Showing posts with label ribbon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ribbon. Show all posts

December 29, 2012

Have a Merry Mickey Christmas

I have to say I just love these ornaments. I made a few this fall for my family and a friend asked me to recreate them for her family. I made a couple of changes this time, and I think I love them even more- if that is possible. Anyway, I was asked if I could share the directions, so here they are.
To begin the process I drew a line all the way around a black glitter ornament with a metalic permanent marker. A small tupperware cup that I had was the perfect size for the ornaments I bought.
Next apply Mod Podge to the bottom of the ornament and add red glitter. Expect to make a giant glitter mess in this process, but it is well worth it!
Add ears- I used glitter balls that are for home decor but they worked perfectly. I used hot glue to attach then sprinkled around the balls with black glitter so that no hot glue would be showing.
Add buttons for Mickey and bows for Minnie!

The Minnie ornaments got one final touch- sequins around the middle.
To do the personalization I cut vinyl using my Cameo and a disney font.  As the ornament is covered in glitter, the vinyl wouldn't stick well, so I used mod podge to adhear the vinyl and then to seal them to the ornament!.
So there you have it, a whole family of personalized ornaments!

November 16, 2012

Fishing you a Merry Christmas with Connie Crystal and GlobeCraft


I am so excited for the start of the holiday season.  I really love decorating for the holidays and look forward to the day after Thanksgiving when my husband, Brian, gives in and gets the Christmas tree out for me.  I'm excited to share with you my first hand made ornament of the season.  This dimensional shaker ornament is sure to be a hit with my boys this year when it gets added to the tree. 
To create the ornament I used a variety of products from Connie Crystal and Globecraft Memories.   I began with the Fabulous Fish Necklace set from Globecraft and one of their ornament kits, added some sparkle and bling from Connie Crystal and ended up with a pretty cool ornament. 
I began by using some pigment ink to color the frames and the fishies white before applying the colors. For darker colors (like the navy blue I used) this step wasn't needed, but for the lighter colors this really helped to make those colors more vibrant.
Then I added some color to the fishies using some glimmer mists and other such products that I had in my stash.  Getting messy is always part of the fun and by the look of my craft space, you can see I was surely having a lot of fun with this project.  After the glmmer dried I used Glasstique Gloss Finishing Glaze from Globecraft to finish off the fish.  I did the same thing with the frames beginning with a glimmer product, and finishing with the Glasstique Gloss. 
To create a backing for my ornament (I did not want to make it clear all the way through, but rather wanted a true front).  I traced the frame onto the back of a sheet of cardstock that I had embossed.  Then I trimmed the cardstock to ensure that I had an exact fit for the back of my ornament.  Oh and of course I used some glitter spray to add a bit of sparkle to the embossed cardstock. 

A fish was added to my ornament backing using a popdot.
A layer of Glasstique gloss was added to the frame to secure the bubble for the front of the ornament.

Inside the bubble I added clear and teal microbeads.  Seaglass beads from Connie Crystal, crystals from Connie Crystal, and some glitter.  I then adheared the back of the ornament with some more Glasstique and secure all of the layers with clothes pins until it was fully dry- this took about 24 hours. 

While the ornament was trying I worked on a few other elements of the ornament.  I had hoped to find the perfect color of ribbon for the project in my stash but came up empty handed.  So I used the glimmer products to add tints of teal and orange to some cream ribbon I had.  While the ribbon was still wet I wrapped it around a dowel rod and dried with my heat gun to give the ribbon some curls. 


August 20, 2012

A gift bag and matching card

We recently attend a birthday party for a little girl who is turning 6.  I had a gift for her, but wanted to make it a little more special, so I made a tote bag an matching card to go along with the gift.  I used the bag as a reusable gift bag. 

The card was made using the Cricut Artise Cartridge available from Close to My Heart.  If you would like more information on how to purchase this cartridge please shoot me an email and I would be happy to help you  As I had this amazing lost and found paper, I really didn't need to do much to embellish the card.  I simply added pink glitter to the crown and some ribbon and tulle.  I stamped the phrase on the inside.  This was such a quick and simple card.  I got a lot of ohhs and awws at the party and no one would know that it only took 25 minutes to create!

July 6, 2012

DIY beach souvenirs

My family and I just got home from the most amazing beach vacation.  We were able to spend about 5 weeks in Florida, and made a quick stop to visit family in WV on the way.  We were gone for nearly 6 weeks.  Now that we are home I am sorting through all of the goodies we brought back with us.  My boys and I collected a ton of cool sea shells on the trip and I promised to help them make unique souvenirs when we got home.  So, today we made two "beach in a bottle" projects, one for each of the boys. 

We started with some ribbon, seashells, sand, hot glue, and some clear plastic bottles from the sand art section of hobby lobby.  I opted to buy sand for this as in the past I have found sand off the beach to be very difficult to clean and work with. 

I let the boys choose their own shells to place in the jars and away we went.  First adding Sand then the shells. 

I then used my Gypsy and Gypsy Font to create the wording for the outside of the bottles.  I used brown vinyl for the lettering.

It is quite small, but I think the Expression does a great job cutting tiny vinyl letters!

A jump ring was added to the back side of the seashells for the outside using E6000 glue. 

