MY OOOO my 10 more days and the man in the red suit will be coming..20 days and my lil man will be turning the big 5years old.. The kids are soooo Excited for Christmas. I am to I have got all my shopping done and not having any more worries lol.. That is till after Christmas and then I will have to get on the roll for Ethan's Birthday!!!SO i have been busy being bored lol. Well not really ON thursday we ended up going to an xmas party and left the kids behind at the inlaws it was alot of fun to get away for a evening just me and sheldon. Don't get to do that much so it was nice. I have been busy crafting and trying out different things I have photos of some and some I still need to snap... But I will share what I have. I have much to share I have made atleast one thing everyother day.

In my last post I said Something about something sheldon was making and well HE has finished to of his Deer They to me are awsome i love them he don't think m uch of them calls them ugly. LOL YOu be the judge I think THEy would look wonderfull in are yard this summer in the flower bed and garden. A couple sundays ago are family went out to look for logs to make them and I think It was a great idea of ocurse there where a few complications like alot of snow lost dog and crying kids but we got all the parts and sheldon got them 2gether. We where planning on makingone each for family memebers as gifts butwe ended up buying stuff instead and well sheldon has only finished the two and with it getting so crazy around here not sure if he will get a chance to finish the last two. THe pic of them IS in the basement in sheldons storage/tool room so the photo isn't the greatest.
So I made this Lil Boxy Bag From a tutorial I found on net From Three Bears.. ITS really cute I did change the pattern around and made the bag bigger with a linning in it. I made it for my self lol It took me three trys to get it the way I wanted but the idea is from the tut. I love it and came in handy when we went over night to town I made it big enough to fit my make up, Brush, Comb Purfume bottle and underarm and I seriously could have fit more. I would make some more n but I am now out of zippers lol.. I hate doing zippers but actually got these ones in nice. there is one lil mistake but I won't say what I did sence you can't really see it in the photo.. I really like it And would suggest for any one looking for a lil zipper pouch to try oout that tut. ITs sooo simple a beginner sewer could make it..
SO two things down lol THERE IS MORE!!!!!!!
SO on another note with christmas On its way, Come xmas cards and every year I buy and forget to give or forget to buy so this year I Never bought but wanted to give and when I looked to buy I couldn't find any I liked lol SAD I Know I think I was looking in the wrong places. SOoooo I decided to make my own out of my own Drawings, and scrapbook paper. Im not sure if I have ever mentioned it but I draw alot It is My talent I guess you could say I love to draw.. I seriously was drawing when I was only 1 lol .. So here is some snaps of cards I made this year all art work is copy written to me I have hand drawn all the photos on the cards and came up with them lol 
So each one of these cards will be topping are gifts and given away.. I think they turned out pretty good.
SoI got to Run I have to clean and take photos of the other stuff I have done for the holiday s and so so so simple Xmas ornament so till next time
Happy Crafting