To give you the quick version of Lindsay's story ( you can read the full story on her website, the little girl was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma in September of 2006 at just 15 months old. She underwent several rounds of chemo, and surgery to remove a portion of her liver before being declared in remission on February 14, 2007. Every year on Valentine's day Lindsay and her family return to the hospital where she was treated to take Valentine's Cards and other goodies to the children currently undergoing treatment. Today marks 5 years of remission for little Lindsay, and in medical terms she will be "CURED".
So, to make this year extra special for those in the hospital Kristen asked her friends in the crafting community to pitch in with some donation. I volunteered to make hand made Valentine's day card's for Lindsay to give out at the hospital. I made two different cards- one is for the boys the other for girls. I used cuts from 3 Birds-Life's a Party for the astronaut and the bird card was made using 3 Bird's on Parade.
While I had only told Kristen that I would be sending the cards, I wanted to do something special for Lindsay. As most of you know I have a real passion for making custom shirts, and knew just what to do for Lindsay. You can see a photo of Lindsay with the shirt I created at the top of this post! The shirt was made using Glitter HTV.