Showing posts with label one little word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label one little word. Show all posts

Friday, December 31, 2010

One Little Word 2011

I first discovered this by way of Ali Edwards in 2008 and was inspired by what she had to say. In 2009 I choose GROW and was happy with how I used it through out the year, but felt that I left it behind more times then I cared to admit. I wanted to participate in this in 2010, but I just could bring myself to find a word. Call it fear, low self-esteem, or almost any other negative word. I found through out the year that I was missing this. This year I knew I needed to do it again. I even signed up for Ali Edwards's Big Picture Scrapbooking class to help me keep my word in the forfront of my mind and really apply it to my life. My word came to me a little over a month ago. Then I wrote a post about how off balance I was feeling about my life (lots of it mentally) and after I posted it the word just kinda came to me. Since then I would hear more and even started to think about what it meant to me. At my church we were challenged to choose a scripture verse to apply to our life for one year. Now I was not only thinking about my 2011 word but what would my verse be (and I don't really know lots). After Christmas, I started to think about what God would have to say about having balance in my life and started researching it because I just knew my word was to be BALANCE and I felt that He wanted my verse to be part of my word. I came across this wonderful site that just happened to have a bible study about "finding balalnce in life" and it has a focus verse that I haven't been able to get out of my mind: You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, beacause they trust in you. - Isaiah 26:3. For me, to achieve peace is to achieve BALANCE. I know God needs to be a bigger part of my life and by working on that He will help me work on becoming BALANCED. I'm not really sure what my verse or my word has in store for me this year, but I am excited (and even a little nervous/scared) to find out.

One Little Word 2011 - BALANCE

One Little Scripture 2011 - You will keep in perfect peace those whose mins are steadfast, beacuse they trust in You. - Isaiah 26:3

This little mini-digi scrapbook page will be going on my mirror in my bathroom to help remind me each day. I am also making a picture frame to go in my classroom since I'm there 8.5 hours a day (if not longer).
