Showing posts with label cricut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cricut. Show all posts

Sunday, March 15, 2009

tried cutting vinyl

Since I am relatively new to the whole cricut thing there are so many things I want to try.

I am a huge fan of searching youtube for "how to" videos!

I had been intrigued by the vinyl idea.  My sister had just painted her room this fantastic royal blue color and we were hoping to do some wall art but could not find any white vinyl.  I ended up getting some black and decorated my baby bug, I must say it turned out quite cute.  Will post pictures later!

I also purchased the Home Decor cart from Michael's when they had them on sale this past week.  I am looking forward to playing around with this.  I have also found that the Cricut consumables are much cheaper at Walmart which is good to keep in the back of my head.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Learning the cricut

Well, I have had several blogs in the past.  I did a blog for my university several years ago but I just never got into it.

I am hoping to share my craft explorations.  I mostly scrapbook and have recently purchased a cricut personal that I have been exploring.  I must admit I'm already addicted!  I need to figure out how to post and share pictures of my creations.