About Me

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What can I say ... I LOVE CRAFTING. Over the years I have done a wide selection of crafts, including Cross Stich, Tapestry, Long Stitch, Card Making, Beadcraft, Patchwork, Quilting, Pottery Painting, Slipcasting, Calligraphy ... plus others that I can't think of right now. I have however, only recently started to sell the items that I make - watch this space!
Showing posts with label log cabin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label log cabin. Show all posts

Monday, 28 March 2011

Stripping Scraps!

I made a log cabin quilt top a couple of years ago as shown in the photograph above, (it still  needs to be quilted!).  I pulled out the scrap bag of stripped fabric from that project today.  There were lots of little pieces in various lengths in there.

At some point in the past, I had started sewing some of these scraps together.  I'm not quite sure what I had in mind at the time, but I decided that I would continue sewing them together.  When I  finished, I had an extremely long strip of scraps.  I had a quick measure up and counted a total of just over a whopping 13 yards of fabric scraps just 1 1/2 inches wide.  They took some time to press the seams I can tell ya.  

Then came the maths.  Now my maths ability isn't too bad, until I get past counting with my socks off then I'm lost LOL.  My working out was as follows :-

I had approx 13 yards @ 36 inches per yard = 468 inches

If I then cut these into 20 inch strips, I would have 23 full strips and a little bit left over.

But to avoid the wastage, I decided to put 2 ends together and sew down the entire length, then cut in half and start again with those 2 ends.  I had a lovely finished piece when I'd done ...

Close up ..

Now the next decision is, what do I make with it?  I did think about a quick and easy tote bag, I would need to border it though as it isn't quite big enough to do both sides.  Any other suggestions gratefully received :-)