Keyboard Clock

To say that my mind doesn’t work like other people is putting it mildly.  I look at everyday things & see something totally different.  I see the possibilities.  This is what happened when I went through yet another computer keyboard.  (I manage to go through a lot of them)  I’ve had this idea in my mind for months.  I hope you enjoy.

Keyboard Clock

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Filing With Binders – Household

I don’t like filing.  There’s no other way to say it.  The file drawer looks wonderful at the beginning of the year, but by the middle of the year, the files get messy & when you’re in a hurry, it’s hard to find the things that you’re looking for.  When they become disorganized & you can’t find things, tempers become short & pressure builds.  I’ve been known to have more than one panic attack because of these disorganized files.  There had to be a better way.

I’ve always liked binders.  I think I got hooked on them when I was in college.  Each class had it’s own color coded binder with all of the relevant subcategories.  Because of these binders, I never had an assignment that I couldn’t find, I always found my notes for upcoming tests & I always knew where my reference material was.  It was organized & I felt comfortable with it.  This is how the ‘light bulb’ came on.  I would organize my household files into binders.

Filing With Binders - Household

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Binder Clips

By now, you know how much I love Zebra Patterns.  I use it as often as I can.  There’s just something about the black & white that calms me.  So, it’s only natural that I add it to my home office area.

One evening while I was bored, I was looking at my plain black binder clips.  I showed you my Zebra office bling before, and I thought, why not add it to some of the accessories?  I started to play around & this is what I finished with:

Binder Clips

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Office Bling

It’s March, and my thoughts are turning towards Spring.  Spring makes me think of opening up the windows & starting my Spring Cleaning.  I’ve made my lists of things that I want to change.  One major area that need an overhaul is the office area.  My desk isn’t as organized as I’d like it to be.  (wow, is that an understatement.)

I was using a flat ‘in/out’ tray for my mail for a while, but it just wasn’t working for me.  Since I’m a visual person, I need to see what needs to be done.  Although the trays are nice, I couldn’t see what was right in front of me.  I found some black metal mail sorters made by Rubbermaid.  I think these will work well for me.  They are nice on their own, but you know me… I need some sparkle to motivate me.  Here’s what I came up with:

Office Bling

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New uni-ball Pens!

I needed some new pens for the office area of our home.  I’ve been buying uni-ball pens for years.  I’ve tried others, but I always go back to uni-ball.  I needed some new blue ones, and when I was in the stationary department at Walmart, I happened upon these!  I hit the jackpot with this set!  I love my new pens.

(This is not a paid review, I just wanted to share my opinion of a product that I love)

New Uni-ball Pens Continue reading

Bad Hair Day Pencils

I’ve been making these little Bad Hair Day Pencils for years.  They are easy enough for children to make, make cute additions to Valentine’s Day parties or an Easter Basket, and can keep the little ones busy for a long time.  They’ll also bring a smile to your face in your home office.

When I showed this to my 22 year old son, I asked him if he remembers them.  He smiled & said, “Yes, I still have one”.   Needless to say, that made my day!

Bad Hair Day Pencils

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Bling Bookmarks

I’ve been using plain old paper clips to mark my pages in my blog project idea book, and decided that they were way too boring for me.  I like sparkly things to get me motivated, so I did some experimenting.  This is what I came up with!

Bling Bookmarks Before & After

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Desk Drawer Overhaul/Reorganization

Lately, I’ve been reorganizing things in our home.  I’ve been trying to do one section of a room a day/week.  It’s amazing how things can get out of hand if you don’t stay on top of them.  My office desk drawers did just that.  I’m in those drawers constantly.  It not only houses my pens, post-it notes, computer vacuum attachments & stationary, but my camera battery charger & the equipment I need for uploading my pictures.

Desk Drawer Overhaul

I realized that I was stuffing the cords to my camera supplies into the drawer before I closed it.  That’s a good way to ruin them.

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Wooden Desk Organizer

I found this little wooden desk organizer at the local thrift shop about 6 months ago.  I put it on our bookcase, on our desk, in the craft room, & back on the bookcase.  It just didn’t fit our decor.  But what to do with it?  I liked it, but brown wood just doesn’t fit in our home.  It was sitting on my desk, and I was just staring at it.  I knew it would come to me, eventually.  Then it hit me.  It needed painted…. and mirrors.  This is the before & the after.

Desk organizer, before & after

And this is how I did it:

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