Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Time for a New Year

I can't believe another year has gone by. As we say good-bye to the old and hello to the new it got me to thinking. I really enjoyed the 52 week journal I did last year that I have been toying with the idea to do it again since this year we will be welcoming a new little joy into our lives the end of March. My scrappin' friends at SCS like the idea of the 52 week journal too, so we have decided to have our own SCS 52 week challenge (go to to posts 1 and 4 for directions) each week. I have been asked to host the first week of each month for this (I am so honored and humbled by this too). My challenge will involve quotes and current pictures (many may have to be taken after the quote(s) have been posted). I encourage everyone to join us.

Besides this challenge, I have joined two others that will take me on a scrappin' journey of discovery. One will help me learn more about digi scrappin' and the other will let me play with scrappin' toys that have intimidated me or help me move past my creativity road block of just copying someone's ideas :) I may even try my hands at journaling again...

I have other plans for this new year too. I really want to focus on becoming a more Godly wife and mother as well as create a quite time for just me and the Lord.

My last goal is to get better at posting here. I would like to post daily, but I understand that may not always happen. If I could at least get two posts a week in I will be happy. In my posts I would like to show something crafty that I have been working on too (or least pictures of my wonderful family).

I will leave ya'll with my first page of my new SCS 52 week challenge.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


To all of our family and friends, a very merry Christmas. We had a wonderful day. DS enjoyed his presents and can't decide which is his favorite. It was the first Christmas that he really got into and it was so much fun.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Family Gratitude Spinner

I found this really neat class that was for a Family Gratitude Spinner and thought it was a really neat idea. It is something that we can add it every year and something that can be displayed year-round. Think of it as a scrapbook on display. Here are some pictures of it.

This weekend we're taking DS to see Playhouse Disney (a toddler/young kids concert kinda thing) and getting the supplies we need to make cookies for Santa. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Baby it's cold outside

Here is a layout I did for 52 week journal. I can't believe the year is almost over. Lots have happened to us over the year. I started a new job, we got a new house, and we are expecting our second child. I was thinking of many of these things while watching the snow outside our window. I was inspired to create this layout because our theme this past week has been Christmas carols. I love the Dean Martin version of this song and with our 'freak' snow it was perfect. I have many things on my plate this coming year and many things I would like to bring back into my life. I am going to really work following through with them.

Here's the page. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Here are some more pictures of the snow we got last night. DS was so happy to see it that he wore a grin that went from ear to ear. I do believe he even went to bed with that grin on his face. It did look really neat too.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Snowing!!!

It hardly ever snows here, but it is tonight! First DS and I just looked from the front window, but then we decided that we really would rather be OUT in the snow. We put on the jackets and braved the weather. DS thought it was the greatest thing ever. At first he inched towards the driveway, but then when I gave the ok he took off and jumped to the uncovered part of our driveway. He kept laughing and squealing. I got lots of pictures to scrap of tonights special event. It was so much fun watching him enjoying the weather.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I have friends coming over this weekend, but I can't seem to find the energy to clean the house. Maybe it'll help if I make a list of what needs to be done. I also can't find the energy to do anything crafty ever though I have LOTS to make before the 19th of this month. Hopefully everyone else is doing well and finiding some energy :)

A cute thing that happened the other day: DS wanted to give his little brother a hug and kiss so he walked up to my belly and gave it several kisses and then a big hug. Wish I got a picture of it, but at least it's something I can forever picture in my mind.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's a BOY

Yesterday we went to the doctor and discovered what baby #2 is. He wasn't shy about us knowing either. Not only did we get to see rather quickly, but we also caught him wiping his nose with his arm.

We also discovered that he is going to be big like his older brother. His measurements put him about a week ahead and he already weighs 1 lb. 2 oz. We don't know what the name will be yet, but we are trying to decide. DS wasn't really thrilled with the idea at first as he told me, "No, I want a sis-tah." We're working on that one too.

I have also been working on several scrapbook pages and ideas for Christmas gifts. The gifts I won't share yet, but I will share one of the latest pages that I completed. It is a layout for the 52 week journal I am working on this year. We were to be inspired by James Bond movies.

Diamonds are forever

Monday, November 24, 2008

Penny for my thoughts

I've been on a roll lately with scrappin'. In fact, I've almost caught up with my 52 week journal. This has been a really great experince for me. At times really hard, but always insightful. Here is the latest page I've done for it.

