I wanted to make an "old fashioned" card for my brother's birthday.
like a 1930s card, rather plain, simple and aged. ( just like me - tee hee )
I found some old children's paper with a great animal print but couldn't enlarge the image because it was saved (yonks ago) at a low resolution.
So I copied the animals I needed and made them into a topper.
I then printed out the whole sheet and dabbed a soggy teabag over it all and left it to dry.(making sure NOT to leave any white paper showing through the design)
When dry I cut and glued the backing sheet to a 4"X 8" card then edged with a brown ink pad.
Using wavy decorative edged scissors I cut a thin strip of muted red cardstock top and bottom and backed it with brown card also cut with the scissors so that a thin border of brown showed top and bottom, This was then glued along the center of the card.
Two more thin strips of cut muted red cardstock were added near to the top and bottom of the card with the wavy edge facing inwards.
The easiest way to get them the same is to cut the wavy edge first then trim the straight edges to equal sizes
I left a thin border on the toppers and mounted them on Bronze cardstock, drew round the animals black outline with a CLEAR Sakura pen then positioned the toppers using thick foam pads.
Download the PDF file Animal Cracker
Vince x