Showing posts with label CONKERS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CONKERS. Show all posts

Monday, 31 August 2009



If a player misses hitting his/her opponents conker they are allowed 2 more goes.
If the strings get all tangled, the first player to call "strings" gets another go.
If a player hits his/her opponents conker in such a way that it completes a whole circle after being hit (this is called ‘around the world’ that player gets another go.
If a player drops his conker, or it is knocked out of his hand the other player can shout 'stamps' and jump on it; but should its owner first cry 'no stamps' then the conker, hopefully, remains intact.
The game goes on in turns until one or other of the two conkers is completely destroyed.

Another game sadly now banned in most schools in the UK.

8"X 3 1/2" card covered in my "Conkers" Paper (Included in download below)
I then covered the bottom half in green Gingham vellum rounded off the corners and inked around the whole card first with Chestnut Brown and then Black ink pads.

I then applied a piece of ribbon (a Chestnut Brown colour - but Black or Dark Green looked good too) to cover the vellum edge.

After cutting out the picture I run a Black felt tip pen around it's edge to hide any White still showing.
I mounted the picture using foam pads, printed off "Remember when" on my computer, mounted it on black card and used foam pads to attached this too.



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