Ribbon was added to the top of the bottles using hot glue, vinyl lettering applied, and seashells added.  This was a simple yet fun project that my boys were able to help with!  I think this will be a great way for them to remember this trip for years to come! 

February 3, 2012

A fun card with hidden elements

Good morning!  I just want to take a quick moment to thank Bobbi Jo from for inviting me to be a guest designer today on her blog.  This is my very first guest designer experience and I am thrilled to have been invited to participate.  For those of you who don't know me, or are new to my blog, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself.  My name is Missie.  I am a wife and mother of two little boys, a member of the Cricut Circle, a Close to my heart Independent Consultant, a part time college student, the wife of a pilot, a scrapbooker, a card maker and an all around crafter.  I enjoy trying new things and crafting is my sanity at this point in my life.  My blog CREATED BY MISSIE began in the fall of 2010 as a way for me to "journal" my projects; I'm proud of all the things I have been able to create and share in that time.

Enough about me, time to share today's card.  Bobbi Jo is challenging her guest designers to use hidden jounaling or pictures or elements in a layout or card.  So, I created a card that has some fun hidden parts (not so hidden really).  To create the card I used my Gypsy, French Mannor, George and basic shapes, and Life's a party cartridges.  The front of the card is the wordrobe from FM, I used the hide contor feature to hide the door fronts to create a solid pannel, the used George to make a rectangle in the lighter brown color, the back to the G to use the wardrobe again, this time hidding the actual cabinet and cutting only the door fronts.   I cut the rectangle in half to create the two doors then added the door front pieces.

I created the card base in my G using George with a simple rectangle with a square cut out for the "window".  I then lined the base up with the card front and carefully used an exacto knife to cut a matching square in the card front.   I used a piece of plastic from a cartridge blister case and sandwiched it between the card front and the base, and glued it all together to create the "window"

The doors were then attached to the front of the card with ribbon ( I cut slits in the card to attach the ribbon to the inside).  Back to the cricut to cut two small rectangles that would become the drawers inside the cabinet.  I embellished the drawers with pieces of ribbon to look like blankets hanging out of the drawers.  I also added some bling for the drawer pulls. 

Back the cricut to cut the onsie from Life's a Party in pink.  I then made a hanger for the onsie by carefully folding a paperclip to look like a hanger -clever, right?  I typed the message on my computer for the inside, inked the edges with Close to My Heart ink, BLUSH.  I added a ribbon to the front and a small tag to let the recipient know to open the cabinet.  The tag was created using CTMH stamps.  a few little embelishments to pull the whole thing together and there you have the finished card! 

I hope you enjoy!

January 24, 2012

Another Valentine's Day Mailbox

As you may recall I posted a Valentine's Day Mail box last week CLICK HERE TO GO TO THAT POST.  Today I decided that I wanted to create a more traditional mail box.  This  project was really just for fun, as I have no real use for a PINK mail box, but it does match my craft room & will make a nice place to stash things. 

This is a cute and simple project.  The entire thing took less than one hour to cut and assemble.  Happy crafting~!

This was created using the same SVG set from that I used for the Alien box.  As you can see this is a very versitile set & depending on the papers used can take on very different looks.

With the front closed- ties shut with a ribbon

The flag and heart boarder are both part of the kit.  I welded two of the heart boarders together to get one long enough for the side of the mail box.  I used the negative cuts from the boarder to add to the flag.

I attached the flag with a white glitter brad to allow it to go up and down

From the back.

January 12, 2012

A breast Cancer Card

Well, gals, let me start off by saying I'm sorry I haven't check in all week.  Disney was wonderful and we were able to squeeze in a day at the beach while we were in Flordia.  The weather was perfect for us last weekend.  I had high hopes that I would be doing a lot of crafting this week as it is my last week off from school.  Unfortunately, I picked up a case of strep throat while in FL and I have been really sick thsi week.  I am starting to feel a bit better, but I am still running a fever and not up for crafting yet.

So, I have been meaning to share this card with you.  I made it before Christmas for a friend who has had a very long and difficult year.  I have been sending cards to her on a regular basis this year and I wanted to make her end of the year card special.  To create the card I used the Cricut Cartrige Forever young and used my Gypsy to weld two of the bra shapes together.  I also added a rectangle from George and Basic Shapes to fill in the center.  The white layer was cut using glitter cardstock...then a pink layer...then the top layer I cut then covered in tulle.  I added a pretty sheer ribbon to the bra.  For the "necklace" I used a bit of chain that I had in my stash and the pink ribbon is a portion of a pink paperclip that I trimmed and twisted to get the shape I needed. 

I hope you like it!  I hope to be back on my feet soon and hopefully, I will be crafting again this weekend.

December 30, 2011

Ohh la la Alana is six

I made this shirt for a neighbors little girl who recently turned 6!  I really love the way it turned out.  As I have explained the HTV process several times in the past, I'm going to keep this post simple and just show you the finished project.  I used glitter HTV for the design and made the flower out of pink and black tulle. 

This one is a pin, but I also made a matching hair bow.

Hair bow.

October 3, 2011

Better blogger day 3

A shape card for a baby shower

I used The B is for Boy Cricut Lite Cartridge to create this shape card.  I welded two images using my gypsy to create the base, added layers to the front and a ribbon.  I also cut a slightly smaller card base in white for the inside of the card.