- Ms. Mabel Lou is on the mend finally! The licking has subsided... Thank goodness! This is after I figured out I was under-dosing her! (I am so not good with pills!) She finishes her antibiotics tomorrow night and she's off all the other crap that was making her tummy hurt.
- For the first time in her life, she would not simply take the piece of cheese or hot dog that had her probiotics in it! Every single time she would find the offensive capsule and spit it at me! But I quickly found she liked the taste of the insides of the capsule! I pour it on a saucer, dip the end of the hot dog or a piece of cheese in it and feed it to her!
- Ms. Lou has reluctantly started using a ramp to get in and out of the car.... She grouses but then uses it..unless Otto is around. Then she shows off her mad getting-in-the-car-with-a-ramp skills and shoots him a look that tells him he should be impressed!! I don't think he is...
- While the licking has stopped... I swear she's taken on an "old dog" smell! ICK! And my house reeks! I'm wondering if maybe all the wet beds soured??? Tomorrow is bed washing day...we'll see!
- Work was amazing for a few weeks... shipping lots of beads and rubber stamps every single day until last week... and...nothing. This always sends me into a I'll-never-work-in-this-town-again tailspin.
- My classes are not booking in. I was most excited over a new teaching venue and when I drove up to sign my contracts (odd requirement for any business in Los Angeles), I was most pleased to find a brisk registration. But I logged on to check enrollment yesterday and... there are no new sign ups in over a month! Gee, I wonder if I go into a secondary tailspin, will I create my own tornado???
- My bestie has been out of town a lot and with her recent move down the mountain... I miss her laughter. I'm hoping we get to see more of each other come fall.
- My brother-in-law...who is the only relative my 90 year old mother actually likes and relies on... had a health scare in the last few days that's had us all fraught with worry. The fact that the tests don't reveal anything scares me even more!
- I finally got another of the pictures in my head... the beagle with the wheelchair guy. I walked down to Food Truck night last night and strolled the boulevard to check out the offerings. I saw them on the patio of a local restaurant... the dog was trying to get on the wheelchair and causing it to go off balance. The guy was saying to the dog, 'Wait! You're FAT! You're FAT!" and I wanted to say... "Make him walk!" Later they were in a parking lot and I snapped this from a distance:
- I'm over the moon with our cooler weather! I've been enjoying coffee in the mornings on the "porch sofa." I try to get Mabel up on it too but, she prefers her dog bed.
- I've got a bunch of listings for household goods, collectibles, craft supplies and glass beads going up on ebay. Hoping to get rid of some stuff. Still feeling the need to get rid of anything stored in the guest room.
- I made a new friend hiking by the stream last week. Can you see him???
Hope you are having a wonderful fall!!!