These pictures were taken on the day were we had to go 'bye-bye' according to DS.
Today was my first day of Thanksgiving vacation and it felt great. I met some friends for lunch and we talked and had lots of fun. I miss working with them and can't wait till we get to met up again on our Christmas vacation. I am really lucky and thankful to have such good friends.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving vacation has started and I am so ready to relax. Monday I'm meeting some girlfriends that I haven't seen in awhile, so I'm really excited about that. Then there's Tuesday where DH and I get to find out the sex of the baby :)

This morning DS was too funny. Most of the morning he would tell us he didn't want to go anywhere. Then about an hour before lunch he decided that he wanted to go bye-bye. Didn't tell us where to, just that he wanted to go. My parents came by just as he was really starting to let us know how bad he wanted to leave, so we took him to this bike/walking trail and walked it. It was really nice and DS was super excited about it. By the time we got back home he was ready for a nap. Little things like this just make me smile and feel right with the world.

Here's another digi-page I've been able to complete too:

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm feeling crafty

Last night I was able to get a scrapbook page done for my 52 week journal. I haven't scrapped in over 3 months and miss it. Between being sick, no energy, and no mojo I just wasn't up for creating. Now I'm feeling the mojo and am very excited. I even get to go to a stamp class tomorrow night :) DH has been WONDERFUL with my energy level and emotion leverl all wonky these last few months too.

"The best things in life are FREE" - Luther Vandross

Sunday, November 9, 2008

You may have noticed a new button that was just added to my page. I was reading the blog, Bring the Rain, and really loved what she had to say about the 7x7 prayer. It really touched me as I hope it will touch you. Just click on the button and it'll take you to the site for an explanation.

I am slowly starting to find my crafting mojo again. Have some ideas brewing, and after some cleaning, I am hoping to starting creating. I'm so far behind on some things, that I had to get to a point where I was willing to just start from where I left off and not worry about when I'll be able to catch up. It really is a good feeling.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

DS had fun at the fall festival. He 'won' a small bottle of bubbles and that just made his night. In fact, he had to sleep with it that night and the next. He also really loved hanging out with my parents.

We should find out at the end of the month if we'll be having a boy or a girl. Several people have already told me their thoughts, so we'll see if they get confirmed on the 25th.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just a quick note

Not really much to report except that I seem to be getting yet another cold. I've been trying to fight it, so we'll see how well that goes. Work has me in a funk, and all I can think of at the moment is wishing I was either in school going for my masters or a stay-at-home mom right now. Because my mood has been down I seem to be snapping at the family. I know this will pass, but I'm just frustrated.

On a happy note, I'm taking DS to the church fall festival this Friday. They really go all out from what I hear and can't wait to take him. I'm hoping to get LOTS of fun pictures. We'll be ending the night by visiting some family friends who really want to spoil him on Halloween.

Oh, and I go to the doctor tomorrow for a check-up, and that means I'm going to ask when we can learn what the sex of the baby is.

Thanks for letting me vent, and until next time...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

How did he do that?

Today started with DH in the computer room hearing DS calling from him from the middle of the stairs. He had let himself out of his room even though there was a door lock thingy on it. We are not sure how it happened. DH thinks he didn't shut the door all the way the other night. DS was VERY proud of himself though.

Yesterday we went to DH's dad's family reuion. It was fun and DS got to see his two cousins who where born the same day he was. It was interesting to see how much talled he is compared to them even though they are all the same age.

Hope everyone has a good week :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

I know it has been a while. DS developed croup right after Ike hit us and just as he was starting to get better I came down with a really bad sinus infection and my school was starting back up. We have also had a death in our family just this past week (DH's grandmother on his mother's side), so life has been really busy.

I went last week to my latest pg appointment and things seem to be going well. We can't wait until we find out what we are having - boy or girl. It looks like it'll be sometime in November before we find out though. However, if you ask DS he wants a sister and according to my BIL we will be having a little girl.

I am looking forward to the end of this six weeks at school so that we can get back to normal. My students are looking forward to that too.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Aftermath of Ike

I am so not a camping or hurrican person. Those are two things I learned from Hurrican Ike. We decided to weather out the storm in our home and it was a scary thing to hear in the early hours of the morning. We lost power around 2:00 am (I know b/c I was up then) and didn't get it back until 10:00 that night. We were some of the lucky few it get it back in under 24 hours. DS camped out in our room in a tent Friday night so that we could all be close and he did much better then me. Not too many people from our neighborhood left so we had some good company Saturday afternoon. DH was called to Austin on Sunday and now I am praying to have him home in less than a week. I have yet to get some good sleep between Ike and DS coughing at night. My preggo hormones are in full gear too so I am getting overwhelmed quick.

As for our home, it is standing minus two trees in the backyard.

Thank you for those who have been praying for us and continue those prayers as those who live closer to the coast got it really bad and will have a long road before them.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I went to the doctor and it looks like the due date is April 3rd. It may be earlier as I will be having a c-section with this one. After discussing our options it was decided that since my body couldn't handle DS when he was born we don't want to chance it with this one. It was fun seeing the little one (even though the little bean is measuring about 3 days bigger) on the screen and hearing it's heart beat for the first time.

