Showing posts with label glitter HTV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glitter HTV. Show all posts

September 18, 2016

Minnie Mouse Disney shirt

L2016 Disney girls trip

Minnie shirts

2016 girls trip Disney shirts. 

I <3 Mickey

I made these I <3 Mickey and I <3 Minnie shirts for a girls trip to Disney.  

Disney Cruise Pirate night shirts

September 30, 2014

Pilot's wife

For those of you who don't know, my husband of nearly 12 years is a professional pilot.  To say the least our lives can be quite challenging especially with two little boys.  I am part of a great Facebook support group for pilot wives. A few weeks ago the ladies were posting photos of their pilot wife shirts.  It seemed like I was the only one who didn't have one :(. As a large busted lady - who has a hard time buying tops- the idea of ordering one online was very scary to me.  So instead I designed my own using the SIlhouette cameo and HTV.   Love the finished shirt.  

December 19, 2012

The week of PINK

It seems that I haven't posted many project lately. I have been focused on school and have just completed my first semester of nursing school. I have been doing monthly posts for Connie Crystal this fall but as my time is extremely limited I havent' been posting all of my projects here. So, today I wanted to share a few projects that I have been working on. It seems my color of the week for crafting is PINK. I have made three projects in the last three days that were all pink :) Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App While the projects were all for seperate purposes it seems they were following a theme. The two bags were created for a friend's daughters. She asked me to make them and personalize theme and she will be giving them to her girls for Christmas. I have actually made several of these bags and am thinking I may start selling them on ETSY as everyone seems to love them- I would love to hear what you think of that- Leave me a comment with your opinion :) Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App I made a grand total of 4 of these wreaths! I used them as gifts for some friends and kept one for myself! I think I will be leaving it up in my craft room all year long. Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App Last but certainly not least is the PINK scarf that I made. This was my very first crochet project ever and I think it turning out to be even better than I could have imagined. My good friend Janice from Craft Place was kind enough to give me personal lessons on how to create this beautiful project! THANKS JANICE!!! Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

February 14, 2012

Congratulations to Lindsay

Today marks a very special day for a little girl named Lindsay who is celebrating 5 years of remission from childhood cancer.  While I do not know Lindsay personally, I do know her mother through the scrapbooking community.  I had the privilage to meet Kristen, Lindsay's mom, about a year ago during my trip to Dallas for the Cricut Circle Stampede.  She is truely an amazing mother and crafter. 
To give you the quick version of Lindsay's story ( you can read the full story on her website, the little girl was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma in September of 2006 at just 15 months old.  She underwent several rounds of chemo, and surgery to remove a portion of her liver before being declared in remission on February 14, 2007.  Every year on Valentine's day Lindsay and her family return to the hospital where she was treated to take Valentine's Cards and other goodies to the children currently undergoing treatment.  Today marks 5 years of remission for little Lindsay, and in medical terms she will be "CURED". 

So, to make this year extra special for those in the hospital Kristen asked her friends in the crafting community to pitch in with some donation.  I volunteered to make hand made Valentine's day card's for Lindsay to give out at the hospital.  I made two different cards- one is for the boys the other for girls.  I used cuts from 3 Birds-Life's a Party for the astronaut and the bird card was made using 3 Bird's on Parade.

While I had only told Kristen that I would be sending the cards, I wanted to do something special for Lindsay.  As most of you know I have a real passion for making custom shirts, and knew just what to do for Lindsay.  You can see a photo of Lindsay with the shirt I created at the top of this post! The shirt was made using Glitter HTV.

January 30, 2012

Ohh la la, Addison is 4

I was asked to create this shirt (very similar to one that I previously made) for a friend. 

January 28, 2012

Big Sister/ Little Sister Dresses

My BFF is expecting her second daughter in just a few weeks.  I have been wanting to create something special for the girls, and found these cute Zebra Print dresses at my local Walmart store, and thought that they would be perfect for personalizing.   I used my Cricut Machine and Sure Cuts a Lot software to create the fun Big/Little sister phrases and added them to the store bought dresses.  I can't wait to see the girls in their new outfits (of course after the baby arrives)

January 6, 2012

surprise- we are going to Disney World

Today we are flying to Flordia to take a quick break before school starts up again in a week.  My husband and I have elected to not tell our boys that we are going on the trip or the details of the trip!  We have done this mostly to avoid the hyperactivity that surrounds a trip & the lack of sleep.   I have set post up a few days in advance, but if all is on schedule we should be on a plane to FL right now with the boys. 

And if you are a regular visitor here, you should know that I love making shirts!  So, what's a trip to FL & Disney World without a dorky set of matching shirts for the whole family?!?!?

This years design was created using SCAL, and my cricut.  I found a fun dingbat online that had the Fantasia Mickey hat, then added the date and phrase.   While this was pretty simple to created I love the end result!  I used black glitter HTV for three of the shirts (mine and the boys) and as my hubby was dead set against wearing a glittery shirt, his is made out of regular HTV. 

Last years WDW shirts can be seen HERE

January 5, 2012

Another set of Cupcake Shirts

Just a quick share today.  I created a couple more cupcake shirts for a friend's twin daughters.  She provided shirts she picked up at the Gap for the shirts and I added the cupcakes.  If you are new to my blog, and missed my previous post on these shirts you can find that HERE with more details. 

December 30, 2011

Ohh la la Alana is six

I made this shirt for a neighbors little girl who recently turned 6!  I really love the way it turned out.  As I have explained the HTV process several times in the past, I'm going to keep this post simple and just show you the finished project.  I used glitter HTV for the design and made the flower out of pink and black tulle. 

This one is a pin, but I also made a matching hair bow.

Hair bow.

December 12, 2011

A fun Christmas shirt

Oh, boy, have I been crafty this week!  I think I have completed enough projects this month to keep my blog regularly updated for the rest of the year! 

I love making t-shirt and today I whipped out a quick and easy HTV shirt & for once this shirt is actually for me!  I found a lovely image on Pinterest this week.  I have tried finding the designer to seek permission, but it is difficult to trackdown because of the way pinterest works.  This is the image from Pinterest.
Merry Christmas tree

I was able to save the image to my computer, the import it into SCAL.  I made a few changes to the image to make it a bit easier to cut.  I love the way it turned out...but after I took the picutures I realized I had somehow weeded out the letter I.  Luckily, I was able to find it in my scraps and fix my mistake!

Hope you enjoy

Missing the I....LOL