Monday, January 7, 2013

"Pack My Bags"

My parents have always said that "pack my bags" was my middle name.  Ever since I was young, if there was ever a trip to go on, I was there.  Now that I am in my 30's that idea of packing my bags takes on a whole new meaning.   The whole ball game changes when you have 4 little rugrats to consider.  Packing scooters or legos or Ben 10 alien figures never used to be thought of when we first started this journey.  But now, here we are....about 9 1/2 years later of living outside of the US and 4 kids in tow, we are going to make the journey back.  

Occasionally I am reminded of the scripture from the Bible in Matt. 6:19-21
19 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I have to remind myself of this verse when I get sad to leave behind "stuff"  and start over again.  Ya know, I go to other peoples homes sometimes and admire their decoration or the little things they have collected over the years, and am tempted to think to myself, "man, it's just not fair", but it is usually in those times when this verse comes to mind and the Lord reminds me that this earth is not my home.  It says it really well in The Message, in 2 Peter 2:10-12 "....Friends, this world is not your home, so don't make yourselves cozy in it...."  Not that I think it is wrong to have a cozy home.  It is just a way that I think the Lord encourages me not to dwell on those things.

So, the challenge right now is to pack it all up and get rid of most of our earthly possessions in the next 30 days.  We are hoping that there will be a family moving here that will want to buy it all as a package and that will be that, but we shall see.  So, please pray with us that someone comes wanting to buy it all and that there is someone that will buy our car and we will be done and on to the next chapter of this journey!

Friday, January 4, 2013


I have always been one to like change, and I guess that is good because I have seen a lot of it.  In the last 9 1/2 years of our marriage Mike and I have lived in 3 different countries, and it seems that every time I just start to feel settled in a house, it is time to get rid of everything and start over.

And we are at that crossroads again.  Our time in the Middle East is up and we are about to put everything in our apartment up for sale, fit everything that we own into 6 suitcases and make our way back to the US.  I have so many emotions going on inside of me.  I am excited to be returning to my homeland, but very sad to be leaving good friends behind here.  Our time here in the Middle East has really been a good one of connecting and making deep friendships.  Friends that have seen our youngest two come into this world.  Friends that have stood with us through hard times, loved on our kids, laughed together, shared many meals together....It has been a time of refreshing in a dry desert land!  So for that we are thankful!

And, I know that the God we serve is faithful in providing and we can look to our future with smiles and expectant hearts.  So, as we get ready to leave the falafel, the Arab hospitality, the love of friends behind, I know we can look forward to what God has in store.  Sometimes it feels almost too good to be true to be able to live in my own country.  But for this next month I need to try and soak up all the last bit of culture that I can.

Oh yeah, so we were going to be leaving at the end of April, but for many reasons we have decided to purchase tickets for the beginning of February, which is when our visas are up.  Yikes! So, the countdown is on!  (33 sleeps, as we say it in our house :-) I am going to try and get on here and document the whole process.  We'll see how I do!

Here is a recent picture of our last Christmas in Jordan!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Amazing how time flies!  I have definitely fallen behind on this blogging thing.  But, I am inspired now that my mom is here to keep it going and to post some interesting things.  So, I will try and get back on the "blog wagon" and keep you updated on what is going on in the Crane household!
Just a recent pic of the boys...

They definitely keep life busy around here and yes, there are days that I want to pull my hair out and go crazy!  They are bundles full of energy, that is for sure!

But, I am thankful!

Thankful for the blessings God has given me and for the four healthy boys that I do have!

First there is Caleb.....he is the strong willed, first born that wants to run the show.  He loves to bug his brothers and get under their skin, which drives his us all crazy.  He is the intelligent negotiator that keeps me on my toes.  I know someday he is going to make an amazing leader!

Then there is Judah....he is the sweet peace maker.  When one of his brothers is in trouble, he wants to help them out or set them free from any punishment that may come.  He and Isaac, (the smallest brother) have this sweet bond that is so cute.  He will let Isaac sit in his lap and watch cartoons, or sit on  his lap while he plays a video game. He is our sweety-pie!

Next is Mason....this boy LOVES his cars.  Ever since I can remember, he has had a fascination with wheels and anything to do with cars.  He can be completely content to sit in a room by himself and play with his cars.  He is such a sweet boy.  Lately he has been asking me lots of questions about God.  "Did God make this or that..." Somewhere along the way he has in his head that God made beans and God made us.  So cute!

And lastly we have Isaac....Isaac's nickname is "mess-maker".  Had he been my first born I would have never allowed such a negative nickname like "mess-maker".  I can remember when Caleb was a baby and we lived in India and people would say that he was naughty or ask if he was naughty I would get my feathers all ruffled and think to myself, "no way, not our precious little Caleb"  Well, a lot changes after number four comes along.  And....Mr. Isaac is definitely naughty.  There is no other way to say it! He gets into everything, but is always super cute about it.  He has this way of making the cutest faces to distract you from whatever naughty thing he has just done.  He is super cute!!  Of course, I am biased!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Back into the Swing

Today was our first day of homeschooling and I think it went pretty well. I was a little nervous to begin with when Caleb got up and saw all the books and said, "It looks boring!" "Oh no", I thought,"here we go". But it went smooth for the most part and although I think it will takes lots of creativity and patience, I think it is going to be great!

I forgot to take a picture today of their first day of school, but will try and get one taken tomorrow. Here is a cute one anyway of Mike and the boys the day before we left the US taking their last advantages on the trampoline.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

So Blessed!

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been since December that I last wrote anything on here. It is sure amazing how time flies. Sure makes me want to seize the day and make the most of each moment we have been given.

Well, we are back in Jordan after having spent a wonderful summer in the US visiting friends and family. Seriously as I reflect on this past summer I am grateful, blessed, thankful, overwhelmed and in awe of an amazing God that we serve. Thanks so much to everyone that blessed us, housed us, fed us, and that we got to connect with. We are SO grateful!

Here are just a few very random pics to share, and there will be more to come! I just looked at my watch and it is 11:45pm and I need to get some sleep! Blessings!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December

Wow, I did it! I missed I few days here and there, but for the most part, got the month of November covered. Amazing how it flew by too!
Well, December 1st is here and the festivities start. I hope all of you have a wonderful month filled with friends and laughter and that you take some time to stop and remember the reason and meaning of it all. Which makes me remember the title of my blog....Save Your Fork....remember that something better is coming. After the meal you save your fork so that you can have dessert. There is an eternity after this, and just as November flew by in a flash our lives are going to fly by and we are going to leave this earth to meet our maker. So, Save Your Fork....
Our finite minds cannot begin to imagine what eternity will be like. Just imagine the beautiful scenery on this earth, the amazing sunsets, the most imaginative animals, the white pristine beaches with amazingly clear blue water, the grand canyon at many amazing things here on earth, it is hard to imagine that anything could be better. But that is nothing for a God who spoke it all into existence! Wow! I can't wait for dessert! :-)

Tuesday, November 30

Oh, it will be a nice day when I don't have to change or buy diapers anymore. I would be curious to know how much I have spent and will spend on diapers, although I am sure if I found out, I would be sick. So I will just remain ignorant and blissful and be thankful for these land-fillers that make my life easier. (sorry to those of you who are environmentally conscious) Our friends in India couldn't afford to use diapers, so it made me aware of how I take SO many little things for granted.
Dirty Eggs....

This is such a gross thing that is a reality in most of the world except the U.S. Some people wash their eggs before they use them, but in our house, where time is precious....we just leave 'em with skids. :-) Another thing to be thankful for when in the U.S., clean eggs and quality standards.