Monday, September 12, 2011

Back into the Swing

Today was our first day of homeschooling and I think it went pretty well. I was a little nervous to begin with when Caleb got up and saw all the books and said, "It looks boring!" "Oh no", I thought,"here we go". But it went smooth for the most part and although I think it will takes lots of creativity and patience, I think it is going to be great!

I forgot to take a picture today of their first day of school, but will try and get one taken tomorrow. Here is a cute one anyway of Mike and the boys the day before we left the US taking their last advantages on the trampoline.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

So Blessed!

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been since December that I last wrote anything on here. It is sure amazing how time flies. Sure makes me want to seize the day and make the most of each moment we have been given.

Well, we are back in Jordan after having spent a wonderful summer in the US visiting friends and family. Seriously as I reflect on this past summer I am grateful, blessed, thankful, overwhelmed and in awe of an amazing God that we serve. Thanks so much to everyone that blessed us, housed us, fed us, and that we got to connect with. We are SO grateful!

Here are just a few very random pics to share, and there will be more to come! I just looked at my watch and it is 11:45pm and I need to get some sleep! Blessings!