DS is cracking us up lately. Everytime we go outside we first have to check to see if our neighbor is in his garage. He wasn't tonight, but another neighbor was and DS was not happy about that. When Mr. M did come back out Mr. R told him about DS so he came over to find him. That just about made DS's day. He even ended up with a popsicle out of it. We are very blessed to have such sweet neighbors.

DH was told today to be prepared for work as it looks like Hurricane Ike could be heading our way. Please pray that we will be spared.

More later,

Monday, September 1, 2008

My how time flies. I am sorry if I have worried anyone. Things have just been really busy with the start of a new school year. This pregnancy is also different from my first. I wasn't every really sick with DS, but I am just about everyday with this one. Between that and work, I come home tired and not feeling well, so I have done much of anything. DH has been wonderful with all of this and so is DS. I will be glad when I can take care of things around the house again. I will try to be better at posting, but right now I can't promise.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Long Week

I can't believe that it has been over a week since my last post. It has been crazy here. For those who don't already know, DH and I found out last week that we'll be having another little one in April. This came as a surprise, but we are excited that God has blessed us. I've been feeling sicky (aka - morning sickness) with this one and am hoping it will pass quickly. My WONDERFUL DH has been taking care of things around the house while I try to settle the tummy and find some energy. I go to the doctor's in two weeks for my first appointment to make sure everything looks good.

I have now started my new teaching position too. I've been working in my classroom and have already done a few disctrict and school required things. Tomorrow is another training, and next week all teachers report back. Kids will start on the 25th. I'm excited and nervous (I also get this way at the start of a new year).

This past week I did manage to get in a two-page layout for my scrapbook. I hope you enjoy. The layout came from a challenge on Totally Random and the digi elements came from Divine Digital.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Little Photographer

We have braved the storm. It wasn't near as bad as it could have been. Praise God for that too. However, this post will be short because I am still tired.

I found this picture while I was looking for another one and thought it would be fun to scrap it. Hope ya'll enjoy it. The digi products are from Sunshine Studio's Jigsaw Puzzle kit and the layout is a Pencil Lines sketch.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The 52 week Self Journal

I have had many ask about the digi journal I am working on, so I thought I would share a little more about it here. I got the idea from someone on Splitcoast Stampers around the end of 2007. It was presented as a 365 day challenge with those joining in doing a layout once a week from one of the previous seven day quotes. Anna will post a layout idea, but there have been several times when I choose another quote from that week to scrap. It has been a great challenge with some weeks being eaiser than other. The challenges can be very thought provoking and relfective. I am learning lots and having to be honest with myself (something that is not always easy to do). I do encourage anyone willing to start their own self-reflective journal, scrappy or not, because it is a great way to learn about how you see yourself in the world around you.

On another note, we invited family and friends over to see the new house today. It was fun seeing everyone. DS was shy at first, but he did start coming around. It was great to see him playing with the other kids. We are blessed to have such a wonderful family around us. Thank you for those who were able to come :)

I wanted to leave everyone with a page a completed late last night. I am working on a two page layout about us living with my very kind and supportive parents for the past 12 months. This is page one

Friday, August 1, 2008

Deep Thinking

I bought a new digi kit on-line the other day at Sunshine Studio and have been 'deep thinking' ever since. The site has been hosting challenges all week and to play along you had to download the five days of freebies (a mini-kit based on their big Jigsaw Puzzle kit) to play in some. I, of course, went ahead and bought the big kit too because I saw lots of things I could do with it, and it was to be used in one of their challenges. There were two pictures I've been wanting to scrap since they were taken, and both had that 'deep thinking' look to them. The journaling reflects that.

This first one is for week 30 of my 52 week journal. We were to take a self portrait and then scrap the answers to your basic questions. I decided to journal the questions instead. These are just some of the questions that run through my head. One think about this journal is that it is having me really taking a look at just who I am.

I recently was able to get a picture of my 2 1/2 year old DS (dear son) thinking. It just made me wonder. Journaling: You were having so much fun playing when all of the sudden you just sat down on a pillow and had this look of deep thought on your face. I wanted to know what was going on inside your mind. Too soon we want to grow up. I pray that you will get to think like a child and enjoy those moments for a long timeto come.

Pencil Lines Sketch 94

I can't wait to see what other layouts I can come out with using this kit. That is one great thing about digital (digi) scrapbooking: you never run out of supplies :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Playing Around on the Blog

Today's post will be short. I've been playing around here trying to figure different things out. One thing that I finally discoverd was how to add my "signature" at the end of each post. Drew had to help me some because it involved HTML codes, but we got. I'm excited that I got to learn something new.

Another think that I've been working on is getting my digi stuff sorted out. I've been uploading brushes, actions, and fonts so that I can use them on different pages. I'm still working on those, and it looks like it may just take me some time too.

