Showing posts with label calling cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label calling cards. Show all posts

June 13, 2011

Fishing you a Happy Father's Day

This past weekend while surfing my normal blogs I came across the cutest card over at SweetSassyDiva's blog.  The blog has guest designers and on Sunday Jen from My Mental Instability posted some amazing Father's Day projects.  This one in particular caught my eye:

Isn't it just beautiful!  Well, I set off to ask a lot of questions.  Unfortunately, this wasn't created using the cricut so there was no easy way to reproduce the project.  I spent most of Sunday afternoon with my Gypsy trying my darndest to come up with similar cuts, but had no luck.  So I started from scratch in the hope of creating something similar.  While it isn't exactly the same I am quite pleased with how my project turned out.

To create the card base I used a variety of shapes from the Cake Basics Cartridge.  As I do not have George and Basic Shapes this is my go to cart when I need something pretty simple.  I had to hide some contours but I was able to achieve what I was looking to do. 

I also used my Gypsy to create the pockets.  Each pocket has flaps on three sides that I scored to allow the pocket to have items inserted. 

The worm in the upper left pocket is from the Sesame Street Friends Cartridge

The map in the upper right pocket was simply a scrap of blue paper that I accordian folded and used a bit of ink to muck up, I hand wrote the word map.

For the bobbers I used the Christmas Cheer cartridge and cut out some ornaments.  I cut them in both red and white and hand trimmed the red to get a stripe from it.  I added a bit of bakers twine to add some depth. And the buttons were from my stash (I cut them off of old shirts that are too bad to donate before tossing them)

For the hook I used some wire from my stash and attached some fishing line.  I poked holes in the pocket and pushed the wire through then formed it into a hook. 

I repeated the hook on the inside of the card- the phrase was printed from my computer

May 1, 2011

Calling cards and favors

Yesterday I hosted a circle crop for the local gals in my area.  I made these calling cards and favors for the event.  Thanks for taking a peak.

The cards measure 3x3 as per the typical calling card.  Each card was punched at the bottom with a punch, and a three layer flower was added to the card.  The flowers were cut from the mother's day bouquet cart.  To do the favors I used a 1.5 inch pot, placed some easter grass (and lots of hot glue) in the bottom.  The flowers were attached to a lolly pop stick and a small ribbon was added.  It really was a simple project, but it turned out even better than I expected. 

Calling Cards


March 22, 2011

Calling cards

These are the calling cards I made for the Swarm.  I used my Cricut Circle embossing folder (purchased in Utah), the cricut everyday cartridge for the circle logo, create a critter for the cow, and for the back side I scanned my membership certificate and did a little work on it in photoshop.  I hope you enjoy!

February 19, 2011

Calling Cards from Utah- OCTOBER 2010

I have been meaning to post this for a while, but managed to forget until someone started asking for calling card inspiration on the MB today.  Here are a few photos of the calling cards I collected in Utah.  I will be doing a seperate post for the cards from CHA in Chicago.

Calling Cards from summer CHA- CHICAGO 2010

Here is the second half of the calling cards.  These were from CHA in Chicago, summer 2010.

October 3, 2010

Day 3

It is a little after 10 pm and I am finally getting around to posting here.  Today has been a day all about my boys.  We went to Chuck E Cheese, the grocery store, lunch, the park, played with trains, and watched countless ours of kid friendly tv.  I am exhausted!  However, I did find time to finish up my calling card for the Cricut Circle Swarm in Utah this week.  I have been working nonstop since the boys went to bed, and they are nearly done.  I have a bit of bling to add to the last few, but more than 50% are complete.  I also finished the tags for the tag swap which I will post tomorrow.  Have a wonderful evening and check back soon!