Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Time for a New Year

I can't believe another year has gone by. As we say good-bye to the old and hello to the new it got me to thinking. I really enjoyed the 52 week journal I did last year that I have been toying with the idea to do it again since this year we will be welcoming a new little joy into our lives the end of March. My scrappin' friends at SCS like the idea of the 52 week journal too, so we have decided to have our own SCS 52 week challenge (go to to posts 1 and 4 for directions) each week. I have been asked to host the first week of each month for this (I am so honored and humbled by this too). My challenge will involve quotes and current pictures (many may have to be taken after the quote(s) have been posted). I encourage everyone to join us.

Besides this challenge, I have joined two others that will take me on a scrappin' journey of discovery. One will help me learn more about digi scrappin' and the other will let me play with scrappin' toys that have intimidated me or help me move past my creativity road block of just copying someone's ideas :) I may even try my hands at journaling again...

I have other plans for this new year too. I really want to focus on becoming a more Godly wife and mother as well as create a quite time for just me and the Lord.

My last goal is to get better at posting here. I would like to post daily, but I understand that may not always happen. If I could at least get two posts a week in I will be happy. In my posts I would like to show something crafty that I have been working on too (or least pictures of my wonderful family).

I will leave ya'll with my first page of my new SCS 52 week challenge.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


To all of our family and friends, a very merry Christmas. We had a wonderful day. DS enjoyed his presents and can't decide which is his favorite. It was the first Christmas that he really got into and it was so much fun.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Family Gratitude Spinner

I found this really neat class that was for a Family Gratitude Spinner and thought it was a really neat idea. It is something that we can add it every year and something that can be displayed year-round. Think of it as a scrapbook on display. Here are some pictures of it.

This weekend we're taking DS to see Playhouse Disney (a toddler/young kids concert kinda thing) and getting the supplies we need to make cookies for Santa. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Baby it's cold outside

Here is a layout I did for 52 week journal. I can't believe the year is almost over. Lots have happened to us over the year. I started a new job, we got a new house, and we are expecting our second child. I was thinking of many of these things while watching the snow outside our window. I was inspired to create this layout because our theme this past week has been Christmas carols. I love the Dean Martin version of this song and with our 'freak' snow it was perfect. I have many things on my plate this coming year and many things I would like to bring back into my life. I am going to really work following through with them.

Here's the page. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Here are some more pictures of the snow we got last night. DS was so happy to see it that he wore a grin that went from ear to ear. I do believe he even went to bed with that grin on his face. It did look really neat too.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Snowing!!!

It hardly ever snows here, but it is tonight! First DS and I just looked from the front window, but then we decided that we really would rather be OUT in the snow. We put on the jackets and braved the weather. DS thought it was the greatest thing ever. At first he inched towards the driveway, but then when I gave the ok he took off and jumped to the uncovered part of our driveway. He kept laughing and squealing. I got lots of pictures to scrap of tonights special event. It was so much fun watching him enjoying the weather.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I have friends coming over this weekend, but I can't seem to find the energy to clean the house. Maybe it'll help if I make a list of what needs to be done. I also can't find the energy to do anything crafty ever though I have LOTS to make before the 19th of this month. Hopefully everyone else is doing well and finiding some energy :)

A cute thing that happened the other day: DS wanted to give his little brother a hug and kiss so he walked up to my belly and gave it several kisses and then a big hug. Wish I got a picture of it, but at least it's something I can forever picture in my mind.