Showing posts with label felt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label felt. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2009


What do I do when I'm supposed to be studying for a final? Updating this blog, of course! *Grinn* I hope this doesn't come and bite me in the butt when results roll in.. urgh (I'm almost done, I'M ALMOST DONE!)

So I thought I should post a medley of thing I have made throughout the school year.. I have been getting my hands "dirty" in felt; I just found out last year how much easier it is to sew using felt! And from there I've only gotten more creative in making little knick-knacks :)

Oh, go on, show off that work *Grinn*

Last summer I was busy doing research at school, taking summer classes as well as working part-time, but that didn't stop me from indulging myself in cute fun projects, as well as teach my roommates how to sew! The funny story was that they had seen me hand-sew all of my purses for about a week before telling me that one of them actually OWNED a sewing machine! Ahh!

Felt Project #1: Tick-Tac-Toast!
-I saw a toaster template online that was the cutest thing, so I decided to make myself a slice of toast ala felt style :) It is currently on display on my dashboard, right next to my Strawberry Chocolate Cake! Felt Project #2: Strawberry Chocolate Mini-Cake
-It turned out better than I expected it to! Felt Project #3: A Slice of Tiramisu Cake Topped with Strawberries
:) yummm! The very thought of Tiramisu makes me mouth water :DCrafty Project: Tell-Me-My-Fortune-Clutch
-I cleared up my closet over Christmas Break and found a stash of Fortune Cookie Fortunes that I had saved over the years, and so I decided to make a fun purse/clutch out of them! I'm waiting for a special occasion to use it!

Project #4: Dark Chocolate Truffles...
Oooh! I wanted to make something special for my friends for Singleton's Day, but due to upcoming tests and sorts, I fell short and decided that instead I would present these to my mother instead :) I have an obsession with Chocolate, but then again, Who Doesn't? Alright, I'm back to studying.