Okay folks... here is a major announcement in relation to your beloved Sakura pens.
Now you will probably know that Sakura originally aired on Ideal World but around 18 months ago they made the switch to QVC... well.... a business decision has been made to take the products back to Ideal World so if you are looking for your beloved pens, complete with hints & tips on how to use them... that's where you will find them.
Saturday 11am on Create & Craft there will be a live show with Craig Dougan who will be in the studio showcasing some of your most beloved pens and trust me he knows his products inside out. Some of my samples will be used throughout the show too so I'll definately be tuning in... it's a strange feeling when you see your cards on screen as you're more used to seeing them on your blog... lol.
Next Wednesday there will be another show presented by Leonie but I have yet to have the time confirmed so will come back to you on that one.
Another major event that occurred at the NEC was in relation to the wonderful new products being brought to you from Sakura this year... I'm a bit restricted in how much information I can tell you at this time, but stock will not be available in the UK until June and it's so amazing that Ideal World have taken a 6 month exclusive. Yes that's correct I did say 6 months.... now if that doesn't tell you how wonderful the products are then I don't know what will. As time progresses & we get closer to launch on the TV I will keep you up to date.
Well, time to say goodbye again... will be back tomorrow with some more information but for now I must go as I have samples to work on whilst entertaining my step daughter at the same time.
Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx