Showing posts with label One World One Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One World One Heart. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Better Late Than Never!

Today is the day to catch up on some tedious tasks from my recent past. I never posted my follow up post for the One World One Heart Winners! While I did make certain I mailed my prizes on time, by the time I finished with the ridiculous job and then lost a few weeks to the depression over my only sibling's cancer return... and then taxes... OY! It's LATE April already! Geesh!

Anyway, my prize - this lovely silvered ivory heart

went to the owner of two fantastic blogs! Kersten is from Alaska and both her blogs - Altered Gypsy and 4x4 Friday pertain to rubber stamping. (An art form I have too little time for these days - the owner of a rubber stamp shop never gets to stamp! Sigh....)

I am absolutely in LOVE with the concept behind her 4x4 Friday blog. She posts an idea and inspiration card, usually in the 4 x 4 size, every Friday. Participants work on the theme over the weekend and post a response. Isn't that cool?? I pray that one Friday, I get to participate!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Mom made me put on this stupid bandanna and sit with the sun in my eyes just so I would wish everyone a 
Happy Valentines' Day!

There. You happy now? I'm going inside...

Mom wanted me to remind you regular readers that you are more than welcome to enter her One World One Heart contest. Just comment on those posts on either this blog or her beady blog. Drawing Thursday! 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

One World One Heart 2011

I'm very sad to say this is the final blog hop adventure known as One World One Heart. I've been participating for a few years and visiting other blogs since the beginning. It's been a wonderful ride and I've made a few friends and gotten to know a lot of other bloggers along the way!

The blog hop is hosted by Lisa at  A Whimsical Bohemian and the rules are here♥  and I would like to add just ONE more for my players... PLEASE, please make it easy to get in touch with you if you win!!! I have several blogs and also have a team blog participating and in past years, people we cannot reach are passed over for someone who make it easy to get in touch with! So please, leave your email OR make sure your profile has an "email me" button!

A little bit about this blog: Creekhiker was my first blog and like a first love, it has a special place in my heart. It is mostly about the adventures I get into hiking in the glorious Southern California mountains with my rottweiler mix dog, Mabel. In many ways, Mabel has taken over this blog like she's taken over my life! We love to read about other poopy dog adventures. I am an artist...struggling along life's balance of art and commerce. I make glass beads and design rubber stamps.

I'm giving away one of my snake skin glass heart  beads. It will arrive on a necklace ready to wear.
Snake Skin Heart (both sides shown)

To win: leave a comment (1) and make sure there is a way to reach you! 

You may want to visit my glass bead blog for a different bead give away and... my handmade glass bead promotions group, The Fire Divas, are also hosting a HUGE giveaway!

Monday, February 15, 2010

One World, One Heart Winner

I've been busy drawing names for winners on my two blogs and the four winners from the Fire Divas blog.

Pea is the winner of this heart:
Pea is a devoted mom and grandma in Canada who blogs about gardening and faeries and life in general. Check out her blog here.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Creekhiker - One World, One Heart

Before the Storm

It's that time of year! The One World, One Heart International Blog event is HERE! This is a fun way to explore new blogs, win prizes, meet other bloggers and have fun in the blogosphere! You can read more about it on our host site:

Now, here's what you are playing for:

This off mandrel glass heart was made by me, Holly Dare. It was made with dichroic, aventurine and high silver glasses. There is no pink in it... that is a reflection of my shirt (ARGH!!) which should give you some idea of how reflective this bead is. It will arrive, ready-to-wear, on a black ribbon necklace (from Jamn Glass). Measures: 1.8" tall x 1.2" wide x 1/3" thick.

Simply leave a comment to win. Make sure I have some way of getting in touch with you if you are the, email or website contact page.Winners announced February 15th.

I'm also giving away another prize on my bead blog and there you will find links to some of my beady friends who are also participating in this event. My lampwork bead promotion group, The Fire Divas, is also hosting a giveaway with several chances to win on that blog and links to other Divas who are also hosting their own OWOH giveaway! Please check them all out!

Winners announced February 15th.

About the Creekhiker blog: Creekhiker is my blog about life with my "rotten-weiler" in the foothills of Southern California. The people we meet and the beauty we encounter on our daily hikes are often featured here. I hope you'll come back and visit again.