Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2009

Next 3 Comments ~FREEEEE GIFT~~~

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Friday, March 13, 2009 2 comments
I got this from Nikka who got it from someone else and it sounds like fun, if you're game, here's how it goes:
The first three people to comment will get something fibery from me!
The catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 3 people who do the same on your blog. The first 3 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did, win a fibery gift - yarn or roving. You might want to include info on whether you are a knitter/crocheter or spinner.

Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it! Who’s in?
(Remember, if you don't get in on this blog, visit one of the winner's blogs-this gives you a chance to find new blogs and maybe pay if forward.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Farmers Market Plans & cute contest to enter

wrote by ~CraftyMummy2two~ at Monday, February 26, 2007 2 comments
Went to town today and did some lovely grocery shopping. My cupboards where completely empty, so I just had to go. I never did much really not a lot. Something funny though and I was really happy about it.. A couple girls noticed my cell phone cozy and asked me where I got it. I told them I made it they where completely thrilled and Asked me If I sold them I said, not at the moment but I'm thinking about getting a table this year at the Farmers Market. They where ex static and told me they surely would be buying one.. The one girl actually took it and went and showed some of her friends lol. I was so happy that they liked them that much I really thought they where kinda stupid but hey I guess they liked them.. SO I have till May to start making a bunch of stuff to sell at the Farmers Market.. hehehe I should get lots done by then. I'm wanting to do a lot of hair-bows for lil girls and a bunch of Teddies I have so many idea on what I want to put in I'll just have to write a list later.

I also Found this cute contest on a blog today and thought I just had to share it with you all. Its to win a sweet Easter Bracelet from Our 2 Peas in a Pod There stuff is adorable and I'm actually thinking of get a boy bracelet for Ethan they are so cute and I think he would really like one. To enter the contest go to 5 minutes for Mom.

Hope you all enter and Good luck

Also If you are a Mommy I run a message Board with My Good friend Deb called Mommies United and this coming March I will be holding a couple contest and giving away some of my creations for prizes. So if you are a mommy and interested in making new friends and winning some stuff come over a jump right in...
I'm going to go and get the rest of my stuff cleaned up and put away
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