Showing posts with label quickutz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quickutz. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

The Incredible Shrinking Card...

Has anyone else ever done this? You start out with what seems like a good idea for a card and something doesn't look right so you change it and the card gets smaller as you chop bits off and mess around.
Well that's what happened to me this morning - I started out with good intentions for the challenge at but things just didn't gel. However, I did manage to end up with a small (4" x 4") acetate card and a gift tag so all was not lost.
I must be getting better at card making as in the past the whole lot would have ended up in the bin.
Something tells me (cards to neighbours not posted - presents not wrapped - food not bought) it may be time to take a break from blogging and get ready for Christmas!!
So if anyone is still finding time to check out my blog I wish you and your family a very, very...
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year
Hope you will come back and visit me again after the festivities.
Ann xxx

Thank you so much to great friends who have become followers of my blog. Love having you around.