Showing posts with label Mama elephant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mama elephant. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Wishing you rainbows and eternal happiness

Hey hey! Can you believe I am already back with another card? Shocking, I know. :P But I wanted to show you another birthday card. I made this card for 6-year-old girl. So, what do most lil girls like? I think most of them like unicorns, rainbows, pink... With that in mind I created the following card. I hope the lil one will like it.

I used the pretty patterned paper that I had in my stash for a long time. And I used these lovely stamps from Mama elephant and cloud die cuts to create a scene. I did the colouring with polychromos and I also used stickles on parts of the images, I finished the card up with some crystals. I mean, who doesn't like some bling, right?! ;)

Have a wonderful day! xx

I'd like to enter my card to the following challenges:
Lift challenge: Challenge #165
Allsorts: Use hand stamped or digital image
Krafty chicks: All occasions

Monday, October 11, 2021

Let's have some fun

Hello! How are you doing? I hope everything is fine where you live and that you managed to enjoy this past weekend to the fullest. We sure did. We had such a lovely weather so we couldn't just stay inside - we went for a walk, to the park... And me and the lil one even did some baking. Perfect weekend - lots of fun, relaxing and quality family time. What did you do?

I also managed to squeeze in some crafting time and I created this card...

This card is different from the cards I usually make. In fact, I don't think I've ever made a card like this (the shape) before. But it was really fun to make so I might give it a go another time.

As you can see, I kept the whole design very simple. I like the effect vellum gave and I didn't want to cover it all with embellishments. I created (or at least tried to) a snowy landscape and reindeers having fun around the Christmas tree. It was my lil one who chose the images (and has already claimed the card). ;) I embossed part of the "snow" and raised the reindeer on foam pads for some extra dimension. I did the colouring with polychromos.

Have a wonderful day! xx

I'd like to enter my card to the following challenges:
Lift challenge: Swing card with vellum circle
Craftzhazelnut's Christmas challenge: Anything Christmas goes
Christmas kickstart challenge: Make one for a loved one (made for my lil one)
Christmas with the cuties: Rudolph and friends (feature a reindeer)
Ally's angels: Anything goes

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Happy 2021

Hello everybody! Happy New Year! I hope the first week of 2021 has been a good one for you. How did you spend the longest day in the year? For us it was a bit different than the previous years, because we didn't get to visit all the relatives, but it was still nice. The lil one didn't stay up til midnight, but me and my hubby did. Til about 11.30pm we watched The queen's gambit and then we turned on the regular TV. Have you watched The queen's gambit yet? I've had so many people telling me how good it was and that I really should give it a go, so I decided to watch it. And it's really not bad. What are your thoughts on it if you watched it?

I know you are most likely sick and tired of seeing all the Christmas cards already, but there is still one I'd like to show you today.

It's another card I made with the pretty papers from DCWV. And again I used the adorable Mama elephant reindeer images. I did the colouring with polychromos. I printed the sentiment from Word. It's in Slovenian and it means "happy holidays".

Have a lovely day! xx

I'd like to enter my card to the following challenges:
Allsorts: Anything goes
Craftyhazelnut's Christmas challenge: Anything goes (optionas: upcycle or use something new) - the silver cardstock I used behind the sentiment is from an old chocolate box
Cardz TV: Anything goes
Word art Wednesday: Anything goes (with sentiment)
Crafty calendar: Make it cute

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Jingle all the way

 Hello everybody! How many of you are counting the days till THE day? Are you done with all the Christmas baking yet? I've already made several different cookies, but I think I will make another batch in a day or two. I've started thinking about what I'll make for Christmas meal as well, but haven't completely made up my mind yet. Any suggestions? What will you be making?

Here's another Christmas card that I sent out this year. I actually thought it would reach its destination by now, but it hasn't. Hopefully it will get there before Christmas.

I was lucky enough to win these adorable reindeer stamps (with matching dies) some time ago and I just knew I will have to use them on some of my cards this year. They are so cute and they make me smile. :) I coloured the images with polychromos and then cut them out with matching dies and glued them on the card.

It's hard to see in the pictures, but the big snowflake behind the images/sentiment is soooooooo sparkly. It's covered with glitters and it looks really nice in my opinion (you can see the glitters better in the second photo). However, I couldn't resist and had to add even some more bling - I used a crystal string from my stash.

That's it from me for today. Have a wonderful day! :)

I'd like to enter my card to the following challenges:
Cute card Thursday: Anything goes
Scrapping 4 fun: Christmas/winter
Vesela hiška: Praznični čas
Allsorts: Sparkle and shine
Word art Wednesday: Anything goes with sentiment
Everybody art challenge: Animals at Christmas
2 crafty critter crazies: Anything goes with a critter

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Wishing you rainbows and eternal happiness

Hello everybody! Ha, three posts in a row. I bet you didn't see this coming. lol I'm actually late with this card - it should have been posted on my blog on September 1. But I mixed the themes so I had to make something new. *ooops* So, without even further delay, here's my card for this month's challenge at The Sketchy Challenges

The theme this month is "Across the miles/Travel". You are probably scratching your head thinking what does this card have to do with the theme. Well, see that adorable mousey with the balloon? In my head that balloon is the mouse's transportation and it carries it far away to the person who is getting this card in the mail to wish them a very happy birthday. ;) I mean, surely you can travel somewhere far with a balloon, right? Especially if you are a mouse. :P

I kept this card pretty simple. I layered different coloure cardstock and then on top I used some design paper from my stash. In the center I made a shaker and filled it with pretty yellow and blue heart shaped sequins. I fuzzy cut the mice and glued them on top of the shaker. Then I just added some pearls in the other two corners.