Until next time...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Just Another Monday

This is just going to be a short post. I've done so much scrapping in the last few days that now I have a huge mess to clean up. The price of destressing :) Austin and I did do some cleaning downstairs though. He's a BIG cleaner. He will get upset if you don't let him 'help' you clean, and he'll get upset if he still wants to clean and you have the nerve to think you're done. For a little guy under 3 he does a pretty good job too. I'll try to get some pictures the next time we clean. Actually he really just likes helping you with whatever it is you are doing. Drew did get some pictures of him helping me put my craft room together.

A sermon I listened to yesterday really spoke to me. It was about letting the rain come own down. Rain helps revive things; bring them back to life. It was also related to what you send you get back. For example, if I sing my praises to our Lord, then after my praise cloud it full I will get praises back. I was kind of down this weekend, but after listening to that message I feel better. I am a very blessed woman...thank you God.
Until next time...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

An Unexpected buy

We had an unexpected buy today. Drew's car has seen it's last day and we thought it would just be easier if we bought a new one. This has been a long time coming (like two years), but we always would come up with an excuse to put it off. We just couldn't do it any more, and so here we are with a Saturn Outlook. It fits Drew very well (and still allows others to ride in the car with him). It's just the money thing that bugs us. Just when you think you start getting things undercontrol something big happens. Oh well. We will do what we always do and that is to continue to pray that the Lord watches over us and gets us through each day.

I have been able to catch up on my 52-week journal though. I am doing the entire journal with what is know as digi-scrap - scrapbooking with the computer. I am currently using Photoshop Elements 5 for this. I find it just as enjoyable as using my paper. I like that I can control my mess to just my computer too. One thing I am wanting to try playing some more with is hybrid scrapping. This is where you scrap somethings from the computer (like the paper and pictures on your page), print the half-done page, then use any scrapbooking elements you have. The first one is from week 21, and the quote is "Open your heart - open it wide; someone is standing outside." - Mary Engelbreit; artist, entrepreneur. The statement is so true in that if you will allow someone inside your life (either for a lifetime or a short while) they could change you in ways you never imagined. I know that Drew has done that for me and then when we had Austin my life has changed again. Life is meant to be shared

This second one is from week 23. I really had thought I would use only one and turn it into a black and white picture at that. However, after looking at the three pictures I decided that I wanted to use the all. This is the result.

This last one is the most current as we are in week 29. The quote was "A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams." - annon. My home is with my husband and son. The love we have for eachother amazes me. The Lord has blessed me with them and I am very thankful. We also have several dreams for our lives. Some are pratical and others are just plain fun.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wedding Quilt

Today we finally put up our wedding quilt. My mom came over to help as it takes three people. It took us the longest time just finding wall space for it before today. After several attempts, the quilt is now up. For those that don't know the story behind this quilt let me explain. The quilt is my wedding gown. When we got married almost seven years ago, I didn't want to have my gown put into a box and never see the light of day again, so I found a wonderful lady who turns wedding gowns into quilts. She kept the design simply like my gown was and even let me pick the patten that went into the center. Drew and I choose the celtic heart. We love this quilt and are really happy to have it out and up where others can see it when they visit. The top part of my gown was then transformed into a top that I wear to the theater. Until next time...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Craft Room

My craft is more or less completed and I couldn't be happier about it! In fact, now that it's completed I have been able to get back to creating. I really like how I was able to get most of my supplies around my desk. My paper, envelopes, alterable things, and stamps are behind me either on a bookcase or in the closet. Having my tools and embellishments near me should help me to remember what I have and to use them.

Creating is my stress reless and I haven't been able to reless anything in two months. The first thing I did was create three scrapbook pages for my 52-week journal I am doing this year. I really needed to catch up with this project. This is a project where I am to focus on me and what I think and how I feel about things in life. It has been a fun challenge for me and I will post some here. For example, in the above sb (scrapbook) page I was given the quote "If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the compainship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in." -Rachel Carson, marine biologist. I chose this quick digi page from Shabby Princess's Mod Boy collection and threw in these pictures of my son and myself palying in some empty boxes. How can you not feel like a kid in an empty box? My son is lucky enough to have several family members who love to act like a kid at times.
Until next time...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Welcome to my first blog

I have joined the world of blogging. I will be using this for family and friends to keep them in the loop of what's going on with my family. This blog will also be used as a way for me to show off some of my crafty creations. I have a wonderful husband and two-year old son who support my little craft addiction. Since I am new to this, I will be tweaking the blog looking for the "just right" look.

For my first post I wanted to show off what will be our guest room that doubles as my craft room too. We just moved into this house and I was lucky enough to have a room that would let me do this. I am proud to say that my husband built the window desk.
Not the best picture I know, but you get the idea. He is also building me a small shelf. Everything else in this room I put together myself. I will post pictures of the room once I get most of it done. Once the room is up and running I can't wait to start crafting again. Until next time...