Showing posts with label #atdmlcluedocypbercrop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #atdmlcluedocypbercrop. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 July 2023

Cluedo Cybercrop Class 9 Colonel Mustard behind the Beauty Backdrop with the Needle


Wadsworth, am I right in thinking there’s nobody else in this house?

Oh you're here too … hello there - ahem - good to see you although if one has a suspicious disposition one might wonder what you're doing wandering around at this time of the night? It seems you have found me behind the beauty backdrop adding a few finishing touches to my creations with one of my favourite tools - the needle!  The journaling phrases on the Heidi Swapp stickers were perfect to record daily Face time catch-ups with my daughter who lives away from home and the gorgeous floral papers from Webster's pages were perfect for adding a girly touch to the page.

Instructions to create this layout and others can be found here.

We'd love to examine the evidence of your efforts and so please share what you have done on the #ATDML Create Facebook page.  If you are sharing images inspired by any of the ATDML Cluedo cyber crop classes on social media,  please use the #atdmlcluedocypbercrop link.

Class 8 - Dr Black in the Apiary with the Killer Bees

Good evening sleuths, I hope you are enjoying the cybercrop so far. My second class uses the beautiful Tell The Bees collection which I enjoyed working with as it is a bit different to a lot of the collections currently available.

You can find the instructions for both my layouts HERE

Layout 1 features hexagons (well it is a Bee collection) and the template is also available in the folder with the instructions. If you print the template at A4 size you can cut out the hexagon to use as a template. However the exact size isn't crucial for this page so if you have a hexagon template or something hexagonal to draw around you could easily do that or even substitute the hexagons for squares or rectangles.

Come back at 10pm for the last class of the evening with Colonel Mustard and in the meantime don't forget to share your layouts in the challenge and class albums over on the Facebook Group ATDML # Create and across all social media with the hashtag #ATDMLCluedoCybercrop

Friday, 28 July 2023

Cluedo Cybercrop Class 3 Colonel Mustard in the Printing Room with the Scissors


Well hello all,   I wonder how many challenges you have conquered this evening? Whatever the figure I do hope you have been having a marvelous time so far and paper cuts, scissors snips or split glue incidents have been few and far between. As I said to Mrs Peacock, this is war .. ahem ... scrapping. Casualties are inevitable. You can not make an omelet without breaking eggs, every cook will tell you that.

As for this class, we will be sharpening up our scissors or craft knives and using these fabulous Vicki Boutin Printshop papers to showcase our photographs and preserve our memories.

Class instructions to make three layouts from this kit can be found here.

We'd love to examine the evidence of your efforts and so please share what you have done on the #ATDML Create Facebook page.  If you are sharing images inspired by any of the ATDML Cluedo cyber crop classes on social media,  please use the #atdmlcluedocypbercrop link.

Thank you.