Mice are clear stamps from CC designs. I coloured these cuties with pencils. Unfortunately you can't see this in the picture, but I covered the balloon with Wink of Stella, so it's really sparkly in person.

So much from me today. I hope you will come play with us at The Sketchy Challenges. You can win a wonderful prize from our generous sponsor if you do. Just saying... ;)

Have a colourful day! xx

I'd like to enter my card to the following challenges:
Simon says stamp (Wednesday challenge): Stamp it for STAMPtember
Ally's angels: Happy birthday
Polkadoodles: Anything goes
Cute card thursday: Anything goes

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Darilna embalaža/Gift card holder (tutorial)

Lep pozdrav vsem skupaj! Upam, da preživljate lep vikend. Spodnja objava je nastala v sodelovanju s podjetjem Rayher.

Ste že kdaj podarili komu za rojstni dan darilno kartico? No, jaz sem. Pa ne samo enkrat. Zato sem se odločila, da vam tokrat pokažem, kako lahko iz papirnate vrečke naredite lično embalažo za darilne kartice in skrito drobno presenečenje. :)

Hello everybody! Today I made a tutorial on how to make a gift card holder that also holds a small hidden surprise. It's made of a small "sandwich paper bag". i hope the pictures explain it well, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)

Pa začnimo ...

Potrebovali boste naslednje stvari:
- natron vrečko
- dekorativni papir (jaz sem uporabila tega in tega)
- štampiljko (jaz sem uporabila Mama Elephant - Over the rainbow)
- medije za barvanje motiva (jaz sem motiv odtisnila na Langton akvarelni papir in ga pobarvala z distress blazinicami)
- trak (jaz sem uporabila bel organza trak širine 1 cm)
- robni luknjač (jaz sem uporabila tega)
- Spellbinders šablone
- luknjač z motivom metuljčka
- rožice
- perle
- kristalčke
- gesso (bel)

Darilo vrečko najprej prepognite na mestu, ki je prikazano na spodnji sliki.

Nato vse skupaj še enkrat prepognite na polovico.

Če vrečko razgrnete, dobite to ...

Z lepilom ali obojestranskim lepilnim trakom prilepite spodnji del vrečke na osnovo.

Nato od spodnjega dela vrečke do sredinskega pregiba z lepilom ali obojestranskim lepilnim trakom zlepite stranska dela vrečke (zgoraj in spodaj).

Po želji vse obrobe in pregibe pobarvajte z akrilno barvo, ki se bo ujemala z barvo vašega dekorativnega papirja.

Na mesti, kjer piše "tape", prilepite obojestranski lepilni trak.

Pripravite "strani" za vašo embalažo. Potrebovali boste štiri kartončke v velikosti 9.5x7.5 cm in en kartonček v velikosti 7.5x4.5 cm (v primeru, da boste uporabili vrečko drugih dimenzij, prilagodite velikost "strani").

Ko boste lepili levo sredinsko stran (stran, na kateri bo žepek za darilno kartico), najprej prilepite dekorativni kartonček na stran, šele nato čez "žepek".

Na prvo in na zadnjo stran nalepite trak, da boste embalažo lahko zavezali - to storite preden boste prilepili dekorativna kartončka.

Embalažo okrasite po svojih željah. :)

Jaz sem za naslovnico izbrala štampiljko Mama Elephant in romantičen papir proizvajalca Craft and you. Dodala sem še nekaj izrezov, ki so narejeni s Spellbinders šablonama ter nekaj rožic proizvajalca I am roses. Za zavezovanje sem uporabila bel organza trak. Motiv je pobarvan z distress blazinicami.

Takole je videti sredinski del moje embalaže.

Na levi strani je prostor ("žepek") za darilno kartico, ki sem ga okrasila s perlami in borduro, ki sem jo naredila z luknjačem.

Na desno stran pa sem odtisnila napis, ki je iz istega seta kot motiv, ki sem ga uporabila na sprednji strani.

V embalaži se skriva tudi drobno (ustvarjalno) presenečenje. ;)

Tako, to je to za danes. Upam, da vam je vodič všeč. Želim vam čim lepši dan! :)

I'd like to enter my gift card holder to the following challenges:
Simon says: Work it wednesday - inking technique (I love colouring with my distress inks)
Allsorts: Spring flowers or showers
As you like it: Favourite colouring medium (distress inks for me because they give the images such soft and romantic look)
The ribbon girls: Anything goes
Hanna and friends: Bingo (pearls, dies, flowers)
Word art Wednesday: Anything goes