file on a device that, after all, has a gigahertz processor.

Somebody who foolishly disregarded my advice above might assume that the slowdown had to be due to the ContentProvider Cursor machinery reading the system logs, or failing that, the overhead of writing to the SD card. A wiser person would instrument the code and find out. Let’s do that.

Turning On Tracing

I went into and bracketed the code in its run() method like so:

       public void run() {


// ... method body elided


The first call turns tracing on, the argument "lsd" (stands for Life Saver Debug, of course) tells the system to put the trace log in /sdcard/lsd.trace. Remember that doing this means you have to add the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission so you can save the trace info; don‘t forget to remove that before you ship.

[Update:] Android engineer Xavier Ducrohet writes to remind me: “DDMS has a start/stop profiling button in the ‘device view’. Upon clicking stop it launches TraceView with the trace file. This is not as fine grained as putting start/stopMethodTracing in your code but can be quite useful. For VMs earlier than froyo, the permission is required as well (DDMS basically automate getting the trace from the sd card and saving it locally before calling traceview). For Froyo+ VMs, the VM is able to send the trace file through the JDWP connection and the permission is not needed anymore (which is really useful).” Thanks, Xav!

Then you run your app, then you copy the output over to your computer, and fire up Traceview.

540> adb pull /sdcard/lsd.trace
541> traceview lsd

At this point, you will have noticed three things. First, turning tracing on really slows down your app. Second, the tracefile is big; in this case, 8.6M for a run that took like four seconds. Third, that traceview looks pretty cool.

The bars across the top show the app’s threads and how they dealt out the time; since the Nexus One is single-threaded CPU, they have to take turns. Let’s zero in on one 100-msec segment.

The top line is where my app code is running (the red segment is GC happening), the middle line is the UI thread and the bursts of activity are the ProgressBar updating, and I have no idea what the third thread, named HeapWorker, does, but it doesn’t seem a major contributor to the app’s runtime, so let’s ignore it.

The bottom of the screen is where the really interesting data is; it shows which of your methods burned the time, and can be sorted in a bunch of different ways. Let’s zero in on the first two lines.

Translated into English, this tells us that the top-level routine consumed 100% of the time if you include everything it called (well, yeah), but only 0.9% of the time itself. The next line suddenly starts to get real interesting: and whatever it calls are using 65.2% of the app’s time. This is the code that writes the JSON out to the SD card. Right away, we know that apparently the task of pulling the data out of the phone’s ContentProviders doesn’t seem to be very expensive; it’s the output that’s hurting.

Can we conclude that the app is limited by the sluggish write performance of the SD card? Let’s drill down, which is done in the most obvious point-and-click way imaginable.

Ooh, there’s a nasty surprise. Of course, println calls (in effect) toString() on all its arguments. It looks like turning the arguments to strings is taking over half the time, before it even dispatches from println(Object) to println(String).

I’ll skip the step of drilling down into println(String) but it does suggest that yes, there is some slow I/O happening there, to the SD card. But let’s look inside that String.valueOf() call.

There’s your smoking pistol. It turns out that org.json.JSONObject.toString() is what we professional programmers call a, well, this is a family-friendly operation so I won’t go there. You can poke around inside it, but it’s just depressing.

What you can do, however, is sort all the routines by their “Exclusive” times, as in the number of CPU circles burned right there in the routine. Here are all of them that use 1% or more of the total execution time.

There’s a little bit of GC and Android framework View-wrangling stuff in there, but the display is dominated by org.jason and java.lang.StringBuilder code.

The Conclusion

The real conclusion is that in the case of this app, I actually don’t care about the performance. A user runs it a grand total of two times, once on the old phone and once on the new phone, and it’s got lots of eye candy, so I just don’t think there’s a problem.

If I did want to speed this up, it’s obvious what to do. First, either stop using JSON, or find a cheaper way to serialize it. Second, do fewer println() calls; glom the data together in one big buffer and just blast it out with a single I/O call. But, and here’s the key point, if I’d guessed where the bottlenecks were, I’d have been wrong, mostly.

Traceview is a nice tool, and if you don’t already know it, you owe it to yourself to learn it.
